Caspian Biodiversity Information System

Data export formats

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  • Taxonomy related data can be downloaded in following format:

    File format: txt, tab delimeted
    File name: taxondata.txt
    DatasetName Dataset name
    StationName Station name
    Date Sample date (dd/mm/yyyy)
    Time Sample time hh:mm:ss
    Latitude Sample latitude
    Longitude Sample longitude
    SampleName Sample name
    Type Sample type (bed/layer/sediment...)
    MethodName Sampling method name. Full information of sampling method can be found in dataset description
    LayerTop Layer top depth (m)
    LayerBottom Layer bottom depth (m)
    TaxonID Identification number of taxon (ID key from database)
    TaxonName Scientific name of taxon
    TaxonAuthor Author of taxon
    ParamName Full name of parameter
    Units Units
    Value Value
    Flag P - for taxon presence data
  • Non taxonomy related data can be downloaded in following format:
    File format: txt, tab delimeted
    File name: data.txt
    DatasetName Dataset name
    StationName Station name
    Date Sample date (dd/mm/yyyy)
    Time Sample time hh:mm:ss
    Latitude Sample latitude
    Longitude Sample longitude
    SampleName Sample name
    Type Sample type (bed/layer/sediment...)
    MethodName Sampling method name. Full information of sampling method can be found in dataset description
    Depth Sample depth (m)
    ParamName Full name of parameter
    Units Units
    Value Value