Scientific Abstracts Database:
ASFA (Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts)
Record 41 of 64
TI: Title
High-resolution observations of plankton spatial distributions correlated with hydrography
in the Great South Channel, Georges Bank
AU: Author
Gallager, SM; Davis, CS; Epstein, AW; Solow, A; Beardsley, RC
AF: Author Affiliation
Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst., Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA
SO: Source
Deep-Sea Research (Part II, Topical Studies in Oceanography) [Deep-Sea Res. (2 Top. Stud.
Oceanogr.)], vol. 43, no. 7-8, pp. 1627-1663, 1996
NT: Notes
Special issue: Physical-Biological Interactions on Georges Bank and Its Environs. Includes
CD-ROM appendix.
AB: Abstract
During a cruise to Georges Bank in May 1992, the Video Plankton Recorder (VPR) was used to
non-invasively obtain images of the plankton and environmental (CTD) data. Data from an 8
h transect across the Great South Channel (GSC) were analyzed on a continuum of spatial
scales from coarse-scale (100 km) to micro-scale (mm). Abundance was determined for 12
taxonomic groups including: invertebrate larvae (ophiopluteus larvae, anthozoa larvae:
Cerianthus sp.), hydroids, copepods (Calanus sp., Pseudocalanus sp.), pteropods (Limacina
retroversa, Clione sp.), ctenophores (Mnemiopsis sp., Pleurobrachia sp.), larvacea
(Oikopleura sp.), chaetognatha (Sagitta sp.), and diatom colonies (Chaetoceros socialis).
Species-specific plots of the positions of individual plankton in the water column and
plots of the temperature and salinity at which the plankton were observed
(temperature-salinity-plankton plots) showed that major taxonomic groups were patchy at
coarse scales because of their association with specific water masses of different origin
and associated temperature/density discontinuities (pycnocline and fronts). Analysis of
the T-S characteristics of water types indicated that diatom colonies and ophiopluteus
larvae of echinoderms were transported to GSC in a band of cold water originating on the
south flank of Georges Bank. Within this band, diatom colonies formed an intense patch at
a front reaching a density of 5/ml super(1). Within each water mass, fine-scale (10s of
meters) plankton patchiness was associated with regions of vertical stability as indicated
by the association of plankton with regions of high gradient Richardson number.
Aggregation of plankton at the microscale (< 1 m) occurred significantly only for
plankton capable of active swimming, suggesting a dynamic interaction between biological
and physical variables at this spatial scale. On occasion, veliger larvae of Limacina
retroversa were found in spawning patches at concentrations exceeding 600/ml within a few
centimeters of the air-sea interface. The ability to observe and quantify local
concentrations of plankton together with micro-scale physics, but over broad spatial
scales, will help provide information on the coupling between spatial scales necessary to
understand how individuals interact to form populations and communities in the world
Record 42 of 64
TI: Title
Fish predation on neritric ctenophores from the Argentine continental shelf: A neglected
food resource?
AU: Author
Mianzan,HW; Mari,N; Prenski,B; Sanchez,F
AF: Author Affiliation
CONICET, Inst. Nac. de Investigacion y Desarrollo, Pesquero (INIDEP), PO Box 175, 7600 Mar
del Plata, Argentina
SO: Source
Fisheries Research (Amsterdam) [Fish. Res.], vol. 27, no. 1-3, pp. 69-79, 1996
AB: Abstract
Information concerning fish species that prey on ctenophores and other gelatinous
plankters is presented for the first time from Argentine coastal waters (34-47-'S).
Stomachs from 25,029 individuals of 69 fish species were analysed. At least 5% of the
filled guts from 20 different fish species (29%), some of commercial value, contained
ctenophores and gelatinous items. During most of the year, the percentage of fish species
feeding on ctenophores is fairly constant (15-23%) and their frequency in gut contents is
low (7-17%). During spring, these values, increase to 35% and 28%, respectively, which may
be correlated with an increase in the abundance of ctenophores (Mnemiopsis maccradyi, M.
leidyi, Pleurobrachia pileus and Beroe ovata during this season. Stromateus brasiliensis
(Stromateidae) and Seriolella porosa (Centrolophidae) feed almost exclusively on
ctenophores during most of the year. Helicolenus dactylopterus lahillei (Scorpaenidae)
feed on this prey item mainly when it is abundant. This implies that gelatinous plankton,
and particularly ctenophores, are abundant enough to support the biomass of the
above-mentioned fish species. Further studies should be carried out in different areas of
the Argentine continental shelf to quantify the contribution of gelatinous plankton in the
diets of different fish species.
Record 43 of 64
TI: Title
Mnemiopsis mccradyi, a new inhabitant of the Black Sea
AU: Author
Kovalev, AV; Zaika, VYe; Ostrovskaya, NA; Sergeyeva, NG; Mel'nikov, VV; Tamoykin, IYu;
Ivanova, II; Svetlichnyy, LS
AF: Author Affiliation
Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Sevastopol, Russia
SO: Source
Hydrobiological Journal [Hydrobiol. J.]; Gidrobiol. Zh., vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 25-29; vol.
30, no. 3, pp. 104-107, 1996
AB: Abstract
Data on the morphology, reproduction and diet of Mnemiopsis mccradyi, a new inhabitant of
the Black Sea, are presented. The distribution of the species and its temporal variation
are described based on data collected between 1988 and 1990. The abundant development of
this predator has greatly decreased the abundance of the zooplankton on which it feeds.
Record 44 of 64
TI: Title
Organic matter composition of the medusa, Aurelia aurita and two species of ctenophores
from the Black Sea
AU: Author
Anninskiy, BE
AF: Author Affiliation
Dep. Anim. Physiol., Inst. Biol. Southern Seas, Ukrainian Acad. Sci., Sevastopol, 335000
Crimea, Ukraine
SO: Source
RUSS. J. MAR. BIOL./BIOL. MORYA; BIOL. MORYA, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 221-224; vol. 20, no. 4,
pp. 291-295, 1995
AB: Abstract
The general chemical composition of three species of Black Sea gelatinous zooplankton: the
medusa Aurelia aurita and the ctenophores Pleurobranchia rhodopis and Mnemiopsis mccradyi
was studied. The total organic content to wet weight ratio decreased in agreement with the
succession: P. rhodopis-A. aurita-M. mccradyi (2270 plus or minus 295, 1442 plus or minus
126, and 1153 plus or minus 151 mu g/g respectively). The chemical composition of the
studied medusa and ctenophores was similar and was characterized by a predominance of
proteins (67.8-81.1% of the organic matter) and lipids (8.7-18.4%), however the content of
glycogen in carbohydrates (24.4-67.0) and that of waxes in lipids (4.5-25.7%) differed in
accordance with different tendencies of the species for predation.
Record 45 of 64
TI: Title
Distribution of the ichthyo-jellyplankton Mnemiopsis leidyi (Agassiz, 1865) in the Marmara
Sea (October 1992)
AU: Author
Shiganova, T; Tarkan, AN; Dede, A; Cebeci, M
AF: Author Affiliation
Inst. Oceanol., Acad. Sci., Moscow, Russia
SO: Source
Turkish journal of marine sciences. Istanbul [TURK. J. MAR. SCI.], vol. 1, no. 1, pp.
3-12, 1995
AB: Abstract
In this study, the distribution and the abundance of the abundance of Ctenophora
Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Sea of Marmara are investigated. Samples were taken vertically
and from surface from 16 stations with special plankton nets. They were determined
taxonomically and separated into three different size groups. According to vertical
sampling the abundance of M. leidyi was found to be approximately 4.3 kg/m super(2) near
the Bosphorus and 9.7 kg/m super(2) near the Dardanelles. According to the surface
samples, the abundance was 0.5-0.7 kg/catch in near Bosphorus and 11-13 kg/catch in
Dardanelles. It was determined that the population of M. leidyi was distributed between 10
and 30 m. water depth and there were no fish eggs or larvae in the area.
Record 46 of 64
TI: Title
Distribution of the ichthyo-jellyplankton Mnemiopsis leidyi (Agassiz, 1865) in the Marmara
Sea (October 1992).
OT: Original Title
Ichtiyo jelli-plankton Mnemiopsis leidyi (Agassiz, 1865) 'nin Marmara denizindeki dagilimi
(Ekim 1992)
AU: Author
Shiganova, T; Tarkan, AN; Dede, A; Cebeci, M
AF: Author Affiliation
Inst. Oceanol., Acad. Sci., Moscow, Russia
SO: Source
Turkish journal of marine sciences. Istanbul [TURK. J. MAR. SCI.], vol. 1, no. 1, pp.
3-12, 1995
AB: Abstract
In this study, the distribution and the abundance of the abundance of Ctenophora
Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Sea of Marmara are investigated. Samples were taken vertically
and from surface from 16 stations with special plankton nets. They were determined
taxonomically and separated into three different size groups. According to vertical
sampling the abundance of M. leidyi was found to be approximately 4.3 kg/m super(2) near
the Bosphorus and 9.7 kg/m super(2) near the Dardanelles. According to the surface
samples, the abundance was 0.5-0.7 kg/catch in near Bosphorus and 11-13 kg/catch in
Dardanelles. It was determined that the population of M. leidyi was distributed between 10
and 30 m. water depth and there were no fish eggs or larvae in the area.
Record 47 of 64
TI: Title
Predation by the scyphomedusan Chrysaora quinquecirrha on Mnemiopsis leidyi ctenophores
AU: Author
Purcell, JE; Cowan, JH Jr
AF: Author Affiliation
Horn Point Environmental Laboratories, P.O. Box 775, Cambridge, MD 21613, USA
SO: Source
Marine ecology progress series. Oldendorf [MAR. ECOL. PROG. SER.], vol. 129, no. 1-3, pp.
63-70, 1995
NT: Notes
Bibliogr.: 28 ref.
AB: Abstract
Numerous species of gelatinous zooplankton are known to eat ctenophores, but their
predation interactions have seldom been studied. Laboratory experiments showed that
Chrysaora quinquecirrha medusae (3 to 20 mm diameter) usually consumed entire ctenophores
(Mnemiopsis leidyi) that were equal in diameter or smaller. Although ctenophores larger in
diameter than medusae were sometimes consumed completely, often only the lobes of the
ctenophores were eaten. These damaged ctenophores healed in the laboratory. Short-lobed
ctenophores had reduced fecundity, and probably lowered feeding rates as well. Short-lobed
ctenophores were abundant (24 to 76% of the population) in situ during 1990. Large medusae
(40 to 120 mm diameter) in 3.2 m super(3) in situ mesocosms cleared ctenophores at high
rates (up to 6180 l/d). Clearance rates of medusae decreased with increasing ctenophore
density and size, and increased with medusa size. The laboratory-determined clearance rate
equation, in combination with medusa sizes and densities in situ, predicted that medusae
could eliminate ctenophores from a tributary, but not at 2 stations in the main-stem
Chesapeake Bay (USA), which was in agreement with in situ population data. The multiple
negative effects of C. quinquecirrha on M. leidyi populations may lead to complex
community-level changes that actually may reduce mortality of zooplankton and
Record 48 of 64
TI: Title
Medusae, siphonophores, and ctenophores as planktivorous predators in changing global
AU: Author
Mills, CE
AF: Author Affiliation
Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, 620 University Road, Friday Harbor,
WA 98250, USA
CA: Corporate Author
International Counc. for the Exploration of the Sea, Copenhagen [Denmark]
CF: Conference
ICES Symp. on Zooplankton Production, Plymouth (UK), 15-19 Aug 1994
ED: Editor
Harris, R (eds)
SO: Source
1994., ACADEMIC PRESS, LONDON (UK), Aug 1995, pp. 575-581, ICES journal of marine science.
London [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], vol. 52, no. 3-4
NT: Notes
Issued also as: ICES Mar. Sci. Symp., v. 200.
PB: Publisher
AB: Abstract
Medusae, siphonophores, and ctenophores are planktivorous predators operating at higher
trophic levels in marine ecosystems of a wide range of productivity. It has been
hypothesized that high-productivity ecosystems such as areas of upwelling tend towards
food chains dominated by larger phytoplankton, large copepods, and ultimately many species
of fish rather than gelatinous predators; ecosystems with lower productivity are
characterized by small flagellate phytoplankton, small copepods, and ultimately numerous
medusae and ctenophores. Evidence is provided that medusae, siphonophores, and ctenophores
are actually important predators in both sorts of planktonic ecosystems, although uneven
reporting in the literature may be cause for underestimates of the importance of these
carnivores in some systems. As world fisheries begin to experience serious declines, it is
relevant to recognize that the carnivorous "jellyfishes" are ubiqitous and are
thus opportunistically positioned to utilize secondary production that is ordinarily
consumed by fish.
Record 49 of 64
TI: Title
Modelling the Mnemiopsis sp. population in the Azov Sea
AU: Author
Volovik, YS; Volovik, AP; Myrzoyan, ZA
AF: Author Affiliation
Research Institute of the Azov Sea Fishery Problems (AzNIIRKH), 21/2, Beregovaya St.,
Rostov-on-Don, 344007, Russia
CA: Corporate Author
International Counc. for the Exploration of the Sea, Copenhagen [Denmark]
CF: Conference
ICES Symp. on Zooplankton Production, Plymouth (UK), 15-19 Aug 1994
ED: Editor
Harris, R (eds)
SO: Source
1994., ACADEMIC PRESS, LONDON (UK), Aug 1995, pp. 735-746, ICES journal of marine science.
London [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], vol. 52, no. 3-4
NT: Notes
Issued also as: ICES Mar. Sci. Symp., v. 200.
PB: Publisher
AB: Abstract
In recent years, the Azov Sea ecosystem has been influenced by ctenophores (Mnemiopsis
sp.) indigenous to the Atlantic coast of North America. The presence of these ctenophores
has caused intertrophical chains and links in the ecosystem to change rapidly. An
ecologico-mathematical models system has been formulated that takes into account
biological processes such as feeding, food assimilation, respiration and organic release,
growth, juvenile and adult mortality, and reproduction. The model also takes account of
physical circulation of the Azov Sea and meteorological conditions. The aim of the study
has been to predict ctenophore population dynamics in the Azov Sea ecosystem. The results
of preliminary simulations compare favourably with observational data. In the future, it
is hoped to be able to predict ctenophore population dynamics over an entire year and to
evaluate the impact of Mnemiopsis on the ecosystem.
Record 50 of 64
TI: Title
Feeding, oxygen consumption and growth of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis mccradyi in relation
to food concentration.
OT: Original Title
Pitanie, potreblenie kisloroda i rost grebnevika Mnemiopsis mccradyi v zavisimosti ot
kontsentratsii pishchi
AU: Author
Finenko, GA; Abolmasova, GI; Romanova, ZA
AF: Author Affiliation
INBYUM NAN Ukr., Sevastopol', Ukraine
SO: Source
Biologiya Morya/Marine Biology [Biol. Morya/Mar. Biol.], vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 315-320, 1995
AB: Abstract
The paper describes experiments performed to study parameters of the energy budget in M.
mccradyi, a recent Black Sea resident, in relation to feeding conditions. The rate of food
consumption (Acartia clausi or nauplii of Balanus improvisus) at prey concentrations of 20
to 2000/l was found to increase steadily and did not level off even at the maximum
concentration. The respiration rate increased with increasing prey concentration only at
low concentrations: the oxygen consumption rate was at a maximum at the food concentration
as low as 60/l. The oxygen consumption rate in recently caught ctenophores was close to
maximum, suggesting adequate food supply in nature. The ctenophores began growing at a
high prey concentration (100/l), their weight decreasing at lower concentrations (20 and
60/l). The experimental data are compared to those obtained in situ, and factors
responsible for differences are discussed.
Record 51 of 64
TI: Title
Modelling of the Mnemiopsis sp. population in the Azov Sea
AU: Author
Volovik, YS; Volovik, SP; Myrzoyan, ZA
AF: Author Affiliation
Research Institute of the Azov Sea Fishery Problems, 21/2, Beregovaya St., Rostov-on-Don,
SO: Source
ICES Journal of Marine Science [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], vol. 52, no. 3-4, pp. 735-746, 1995
AB: Abstract
In recent years, the Azov Sea ecosystem has been influenced by ctenophores (Mnemiopsis
sp.) indigenous to the Atlantic coast of North America. The presence of these ctenophores
has caused intertrophical chains and links in the ecosystem to change rapidly. An
ecologico-mathematical models system has been formulated that takes into account
biological processes such as feeding, food assimilation, respiration and organic release,
growth, juvenile and adult mortality, and reproduction. The model also takes account of
physical circulation of the Azov Sea and meteorological conditions. The aim of the study
has been to predict ctenophore population dynamics in the Azov Sea ecosystem. The results
of preliminary simulations compare favourably with observational data. In the future, we
hope to be able to predict ctenophore population dynamics over an entire year and to
evaluate the impact of Mnemiopsis on the ecosystem.
Record 52 of 64
TI: Title
Medusae, siphonophores, and ctenophores as planktivorous predators in changing global
AU: Author
Mills, CE
AF: Author Affiliation
Friday Harbor Laboratory, University of Washington, 620 University Road, Friday Harbor,
SO: Source
ICES Journal of Marine Science [ICES J. Mar. Sci.], vol. 52, no. 3-4, pp. 575-581, 1995
AB: Abstract
Medusae, siphonophores, and ctenophores are planktivorous predators operating at higher
trophic levels in marine ecosystems of a wide range of productivity. It has been
hypothesized that high-productivity ecosystems such as areas of upwelling tend towards
food chains dominated by larger phytoplankton, large copepods, and ultimately many species
of fish rather than gelatinous predators; ecosystems with lower productivity are
characterized by small flagellate phytoplankton, small copepods, and ultimately numerous
medusae and ctenophores. Evidence is provided that medusae, siphonophores, and ctenophores
are actually important predators in both sorts of planktonic ecosystems, although uneven
reporting in the literature may be cause for underestimates of the importance of these
carnivores in some systems. As world fisheries begin to experience serious declines, it is
relevant to recognize that the carnivorous "jellyfishes" are ubiquitous and are
thus opportunistically positioned to utilize secondary production that is ordinarily
consumed by fish.
Record 53 of 64
TI: Title
Feeding, respiration, and growth of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis mccradyi in relation to
grazing conditions
AU: Author
Finenko, GA; Abolmasova, GI; Romanova, ZA
AF: Author Affiliation
Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Sevastopol', 335011 Ukraine
SO: Source
Russian Journal of Marine Biology [Russ. J. Mar. Biol.]; Biol. Morya, vol. 21, no. 5, pp.
283-287, Oct 1995
AB: Abstract
The elements of the energy budget of Mnemiopsis mccradyi, a new resident in the Black Sea,
are examined in relation to its grazing conditions. The grazing activity of the
ctenophores within the prey concentrations of 20 - 200 specimens/l (either the copepod
Acartia clausi or nauplii of Balanus improvisus) continually increased and did not plateau
even at the maximum food density. The respiration rate of the ctenophores increased only
when the prey concentration was small; the maximum oxygen consumption occurred at a prey
concentration of 60 specimens/l. The rate of oxygen consumption in newly caught
ctenophores was close to the maximum, which is evidence that there is enough food for
ctenophores in the natural environment. The ctenophores began to grow at a relatively high
prey density (100 specimens/l); at lower concentrations (20 or 60 specimens/l), their body
weight decreased. The high food requirements of ctenophores in the Black Sea can be
realized only in areas of mass accumulation of zooplankton (DBO).
Record 54 of 64
TI: Title
International integration of environment protection measures with regard for national
priorities as the basis for Black Sea ecosystem sustainable development
OT: Original Title
Mezhdunarodnaya integratsiya prirodookhrannykh mer s uchetom natsional'nykh prioritetov --
osnova ustojchivogo razvitiya ehkosistemy Chernogo morya
AU: Author
Yakovlev, VN; Serobaba, II
AF: Author Affiliation
Southern Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries & Oceanography (YugNIRO),
2, Sverdlov St., 334500, Kerch, Crimea, Ukraine
ED: Editor
Yakovlev, VN (eds)
SO: Source
[The main results of YugNIRO complex researches in Azov-Black Seas Region and the World
15-18, Tr. Yugniro/Proc. South. Sci. Res. Inst. Mar. Fish. Ocean., vol. 41
PB: Publisher
YugNIRO, Kerch,
AB: Abstract
At present, the negative impacts of human activities in the Azov-Black Seas region have
become apparent in the following: 1) reduction in the rivers outflow; 2) oil pollution and
other chemical contamination of the marine environment; 3) destruction of natural biotopes
and biocenoses; 4) structural changes in the communities, invasion of new marine species;
5) bacterial contamination. The concept of the Convention between the Black Sea countries
aimed at rational use of natural resources, enhancement of productivity of the water
bodies, and restoration of ecosystems is discussed. The following actions are proposed: 1)
the signing of convention on Fisheries and Conservation of Marine Living Resources in the
Black Sea; 2) to expand bilateral cooperation between all Black Sea countries; 3) joint
marine research and surveys; 4) mutual exchange of experts for their participation in
marine expeditions; 5) to enlarge the scope of ecological and fisheries monitoring; 6) to
strengthen control over the state of planktonic communities, taking into account the new
invader (ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi); 7) to expand toxicological studies; 8) to expand
cooperation in enhancing bioproductivity of natural marine ecosystems (acclimatisation,
fish culture, mollusc culture, algae culture).
Record 55 of 64
TI: Title
Present state of fish resources of the Black and Azov Seas area and their rational
utilisation problems
OT: Original Title
Sovremennoe sostoyanie rybnykh resursov Azovo-Chernomorskogo bassejna i problemy ikh
ratsional'nogo ispol'zovaniya
AU: Author
Serobaba, II; Chashchin, AK
AF: Author Affiliation
Southern Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries & Oceanography (YugNIRO),
2, Sverdlov St., 334500, Kerch, Crimea, Ukraine; E-mail:
ED: Editor
Yakovlev, VN (ed)
SO: Source
The main results of YugNIRO complex research in the Azov-Black Sea Region and the World
Ocean in 1994. Osnovnye resul'taty kompleksnykh issledovanij YugNIRO v Azovo-Chernomorskom
bassejne i Mirovom okeane v 1994 godu, YugNIRO, Kerch,, 1995, vol. 41, pp. 46-50, Tr.
Yugniro/Proc. South. Sci. Res. Inst. Mar. Fish. Ocean.
PB: Publisher
YugNIRO, Kerch,
AB: Abstract
Stocks of species targeted by coastal Black Sea fisheries such as native mullets
(Mugilidae), red mullet (Mullus barbatus), garfish (Belone belone), gobies (Gobiidae)
declining substantially during the 1980-ies. Regulation measures has no effect. The
depressed state of the stocks results generally from degradation of the coastal zone
environment due to human industrial activities. Since 1991, certain recovery of the
natural bottom and pelagic communities as well as commercial species biomass have been
observed. It is related with decreasing in the technogenic pressure on the ecosystems as a
result of the economic depression in the majority of the countries in the Black Sea
region. Decline of small pelagics stocks (generally anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and
horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneus), were also observed in the late 1980-ies. It was
magnified by the competition with ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi for food. Recovery of
anchovy stocks was observed from 1991-1992, due to decreasing in the abundance of
Mnemiopsis and lower fishing pressure. Black Sea sprat (Sprattus sprattus) stocks remains
on a high level (600,000-800,000 t). The stock of horse mackerel is in a depressed state
due to excessive Turkish fishery on this species. Estimates of total biomass of the
following species are presented: whiting (Merlangius merlangus) on the shelf of Russia and
Ukraine, 70,000 t; spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias), 36,000 t; throwback ray (Raja
clavata) and common stingray (Dasyatis pastinaca), about 8,000 t; turbot (Psetta maxima)
in the Ukrainian waters, 8,150 t; red mullet off the coasts of Crimea and Caucasus, 3,000
t level.
Record 56 of 64
TI: Title
Peculiarities in Black Sea plankton-eating fishes food supply formation in 1994
OT: Original Title
Osobennosti formirovaniya kormovoj bazy planktonoyadnykh ryb Chernogo morya v 1994 godu
AU: Author
Grishyn, AN; Sorokolit, LK
AF: Author Affiliation
Southern Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries & Oceanography (YugNIRO),
2, Sverdlov St., 334500, Kerch, Crimea, Ukraine; E-mail:
ED: Editor
Yakovlev, VN (ed)
SO: Source
The main results of YugNIRO complex research in the Azov-Black Sea Region and the World
Ocean in 1994. Osnovnye resul'taty kompleksnykh issledovanij YugNIRO v Azovo-Chernomorskom
bassejne i Mirovom okeane v 1994 godu, YugNIRO, Kerch,, 1995, vol. 41, pp. 76-78, Tr.
Yugniro/Proc. South. Sci. Res. Inst. Mar. Fish. Ocean.
PB: Publisher
YugNIRO, Kerch,
AB: Abstract
Sampling was carried out in the Black Sea in May-June and August-October in 1992, 1993,
and 1994. A total of 500 samples were taken at 191 stations. Quantity of jellyfish
(Aurelia aurita) and ctenophore (Mnemiopsis leidyi) was taken into account. In spring 1994
food mesozooplankton biomass was as follows: marine areas near Kerch Strait, 38 mg/m
super(3); at Ai-Foka Cape section, 28 m/mg super(3); near the Southern Crimea, 28 mg/m
super(3); at Kerch Strait section it varied from 16 to 119 mg/m super(3); in the central
part of north-western shallow waters (Zmeinyj Island), 124 mg/m super(3). At the rest of
the stations it varied from 6 to 31 mg/m super(3). In all the sampled area average food
mesozooplankton biomass was 30 mg /m super(3), it is about 3 times lesser than in
1992-1993. Cold-resistant copepods (Calanus helgolandicus, Pseudocalanus elongatus) and
eurythermic Acartia clausi prevailed everywhere. The other specimens of food and non-food
mesozooplankton (generally Noctiluca militaris and native ctenophore species Pleurobrachia
pileus) occurs in small numbers. In summer and in autumn average food mesozooplankton
biomass was as follows: marine areas near Kerch Strait, 22 mg /m super(3); at Ai-Foka
section and at the Southern Crimea shore, 11 mg /m super(3); in the north-western sea
part, 4 mg/m super(3). It is the same level of 1992-1993. Warm-water species Pemilia
avirostris, Centropages kroyeri prevailed, its usual for this season. Among copepods C.
helgolandicus and A. clausi were predominant. Native species of ctenophore P. pileus was
absent in catches. Biomass of ctenophore M. leidyi increased, and that of its main food
competitor jellyfish A. aurita decreased. Observed in 1994 spring biomass of food
zooplankton is unprecedented low since time of M. leidyi invasion. It considered that the
intruder can easily utilise spring food zooplankton and expands time limits of its
negative influence to zooplankton and fish productivity.
Record 57 of 64
TI: Title
Azov Sea zooplankton seasonal changes in 1994
OT: Original Title
Sezonnye izmeneniya zooplanktona Azovskogo morya v 1994 godu
AU: Author
Budnichenko, EhV
AF: Author Affiliation
Southern Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries & Oceanography (YugNIRO),
2, Sverdlov St., 334500, Kerch, Crimea, Ukraine; E-mail:
ED: Editor
Yakovlev, VN (ed)
SO: Source
The main results of YugNIRO complex research in the Azov-Black Sea Region and the World
Ocean in 1994. Osnovnye resul'taty kompleksnykh issledovanij YugNIRO v Azovo-Chernomorskom
bassejne i Mirovom okeane v 1994 godu, YugNIRO, Kerch,, 1995, vol. 41, pp. 79-83, Tr.
Yugniro/Proc. South. Sci. Res. Inst. Mar. Fish. Ocean.
PB: Publisher
YugNIRO, Kerch,
AB: Abstract
Zooplankton was collected in the Azov Sea by plankton net with the mouth diameter 25 cm,
net sack length 75 cm and mesh size 25 mcm. Water column from the bottom to the surface
was sampled. A total of 184 zooplankton samples were collected and processed.
Characteristics of zooplankton qualitative composition and its quantitative development
are described by months. Long-term observations in the Azov Sea showed considerable
fluctuations of zooplankton biomass. From 1985 to 1987 food zooplankton biomass was 197,
139 and 76 mg/m super(3) respectively. In 1988 biomass was considerably lesser: in July in
7 times, in August up to 3 times, and in September in 5 times. The lowest indices (17 and
9 mg /m super(3)) were recorded in July and August, 1989, the peak of ctenophore
Mnemiopsis leidyi development. From 1990 declining of ctenophore biomass was observed both
in the Black and Azov Seas. The same period is characterised by gradual increase of food
zooplankton biomass in July. From 1990 to 1992 biomass increased in four times and reached
663 mg/m super(3) in 1993. In 1994 in regions where ctenophore was absent (western sea),
high level of zooplankton development was noted. Its biomass was 220-400 mg /m super(3).
In the south-eastern sea ctenophore was abundant, zooplankton was absent. In August and
September 1990-1994 zooplankton biomass remained extremely low, 1-22 mg/m super(3).
Average biomass observed in spring was 224 mg/m super(3), in early summer, 776 mg/m
super(3), in the second half of summer, 84 mg/m super(3), in late summer, 22 mg/m
super(3), in autumn 5 mg/m super(3). Spring zooplankton consisted of rotifers of low food
value in summer main zooplankton components were copepods. In autumn zooplankton included
larvae of Cirripedia, Lamellibranchiata, Ostracoda. Comparison of long-term changes of
zooplankton biomass showed its increase early in summer. It is confirmed by high indices
of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and Azov tyulka Clupeonella cultriventris feeding. Late
summer and in autumn ctenophore prevailed in plankton, resulted zooplankton biomass
Record 58 of 64
TI: Title
Effect of gelatinous organisms on the formation of neutral proteases pool in sea water.
OT: Original Title
Vliyanie zheletelykh organizmov na formirovanie pula nejtral'nykh proteaz v morskoj vode
AU: Author
Korneeva, GA; Shiganova, TA
AF: Author Affiliation
IORAN, Moscow, Russia
SO: Source
Okeanologiya. Moscow [OKEANOLOGIYA], vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 82-87, 1995
AB: Abstract
The paper describes experiments performed to study the kinetics of variability of the
proteolytic activity in sea water in the presence of Mnemiopsis leidyi, Pleurobrachia
pileus and Aurelia aurita. The potentialities of M. leidyi in the formation of the
protease pool were found to be much higher than those of the other 2 gelatinous animals.
The role of enzymatic processes in the trophic relationships of the biota and in the
formation of organic matter composition in marine ecosystems is discussed.
Record 59 of 64
TI: Title
Diurnal variations of the respiration intensity in the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi from
the Black Sea.
OT: Original Title
Sutochnye izmeneniya intensivnosti dykhaniya grebnevika Mnemiopsis leidyi v Chernom more
AU: Author
Minkina, NI; Pavlova, EV
AF: Author Affiliation
INBYUM AN Ukr., Sevastopol', Russia
SO: Source
Okeanologiya. Moscow [OKEANOLOGIYA], vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 241-245, 1995
AB: Abstract
Respiration in the ctenophore is considered as a function of 3 variables: experimental
stocking density, individual weight and time of the day. A new procedure for measuring
respiration in planktonic organisms and a new method for analyzing variability of the
values obtained experimentally are described. Data on the diurnal trends of the
respiration intensity in 3 size groups of the ctenophore are presented. Diurnal variations
of energy metabolism under laboratory conditions are in good agreement with literature
data on the diurnal feeding rhythm of the ctenophore in the sea.
Record 60 of 64
TI: Title
Seasonal dynamics of the chemical composition of organic matter in the ctenophore
Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz from the Black Sea.
OT: Original Title
Sezonnaya dinamika khimicheskogo sostava organicheskogo veshchestva grebnevikov Mnemiopsis
leidyi A. Agassiz v Chernom more
AU: Author
Anninskij, BE
AF: Author Affiliation
Inst. Biol. Yuzhn. Morej, Sevastopol, Ukraine
SO: Source
Okeanologiya. Moscow [OKEANOLOGIYA], vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 426-430, 1995
NT: Notes
Incl. bibliogr.: 25 ref.
AB: Abstract
Analysis of the chemical composition of the ctenophore revealed only slight seasonal
variations in the content of protein (958-1059 mu g/g), carbohydrates (64-71 mu g/g),
lipids (73-100) and free amino acids (34-43) likely to be caused by different food
Record 61 of 64
TI: Title
The state of the main components of the Black Sea planktonic community in 1993.
OT: Original Title
Sostoyanie osnovnykh ehlementov planktonnogo soobshchestva Chernogo morya v 1993 g
AU: Author
Vinogradov, ME; Shiganova, TA; Khoroshiliv, VS
AF: Author Affiliation
Inst. Okeanol., Moscow, Russia
SO: Source
Okeanologiya. Moscow [OKEANOLOGIYA], vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 418-422, 1995
AB: Abstract
Observations on the state of the main plankton components were continued in August and
November 1993 and show that the abundance of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi increased
slightly as compared to 1992 though it was much lower than in 1989-1990 when their
abundance was at a maximum. The biomass in August was unusually much lower than in
November suggesting annual variations in the seasonal course of the population
development. No further decline in the abundance of Calanus euxinus was recorded.
Record 62 of 64
TI: Title
Consumption of zooplankton by the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi and pelagic fish in the
Black Sea.
OT: Original Title
Vyedanie zooplanktona grebnevikom mnemiopsisom i pelagicheskimi rybami v Chernom more
AU: Author
Vinogradov, ME; Shushkina, EhA; Bulgakova, YuV; Serobaba, II
AF: Author Affiliation
Inst. Okeanol., Moscow, Russia
SO: Source
Okeanologiya. Moscow [OKEANOLOGIYA], vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 569-573, 1995
AB: Abstract
The paper presents data on the estimated proportion of zooplankton consumed by the
ctenophore in relation to the total zooplankton production and its part consumed by
plankton-feeding fish species - anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus), sprat (Clupea sprattus)
and scad (Trachurus mediterraneus). During its population outbreak in 1989-1990. The daily
consumption by the ctenophore in summer amounted to 7% of the available biomass and over
50% of the daily production of zooplankton. Consumption by the fish was nearly half of the
consumption by the ctenophore in 1989 and comparable to that during the ensuing years. The
daily consumption in summer by the fish and the ctenophore together was 6 to 13% of the
biomass and 20-120% of the production of zooplankton. Severe competition for food resulted
in a drastic decrease of the plankton-feeding fish cathes at and after the time of the
ctenophore population peak.
Record 63 of 64
TI: Title
Anatomy of the gonads and reproduction in Mnemiopsis ctenophores in the Black Sea
AU: Author
Zaika, VYe; Revkov, NK
AF: Author Affiliation
Inst. Southern Seas Biol., Ukrainian Acad. Sci., Sevastopol, Ukraine
SO: Source
Hydrobiological Journal [HYDROBIOL. J.], vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 9-14, 1995
NT: Notes
Originally published in Zool. Zh. 73(3), 1994: 5-10.
AB: Abstract
In the ctenophore invader, the ovaries are found not only in the walls of the meridional
canals but also in the walls of the auricular canals. In a large ctenophore, up to 2 to 3
thousand eggs may form simultaneously. With a natural photoperiod and temperature of 19-25
degree C, signs of formation of testes appear 18:00 and egg rudiments after 20:00; eggs
are shed from 23:00 to 01:00. With a rise in temperature from 19-21 degree C to 24-28
degree C, duration of embryogenesis drops from 19.5-21 h to 11 h. Mass reproduction of
Mnemiopsis in the Black Sea begins when surface water temperature reaches 23 degree C.
Record 64 of 64
TI: Title
How the Soviet seas were lost
AU: Author
Pearce, F
SO: Source
New Scientist [NEW SCI.], vol. 148, no. 2003, pp. 38-42, 1995
AB: Abstract
For decades the Black, Aral and Caspian Seas were abused by pollution and neglect. The
author surveys the devastation left behind.