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Resources for Development Practitioners
This web site provides an overview of the literature, case studies, lessons learned, and good practices pertaining to capacity development. It also includes links to international and local capacity development agencies and other knowledge resources.
Title: News

Index: Feature
"Capacity, Change and Performance: Study Report"
capacity study

This report by the European Centre for Development Policy Management reflects on the different ways to think about capacity development and what works, why, and when.The report is the result of a study which began in 2003 to provide a new perspective on capacity development issues .

Arrow: Orange Box LenCD Resource Kit on Capacity Development 

Arrow: Orange Box Forum on Improving the Results of Learning for Capacity Building               (Jun 17-19, 2009)

Arrow: Orange Box Learning Workshop on Capacity Development (Dec15-17, 2008)

Arrow: Orange Box The Third High Level Forum on Development Effectiveness, Accra, Ghana(Sep 2-4, 2008)

Arrow: Orange Box  The Berlin Statement on Aligning Training Efforts for Capacity Development   (July 8, 2008)  

Arrow: Orange Box
 Archived News

Title: Critical Issues

The resources presented in these topics aim to address global challenges encountered by practitioners of capacity development through the sharing of best practices and lessons learned.

Archived Issues
Arrow: Blue Box Gender, Culture & Capacity
Arrow: Blue Box Science and Technology
Arrow: Blue Box Anti-Corruption & Transparency

Arrow: Orange Box Brain Drain
Dealing with the loss of expertise due to international migration of skilled workers from LDCs.
Index: Dotted Divider (Short)
Arrow: Orange Box Fragile States
Turning fractured instutitions into the stable foundations necessary for future development efforts.
Index: Dotted Divider (Short)
Arrow: Orange Box Leadership
How empowering local and national leaders can improve the social and economic landscape.

Title: Library, Recommended Readings

Link: PDF  Aid Effectiveness: A Progress Report on Implementing the Paris Declaration   (September 2008)

Link: PDF  Working Towards Supporting Capacity Development through Joint Approaches: Emerging lessons and issues  (March 2008)

Link: PDF  A Template of UN System Capacity Development Tools(2007)

Link: PDF  Evaluation of the implementation of the Paris Declaration: Synthesis Report  (July 2008)

Link: PDF  Capacity for a Change (September 2007)

Link: PDF  "Building Effective States, Forging Engaged Societies" Report of the World Bank Task Force on Capacity Development in Africa (September 2005)

Arrow: Orange Box More documents

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Recent Events

Key Publications
Capacity Development Briefs
Development Outreach Magazine
Capacity Building in Africa: An OED Evaluation of World Bank Support
WBI Annual Review 2008