General Information

Goals and Objectives of the Emergency Response CRTC

The Emergency Response CRTC is based in the Ports and Shipping Organization, within the Ministry of Roads and Transportation of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The theme will co-ordinate identification and development of mechanism for the original and international response to accidents involving the extraction, maritime transport and storage of oil and hazardous chemicals. The theme will work closely with International Maritime Organization (IMO) and will develop and maintain a common register of all accidents of this kind in the Caspian, will organize and implement training activities in close cooperation with IMO, other international organizations, and private sectors(NGOs). The theme may consider other types of emergency response, beyond the oil and hazardous chemical spills, at the later stage. The ER Theme will provide necessary input to the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis, National Caspian Action Plans (NAPs), and the Strategic Action Programme (SAP).

As a first step, the ER Theme is coordinating the preparation of National Reports on the status of Emergency Response in all Caspian Sea States. A regional Report is to be produce by the theme based on following information:

1-Regions that could be most heavily affected by a spill.

2-Type of sensitivity involved for each region, including name of major nature preserve or sensitive area. Description and location of major beaches, parks, archeological sites and other recreational areas.

3-Types of economic installations that could be affected by oil spills, such as power plants, desalination facilities or other industrial facilities utilizing seawater.

4-Location of oil reserves, structures and oil and gas activities.

5-Prevailing water depth, current, winds and other factors, which could be used to predict the areas affected by oil, spill.


Major Tasks:

  1. Develop a Work Plan and implement activities in respective thematic area

  2. Responsible for regional coordination within area of competency

  3. Organize and conduct working groups and training within area of competency

  4. Develop relevant regional recommendations, guidance and strategy within area of competency

  5. Assist in development of the TDA and PIP

  6. Assist in development and implementation of the National Action Plans (NAP) and Strategic Action Plan (SAP)

  7. Contribute scientific and technical advice to the formulation of proposals for national and regional actions and donor funding

  8. Network with national and international institutions and specialists in respective focal area

  9. Prepare and implement regional pilot projects

  10. Liaison closely with National Intersectoral Coordinating Functions and PCU

  11. Contribute scientific and technical expertise to CEP information system development and public awareness activities

  12. Cooperate with other Caspian Regional Thematic Centers

  13. Develop and maintain a Database Management System within area of competence



Director: Capt. Norouz Tavana
751,Enghelab Ave., 15994 Tehran, I.R. Iran
Mobile: +98 911 2467847
Tel: +98 21-8809280 (2124)
Fax: +98 21 8809555

Assistant: Houman Shirzadi
751,Enghelab  Ave., 15994 Tehran, I.R.Iran
Tel: +98 21 8809280/9 (2124)
Fax: +98 21 8809555

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CRTC for Emergency Response
751,Enghelab Ave., 15994 Tehran, I.R. Iran
Tel: +98 21 8809280 (2124)
Fax: +98 21 8809555
© 2001-2003, CEP