Caspian Biodiversity Information System

ACG Pipeline survey, November 2000

Start date 23/11/2000
End date 26/11/2000
AbstractAn environmental survey of the existing 24” sub sea oil pipeline route from the Chirag 1 platform to Sangachal was completed in late November 2000. The survey was carried out to provide an indication of the environmental conditions present along the pipeline route. The sub sea oil pipeline was laid in 1996 and is used to export crude oil from the Chirag 1 platform to the oil reception terminal at Sangachal.
OrganizationCaspian Environmental Laboratory


Interactive map
Documents 11 document(s) available for this dataset
BiologyPhytoplankton taxonomy-related abundancecells(col)/L 5 samples 81 values
BiologyZoobenthos taxonomy-related abundanceN/m2 15 samples 219 values
ChemistryBa concetration in sedimentug.g-1 15 samples 15 values
ChemistryCr concetration in sedimentug.g-1 15 samples 15 values
ChemistryCu concetration in sedimentug.g-1 15 samples 15 values
ChemistryDissolved oxygenmg/l-1 5 samples 15 values
ChemistryFe concetration in sedimentug.g-1 15 samples 15 values
ChemistryHg concetration in sedimentug.g-1 15 samples 15 values
ChemistryZn concetration in sedimentug.g-1 15 samples 15 values
PhysicsConductivitymS/cm-2 5 samples 15 values
PhysicspH  5 samples 15 values
PhysicsSalinity% 5 samples 15 values
PhysicsTemperatureC 5 samples 15 values
PhysicsTurbidityNTU 5 samples 15 values