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The Ministerial Meeting is expected to adopt the Danube River Basin Management Plan, which outlines concrete measures to be implemented by the year 2015 to improve the environmental condition of the Danube and its tributaries. The measures include the reduction of organic and nutrient pollution, offsetting environmentally detrimental effects of man-made structural changes to the river, improvements to urban wastewater systems, the introduction of Phosphate-free detergents in all markets and effective risk management of accidental pollution. Further, measures to restore river continuity for fish migration as well as the reconnection of wetlands will be tackled. The plan takes a source-to-sea approach and addresses key requirements of the European Union Water Framework Directive. Flood action plans for the 17 sub-basins in the Danube catchment area will also be adopted. These sub-basin plans contain hundreds of concrete measures the Danube countries will take to protect their populations from floods and to mitigate the flood damage and losses, such as those caused by the massive floods in the years 2002, 2005 and 2006. Date: Tuesday, 16 February 2010 Press briefing at 13:00 hours Photo opportunity at 08:30 hours Where: ARES Tower / Wolke 19 Donau-City-Strae 11 / 19th floor 1220 Vienna, Austria ICPDR President Mitja Bricelj will hold a press briefing at 13:00 hours. The participating Ministers are expected to attend the press briefing and will be available for individual interviews. The opening of the Ministerial Meeting from 09:00 09:30 is also open to the media. Photos of the Ministers and representatives holding a giant Danube Basin puzzle (photo opportunity at 08:30 hours) can be downloaded free of charge from the ICPDR website at www. icpdr.org from 12:00 hours on 16 February. * *** * For further information and interview requests with participating Ministers and high-level representatives please contact: Jasmine Bachmann ICPDR Secretariat at UNOV Mobile: (+43-676) 845 200 220 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:jasmine.bachmann@unvienna.org" jasmine.bachmann@unvienna.org Website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.icpdr.org" www.icpdr.org Sonja Wintersberger Deputy to the Director, UNIS Vienna Telephone: (+43-1) 260 60 3430 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:sonja.wintersberger@unvienna.org" sonja.wintersberger@unvienna.org     PAGE  PAGE 2 For information only not an official document @wxŻxkWF5!h}OJQJ^JmHnHtH u!h%@OJQJ^JmHnHtH u'h `h `OJQJ^JmHnHtH uh `h `OJQJ^J,jh `h `OJQJU^JmHnHu h `5CJ$h `OJQJjh `0JU h `0Jjh `0JUh `CJOJQJ h@h `CJOJQJmH sH h@h `CJmH sH  h `CJ jh `Ujh4jUmHnHsH @XpF qq$7$8$H$a$gd%@$7$8$H$a$gd%@gd `Hkd$$IfT40 `$ Uaf4T $$Ifa$gd $$Ifa$gd $If^gd   D F N O s t   G ` mm`S`S`F`S`S`S`Fh hmHnHsH tH uh}mHnHsH tH uh%@mHnHsH tH u;h%@h%@5B*CJOJQJ^JaJmHnHphtH u5h5B*CJOJQJ^JaJmHnHphtH u3hhXEu5B*OJQJ^JmHnHphtH u3hh%@5B*OJQJ^JmHnHphtH u'h `hU8OJQJ^JmHnHtH u!h%@OJQJ^JmHnHtH u  x y   @ F p  U X FrȻ{sk`ks`{`sTh?h?5mH sH hK@Th hmH sH hK@TmH sH h?mH sH hK@Th?mH sH h?h?mH sH h?h hmH sH h%@h h5mH sH h%@h hmH sH h hmH sH h%@mHnHsH tH uh hmHnHsH tH uh mHnHsH tH uh}mHnHsH tH uh}h}mHnHsH tH u F y  'HIfM$a$gd$7$8$H$a$gdsRD `gd%h $a$gdG $a$gd%h`gd h $a$gd h $a$gd%@;?HPVglmu}  &'ñri]ih%@hS5mH sH hS5mH sH h h5mHnHsH tH u"h%@h}5mHnHsH tH uh}5mHnHsH tH uh%h5mHnHsH tH u"h%@h%@5mHnHsH tH uhSmH sH h?mH sH h%@h hmH sH h?5mH sH h%@h h5mH sH h?h h5mH sH "'GHINOP18>]%&ӵӦwododod\odTLdTdTdhGmH sH hxjmH sH h%hmH sH h%@h%@mH sH hSmH sH hxmH sH hS5mH sH h%@hS5mH sH "h%@h h5mHnHsH tH uh%@5mHnHsH tH uh%h5mHnHsH tH uh h5mHnHsH tH u"h%@h%@5mHnHsH tH uhC\hC\mHnHsH tH uhC\hC\mH sH &aop{$\efzjz]L]8'j0hsRDhsRDOJQJU^J!jhsRDhsRDOJQJU^JhsRDhsRDOJQJ^JhsRDh}(+5OJQJ\^JhsRDh}(+OJQJ^Jh%@mHnHsH tH uh%hh%@mHnHsH tH uhmHnHsH tH uh%@h%hmHnHsH tH uh%hmHnHsH tH uh%@h%@mH sH hmH sH hSmH sH hGh!B*mH phsH h!mH sH   .MTUҭҐ҃ydS;d/jhsRDhsRDOJQJU^JmHsH hsRDhsRDOJQJ^JmHsH)jhsRDhsRDOJQJU^JmHsHhOJQJ^JhsRDhsRDOJQJ^JhsRDh}(+5OJQJ^JhsRDh}(+0JCJ^JaJ'jChsRDh}(+OJQJU^J!jhsRDh}(+OJQJU^JhsRDh}(+OJQJ^JhsRDhsRD0JCJ^JaJ!jhsRDhsRDOJQJU^J ÿÿÿÿh h%hh `h `CJOJQJmH sH hP<0JmHnHuh EhXEu hXEu0JjhXEu0JUhCejhCeUhsRDhsRDOJQJ^J)jhsRDhsRDOJQJU^JmHsH$hsRDhsRD0JCJ^JaJmHsH $a$gdgd ` &`#$gd E5 01h:pXEu. 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