What's on
Press briefing by the UNCCD Executive Secretary at CSD17 more..
Book Launch: Study on Securitizing the Ground, Grounding Security launched 14 May 2009 more..
Parliamentarians address next steps lawmaking bodies can take in helping combat desertification more..
Submission to AWG-LCA 5 more..
Pathways for Success: Dialogue on Sustainable Land Use more..
Selected Consortium following the Call for Expression of Interest for Partners to Organise Jointly a Scientific Conference for the Committee on Science and Technology of the UNCCD - 2009 more..
UNCCD Secretariat organizes side event in Climate Change Conference more..
CSOs from Sub-Saharan Africa meet in Pretoria to discuss the establishment of a civil society coordination mechanism for SLM, with a view to tackle Issues and challenges to CSO engagementmore..
2do Congreso Mundial de Páramos, 21 - 27 June, Loja, Ecuador more..
Panel discussion on climate, land and food security was held in Berlin on 15 October 2008 more..
Regional initiative on financial resource mobilization for strengthening the implementation of the UNCCD in Central and Eastern Europe more..
iSeek interviews Mr. Luc Gnacadja.Mr. Gnacadja pointed out the extent of the desertification problem worldwide, more..