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 HELCOM Publications


The Helsinki Commission publishes diverse reports and brochures as well as audiovisual material about the Baltic Sea and its environment. The main series is the Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings (BSEP) which consists of scientific expert reports, outcomes of symposia held under the HELCOM umbrella, as well as the annual overviews on the activities of the Commission.

Latest BSEP issues:



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    BSEP No. 119    BSEP No. 118    BSEP No. 117    BSEP No. 116A    BSEP No. 116B
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    BSEP No. 115A    BSEP No. 115B     BSEP No. 114    BSEP No. 113     BSEP No. 112

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Also see the HELCOM Indicator Fact Sheets 2009 - describing the latest information about the pollution loads and the state of the Baltic Sea.  

For further information published by HELCOM, e.g., HELCOM Newsletter, Press releases and audiovisual products, visit also the Press office.




Looking for something?

You can find all available literature about Baltic marine topics in the Baltic Marine Environment Bibliography. It includes HELCOM publications as well as other publications, mainly in English.