PovertyNet provides an introduction to key issues as well as in-depth information on poverty measurement, monitoring, analysis, and on poverty reduction strategies for researchers and practitioners.
PUBLICATIONS | | | Data Against Natural Disasters: Establishing Effective Systems for Relief, Recovery, and Reconstruction — This volume contains six case studies of initiatives to improve information management during the various phases—risk reduction, relief, early recovery, and recovery and reconstruction—in the response to disaster. |  | Are You Being Served? New Tools for Measuring Service Delivery — This volume provides an overview of a range of tools for measuring service delivery and offers valuable lessons on the opportunities and constraints practitioners face in measuring performance. |  | Moving Out of Poverty: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Mobility — This volume explores the topic of poor people’s mobility from the perspectives of diverse analytic traditions, country contexts and time horizons. |  | More than a Pretty Picture: Using Poverty Maps to Design Better Policies and Interventions — This volume aims to promote the effective use of Small Area Estimation poverty maps in policy making. It presents the range of policies and interventions which have been informed by poverty maps, focusing on the political economy of poverty maps and the key elements to their effective use by policy makers. |  | Minding the Gaps: Integrating Poverty Reduction Strategies and Budgets for Domestic Accountability — This study, based on case studies in nine low-income countries and a review of relevant experience in four higher-income countries, offers practical insights for donors and national governments on how to strengthen the links between poverty reduction strategies and budgets. |  | Delivering on the Promise of Pro-Poor Growth: Insights and Lessons from Country-Experience — This study contributes to the debate on how to accelerate poverty reduction by providing insights from eight countries that have been relatively successful in delivering pro-poor growth: Bangladesh, Brazil, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Tunisia, Uganda, and Vietnam. |  | Beyond the Numbers: Understanding the Institutions for Monitoring Poverty Reduction Strategies — This volume provides lessons on the design and functioning of monitoring systems based on the experience of twelve PRS countries. |
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