Caspian Sea >> EIA Transboundary Initiatives


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Environmental Data Sharing - AIOC Azeri, Chirag Deep-water Gunashli Environmental Impact Assesments

Azerbaijan International Operating Company (AIOC), operated by BP has requested CEP to put the following documents in English and Russian languages on its website for general information, as well as for distribution to CEP focal points from the Caspian littoral countries:

  • Azeri, Chirag, Deep-water Gunashli Phase 1 Environmental Statement
    (english | russian)
  • Azeri, Chirag, Deep-water Gunashli Phase 3 Environmental Scoping Report
    (english 1.7 Mb | russian 2.1 Mb)

The Phase 3 Environmental Impact Assessment process is currently underway, and a draft report will be issued for public cosultation and disclosure mid-2004. All interested parties will be able to access this draft report through the internet site The Phase 1 and 2 Environmental Statements and the Phase 3 Environmental Scoping Report are currently available to view on this site in English, Russian and Azeri languages.

For further information please contact Dr. Faig Askerov, HSE Associate Director (tel. +994 12 979657, +994 50 2153877).




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