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Final call for applications


HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan - a Regional Screenplay on the European Stage

H E L C O M   Y o u t h   F o r u m   2009

(4–6 May 2009, Stralsund (GER)


Dear Student,

The Baltic Sea Marine Protection Commission (Helsinki Commission - HELCOM) is the focal point for Marine Protection Policy in the Baltic Sea Region. For more than 30 years HELCOM has effectively contributed to the improvement of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea. HELCOM has furthermore very much contributed to the overall development of this young European ecologically significant and economically prospering region.


What’s behind? / What is it about?

HELCOM is convinced that Public Awareness Raising–in particular with regard to the youth around the Baltic - is of utmost importance for safeguarding future generations’ interest concerning the Baltic. By performing Youth Forums, HELCOM has started a process of raising youth’s attention by proactively involving students into HELCOM-processes.


The fourth HELCOM Youth Forum will be organised by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety in co-operation with the Baltic Sea Forum, the Hanseatic City of Stralsund, the University of Applied Sciences Stralsund and the German Oceanographic Museum Stralsund from 4 to 6 May 2009 in Stralsund (Germany).


Why should YOU feel addressed?

You are an inhabitant of one of the states bordering the Baltic Sea and are interested in Baltic Sea affairs, regardless of discipline, be it natural or political science, law or other, if related to the issue of “cooperation for the Baltic”. Being interested in a sustainable future development of the Baltic Sea Region, you would like to share your views and visions with representatives of the “young generation” around the Baltic. It is your ardent desire to be part of an open and transparent exchange of views with the aim of feeding in your personal visions into a future Baltic Sea Policy.


As regards your formal qualification, you are a postgraduate student (i.e. have obtained a bachelor’s or comparable degree), and you would like to support the Youth Forum process by means of discussion and written contributions.


What do WE offer?

The HELCOM Youth Forum is intended to further the exchange amongst representatives of the “future generation” around the Baltic Sea. An interesting conference including attractive social events will offer the possibility to feed in and receive new impulses with regard to Co-operation in a developing and prospering region. Scientists and members of the political decision-making bodies will introduce their views and experiences and invite you to ask questions about and comment on the views presented. Workshops will offer the opportunity to actively scrutinise/investigate particular aspects and defend personal views. Moreover you will have the chance to meet other students from the whole Baltic Sea region.


As regards logistics and funding, we offer a contribution to your travel expenses of up to 200,00 € / person  (depending on the sum actually spent – invoice/receipt required), accommodation free of charge up to 3 nights (4 – 6 May 2009) and full catering, starting with a welcome event on 4 May and finishing with a working lunch on 6 May).


Are YOU interested to apply?

If interested in participating, you should apply by either elaborating on one of the four segments of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP), i.e.

1) Eutrophication, 2) Hazardous Substances, 3) Biodiversity or 4) Maritime Affairs: where do YOU see the main obstacles to achieve the goals of the BSAP in the respective field, you have chosen? Or you should elaborate on the latest developments of the European Marine/Maritime Policy: What do YOU think, are the main purposes of the European involvement in ‘policy for our European seas’?


Please send us a one-page (A4) contribution and a brief curriculum vitae (including a photo, if you so wish) to the following e-Mail address: Stefanie.Wenzel@fh-stralsund.de by 31 March 2009.


As the number of participants has to be kept manageable and with regard to balanced participation in terms of regional distribution, there is a limit of 5 students per country to be selected by the organisers in case the number of applicants exceeds the number of places available.


Personal invitations will be sent out to candidates selected in due time after finalising the selection process.


We are looking forward to receiving enthusiastic feedback from the Youth around the Baltic and would very much appreciate meeting in particular YOU in Stralsund in May 2009!


On behalf of the organisers,


Heike Imhoff


Referat WA I 5 / Division WA I 5

Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz

und Reaktorsicherheit

Federal Ministry for the Environment,

Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

Robert Schuman Platz 3

53175 Bonn


Draft Programme