Caspian Sea >> Anomalous Algal Bloom >> Monitoring


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Monitoring of the Anomalous Algal Bloom (AAB)
in the Southern Caspian

(Note: operational monitoring was performed in August-September 2006.
After that period images are updated occasionally.)

Recent Satellite Images

Click on thumbnail to view large image

More satellite images and data from the monitoring are available in the Archive.

The monitoring of HAB is carried out by specialists from the Remote Sensing Department, Marine Hydrophysical Institute in framework of the contract with the CEP SAP Project.

Contact address:
2, Kapitanskaya St., Sevastopol, 99011, Ukraine
Phone: (38)-0692-545065, E-mail:



©2009 CaspEcoProject Management and Coordination Unit
7-th floor, Kazhydromet Building, Orynbor st., Astana, 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan,
Tel. No.: (+7 7172) 798317; 798318; 798320, 798307,  E-Mail: