International Association for Impact Assessment
IAIA is a forum for advancing innovation, development, and communication of best practice in impact assessment. Our international membership promotes development of local and global capacity for the application of environmental, social, health and other forms of assessment in which sound science and full public participation provide a foundation for equitable and sustainable development.
Why join IAIA?
- Journal, newsletter, publications and resources
- Job postings
- Searchable online membership directory
- Networking opportunities
- Reduced rate for conferences, special discounts through publishers
- Leadership roles
- Training opportunities — teaching and learning
- And much, much more!
What's New
- April Newsletter is now available for members.
- Membership Benefits now available in Portuguese
- Capacity Building Stipend Announcement [PDF]
- Principles of Environmental Assessment Best Practice now available in Spanish
- IAIA09: Paper and poster submissions now closed; online registration available.
- Career Central! The place for employment connections in impact assessment is now available at