General Information

The Caspian region is experiencing serious environmental stresses: Decline in certain commercial fish stocks, including sturgeon; Degradation of coastal landscapes and damage to coastal habitats; Threats to biodiversity; Overall decline in Environmental Quality; Decline in Human Health, and damage to coastal infrastructure and amenities. The emerging issues include: introduced species and contamination from offshore oil and gas activities. The identification of causes - and their alleviation - is vital to promote sustainable development and management of resources in the future.

The Caspian Centre for Pollution Control is playing a key role in achieving this objective. The most important task is identifying and analyzing pollution risks from coastal industries and municipal discharges. The major portion of the pollution load is being carried to the sea by the rivers. The scope of the CEP tasks is limited to the sea itself and the coastal zones, which allows no in depth analysis of the situation in the river basins. Nevertheless, the pollution from rivers has been screened by using obtainable data and estimates.

Successful pollution control depends heavily on adequate data collection on emissions and the sharing of information on pollution emission compliance. From this knowledge base, the development and implementation of strategies and national commitments to pollution control, the establishment of appropriate reference laboratories and the introduction of improved environmental practices, all become achievable goals.


Major Tasks

  • Identification of pollution sources
  • Identification of “hot-spots”
  • Inventory of pollution loads
  • Classification of pollution levels
  • Development of treatment scenarios
  • Overview of existing pollution control instruments
  • Develop pollution sources database
  • Contribute to the development of the TDA and SAP



CRTC Leader: Arne Jensen
Centre Coordinator: Najaf Hadjiyev
Regional Technical Coordinator: Latifa Huseynova
Address: 2nd floor, Caspian Inspection Building
Hudu Mamedov Street 3, Baku, Azerbaijan
Tel & Fax: +994 12 472789

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CRTC for Pollution Control
2nd floor, Caspian Inspection Building
Hudu Mamedov Street 3 Baku, Azerbaijan
Tel & Fax: +994 12 472789
© 2001-2003, CEP