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Press release

HELCOM Heads of Delegation Meeting to discuss further steps in the development of the Baltic Sea Action Plan


Helsinki, 8 December (HELCOM) – The Helsinki Commission will conduct its 18th Meeting of the Heads of Delegation of the Member States on 12-13 December in Helsinki, Finland, to discuss working programmes, intersessional work and ongoing projects.

Key discussions are expected to focus on the development of the strategic Baltic Sea Action Plan, which is being created by HELCOM to ensure that all possible measures are used to reduce pollution in the Baltic Sea and to repair the damage done to the marine environment. The HELCOM Member States and the EU resolved to develop such an action plan by 2007. In order to ensure its development within the given timeframe, representatives of the coastal countries will consider the establishment of an ad hoc task force. Its aim is to link the ongoing scientific work with the political processes. The ad hoc task force on the development of the action plan is expected to consist of experts from the HELCOM Member States and other stakeholders in order to ensure commitment to the process and to the implementation of the decided steps.

The Meeting will discuss the programme of the kick-off stakeholder conference which will be held in 2006 to provide information about the aim and timing of the action plan and discuss and get comments from the various stakeholders to the proposed Ecological Objectives, target levels and indicators. The Baltic Sea Action Plan is to be based on Ecological Objectives defined to reflect a common vision of a healthy sea, with balanced ecosystems able to support a wide range of sustainable economic activities.

Representatives of the Baltic Sea States will also discuss ongoing projects, including the GEF/World Bank funded Baltic Sea Regional Project, the implementation of the Baltic Sea Joint Comprehensive Environmental Action Programme (JCP), as well as the activities of HELCOM subsidiary Groups. The Meeting will consider a draft HELCOM Recommendation on Environmentally Friendly Practices for the Reduction and Prevention of Emissions of Dioxins from Small Scale Combustion with a view to have the Recommendation adopted at the Helsinki Commission's Meeting in March 2006.

The Meeting of the Heads of Delegation will take place at the premises of the HELCOM Secretariat in Helsinki. It will be opened by the Chair of the Helsinki Commission, Mr. Arturas Daubaras.



HELCOM Secretariat


Mr. Nikolay Vlasov
Information Secretary
Tel: +358 9 6220 2235
Fax: +358 9 6220 2239

E-mail: nikolay.vlasov@helcom.fi