SEA-RLC SEA-RLC The 2nd Global Conference on Large Marine Ecosystems The 2nd Global Conference on LMEs will focus on the results of the GEF supported LME projects underway in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. admin Conference 2007-02-02 13:14:14 21st Pacific Science Congress (PSC21) Main theme: Diversity and Change: Challenges and Opportunities for Managing Natural and Social Systems in Asia-Pacific admin Conference 2007-02-02 12:42:17 International Coastal Symposium The Gold Coast, with its famous beaches and attractions will continue the conference's history of world class venue settings for bringing together coastal scientists, managers and planners from around the world to discuss coastal evolution, dynamics, ecology, geomorphology, chemical, geology, conservation, management, and engineering related research. admin Conference 2007-02-02 12:36:53 International Forum on Water Environmental Governance in Asia This forum aims to promote water environment governance by promoting dialogue among various stakeholders in Asian monsoon regions (Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, south Asia), developing human resources and strengthening ties for the future amongst people responsible for improving water environment governance in this region. admin Conference 2007-02-02 12:28:19 International Conference on Water, Environment, Energy, and Society admin Conference 2007-02-02 12:20:25 International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM) The present conference is aimed to make a bridge among the researchers, academicians and professionals with common interest to exchange their views to address the issues related to water and flood management. admin Conference 2007-02-02 12:14:14 2nd International Conference on Managing Rivers in the 21st Century: Solutions Towards Sustainable River Basin Rivers’07 will further highlight issues dealing with managing rivers such as flood management, water scarcity, water pollution, catchment management, and river conservation. The emphasis will be on sustainable management of rivers to preserve the natural environment of existing rivers in recognition of the future developments within the river basins. admin Conference 2007-02-02 12:11:21 2nd International Conference of GIS/RS in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment (ICGRHWE'07) and 2nd International Symposium on Flood Forecasting and Management with GIS and Remote Sensing (FM2S'07) To review and report the advancements of GIS and Remote Sensing Application in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment.   To share the experiences of scientists, engineers, NGOs and policy makers throughout the globe in the field of Meteorology, Hydrology, Water Resources, Environment, Flood Forecasting and Management, GIS and Remote Sensing. admin Conference 2007-02-02 12:00:40 FAO e-mail conference: Water scarcity and agricultural biotechnologies 'The FAO Biotechnology Forum is devoting this e-mail conference to the role that biotechnologies can play in helping developing countries cope with water scarcity. Organised in collaboration with our colleagues in FAO's water programme ( admin Conference 2007-02-02 11:53:41 Environmental Education towards A Sustainable Future: Partners for the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development The year 2007 marks the completion of 30 years of the first international Environmental Education (EE) conference held at Tbilisi in 1977. The year 2007 would also be the third year of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) and many countries have already launched the decade and integrated DESD priorities and processes in the national context. The 2007 Conference hosted by Centre for Environment Education (CEE) at Ahmedabad, India in November 2007 will mark the fourth international conference in the journey of EE since Tbilisi and will help set the roadmap for progress through the DESD. admin Conference 2007-02-02 11:43:58 Eco Summit 2007 - Ecological Complexity and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for 21st-Century`s Ecology The aim of this Eco Summit is to encourage a greater integration of both the natural and social sciences with the policy and decision-making community to develop a better understanding of the complex nature of ecological systems. This understanding will provide the basis for sustainable solutions to environmental problems. admin Conference 2007-02-02 11:35:48 10th International Riversymposium & Environmental Flows Conference The symposium will feature presentations on innovative practices and case studies from all over the world and a wide range of perspectives on managing river flows for people and ecosystem health. admin Conference 2007-02-02 11:29:51 The 12th International Conference of the Pacific Basin Consortium for Environment & Health Sciences The Pacific Basin Consortium for Environment and Health Sciences (PBC) in partnership with the Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences and the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association invite you to join us for our 12th international conference. The conference will bring scientists, engineers, policy makers, industry, government representatives and students together to discuss threats to human health and the environment and share innovative solutions admin Conference 2007-02-02 11:23:43 3rd International Ground Water Conference On Water, Environment and Agriculture - Present Problems and Future Challenges The Third International Groundwater Conference (IGC-2007) will be organized by Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore during February 7 -10, 2007 with the main focal theme on “Water, Environment and Agriculture -Present Problems and Future Challenges” admin Conference 2007-02-02 11:02:05 12th World Lakes Conference The 12th World Lakes Conference, in the series of conferences held every two years since 1985, under the aegis of the International Lake Environment Committee (ILEC) Foundation (Japan), will be organised at Jaipur (Rajasthan, India) at the invitation of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government of India, New Delhi. admin Conference 2007-02-02 10:50:37 6th International R & D Conference, Sustainable Development of Water and Energy Resources - Needs and Challenges The CBIP will now be organizing the 6th International R&D Conference from 13-16 February 2007 at Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) India, on the theme Sustainable Development of Water and Energy Resources – Needs and Challenges. admin Conference 2007-02-02 10:47:08 5th Annual Mekong Flood Forum The Mekong River Commission (MRC) will conduct the 5th Annual Mekong Flood Forum from 17-18 May 2007 in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. The theme for the forum is: “Improving Inputs towards Medium-term Flood Forecasting and Warning in the Mekong Basin”. admin Conference 2007-02-02 10:36:30 4th Asian Regional Conference & 10th International Seminar on Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) To be held in Tehran from 2-5 May, 2007 by the Iranian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IRNCID), ICID & INPIM. The World Bank and IWMI will support this conference as well. Therefore, all the interested participants and the honorable members of ICID, INPIM, IWMI and NC' S are welcome to exchange ideas, experiences, new technologies and innovations, as well as, share benefits from new research and development by deliberating a lot of aspects of PIM . admin Conference 2007-02-02 10:32:12 Joint IMBER/LOICZ Continental Margins Open Science Conference Impacts of global, local and human forcings on biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems. admin Conference 2007-02-02 09:57:47 International Conference on Coastal Zone Environment and Sustainable Development Organized by School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067 (in collaboration with UNESCO, AIMS, Charles Darwin University, Australia and KTH, Sweden ) admin Conference 2007-02-02 09:52:50 World Water Week The World Water Week in Stockholm is the leading annual global meeting place for capacity-building, partnership-building and follow-up on the implementation of international processes and programmes in water and development. admin Conference 2007-02-01 11:25:48 DELTA 2007 - MANAGING THE COASTAL LAND-WATER INTERFACE IN TROPICAL DELTA SYSTEMS Delta 2007 will examine the state of tropical coastal deltas with a particular focus on agriculture-fishery-aquaculture-environment conflicts and coastal hazards experienced in developing countries. The conference is forward-looking and will identify both research priorities and planning, management and governance strategies that promote environmental sustainability and improve the socio-economic conditions of marginalized rural communities. Delta 2007 will be of interest to a wide range of individuals such as land and water resource researchers, coastal resource managers, and decision-makers involved in coastal planning initiatives. Selected papers presented at the conference will be published as refereed proceedings. admin Conference 2007-01-10 17:59:14 International Conference - Towards Sustainable Global Health The conference is an interdisciplinary forum for stakeholders, decision-makers and practitioners from the fields of: - Politics - Science - Private companies - NGOs and grassroots organisations - Institutions for development, knowledge transfer and education admin Conference 2007-01-03 12:08:54 15th Regional Training Course on Community Based Disaster Risk Management ADPC's Fifteenth Regional Training Course on Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM-15) will be held on 22nd January - 2nd February 2006 in Bangkok, Thailand. admin Meeting 2006-10-19 10:18:43 GODAE Symposium on ocean data assimilation and prediction in Asia-Oceania GODAE is an international program that aims to advance ocean data assimilation by synthesizing satellite and in-situ observations (e.g. from satellite altimeters and ARGO floats) with state-of-the art models of global ocean circulation. In the past few years, a suite of GODAE systems have been developed to produce global and basin-scale ocean analysis and short-term forecasts. GODAE products are also being used for ecosystem applications and to provide lateral open boundary conditions for regional and coastal systems. The specific requirements of these applications are important to the GODAE product developers as well as to the understanding of the need for large-scale observational systems. GODAE prediction systems for the Asia-Oceania region are being actively developed. Capitalizing on these developments, GODAE is organizing a symposium in Beijing, China to address key technical issues and to enhance the interaction of GODAE system developers and product users, especially in the Asia and Oceania regions. admin Conference 2006-10-10 11:53:32 Deltaic Gateways - Linking Source to Sink: An International Conference on Deltas International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) Project 475, Deltas in the Monsoon Asia–Pacific Region (DeltaMAP), has been organizing international conference on deltas annually.The fourth meeting will be held in Bangladesh, on the Ganges-Brahmaputra river delta, from January 6–13, 2007. The meeting will begin at the Razmoni Isha Kha hotel in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, and will continue at the Jamuna Resort near the banks of the Brahmaputra River (note: this reach of the river in Bangladesh is called the Jamuna). admin Conference 2006-10-05 16:38:16 Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 4th Annual Meeting The fourth Assembly in Bangkok is going to highlight geoscience activities in Thailand with the support of the Local Advisory Committee chaired by Prof. Piamsak Menasveta, Dean of the Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University. We invite participation of scientists, government officers, and industries to lectures and exhibitions at this first AOGS assembly ever held outside Singapore. admin Conference 2006-10-04 10:38:10 The Eighth Regional Symposium, PACON 2007: Ocean Observing Systems and Marine Environment The Eighth Regional Symposium, PACON 2007, will be held at the Ala Moana Hotel in Honolulu, Hawaii, on 24-27 June 2007. The theme is "Ocean Observing Systems and Marine Environment". The Call for Papers is available at Abstract deadline: 28 February 2007. PACON 2007 will also host the third annual Student Poster Session. For information, please see our website, contact us by mail at 2525 Correa Road, HIG 407A, Honolulu, HI 96822 USA, by email:, or by fax: 808-956-2580. admin Conference 2006-09-13 14:03:01 Mekong Research for the People THEMES * Water Resources Development, Food and Environmental Impacts * Climate and Basin Changes and Water Hazards Management * Eco System and Biodiversity * Future Opportunities and Transboundary Collaboration admin Conference 2006-07-26 12:48:45 Regional Conference on Sustainable Pelagic Fisheries in the South China Sea It is envisaged that participants of the conference will be: - 1.Representatives from Participating Countries (two from each country) – One who is directly responsible for this project on “Fishing Operation and Catches Data and Biological Data Collection and Analysis” for pelagic fisheries. Another one is the Project Technical Officer for pelagic resources utilization. One observer from Myanmar is also will be invited. 2.Representatives from MFRDMD, MFRD, TD and SEAFDEC Secretariat those responsible for the project implementation. 3.Representatives from international/regional organizations e.g. ASEAN Foundation, ASEAN Secretariat, FAO, MRC, Universities; and 4.Selected experts – A number of experts that have involved in the implementation of activities under the project. 5.Other interest parties admin Conference 2006-07-12 10:50:41 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION ON MANGROVES OF INDIAN AND WESTERN PACIFIC OCEANS The Maritime Institute of Malaysia (MIMA) is organising an International Conference and Exhibition on Mangroves (ICEMAN) of Indian and Western Pacific Oceans in 2006. ICEMAN 2006 will deal with problems and challenges related to protection, management, conservation and development of mangrove resources. An important part of the meeting is the discussion of problems and issues of mangrove rehabilitation in aftermath the Indian Ocean Tsunami. A core of regional and international mangrove experts will be invited to discuss and deliberate on the major issues, current and future challenges. admin Conference 2006-06-20 16:40:48 4th Annual Mekong Flood Forum The Mekong River Commission (MRC) will conduct the 4th Annual Mekong Flood Forum from 18-19 May, 2006 in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The theme of this year’s forum is: “Improving Flood Forecasting and Warning Systems for Flood Management and Mitigation in the Lower Mekong Basin”. The forum aims to raise the awareness of the current state of flood forecasting and warning systems at the national and regional levels in the Lower Mekong Basin and will also provide an opportunity for participants to discuss emerging needs within the basin and to review the progress each country has made towards a holistic and balanced flood management plan. admin 2006-05-10 11:53:01 7th International Seagrass Biology Workshop ISBW workshops bring together researchers, scientist and managers from around the world in a congenial and friendly atmosphere to discuss a wide range of seagrass science topics with the view to sustainably manage this vital resource. The symposium is hosted by the Institute of Marine Sciences of the University of Dar es Salaam, located along the Mizingani road in Stone Town (on the West Coast of Zanzibar). Participants will have a unique opportunity to visit tropical Indian Ocean seagrass environments in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Advertised at admin 2006-04-25 10:55:05 Catchments to Coast Conference Catchments to Coast is an international conference, the major focus of which will be the vital role and value of wetlands within the terrestrial and marine environments. Importantly, the joint conference provides an international platform for showcasing the need for, and benefits of, a multidisciplinary approach to the complex issues associated with the land-sea interface. The conference will be supplemented by a range of more specific wetland and marine science topics of current interest, including estuaries, aquaculture, migratory species, hydrological/geological processes, biogeochemistry, ecotoxicology, ecosystem-based management and protected areas. admin 2006-04-25 10:47:08 Global Conference of Renewable Energy Approaches for Desert regions & Exihibition The conference program will present a wide range of information to encourage thoughtful evaluation and discussion regarding the development of wind, solar, biomass and geothermal energy on desertic regions. Participants are expected to come from the wider area of building engineering (electrical, mechanical chemical), physics, material science and modelling techniques. admin 2006-04-04 14:27:03 The Sixth International Ecocity Conference The International Conference on Sustainable ecoCity Development (ecoCity 6), Bangalore - 2006 follows five pioneering conferences, the first held in Berkeley, USA (1990); Adelaide, Australia (1992); Yoff/Dakar, Senegal (1996), Curitiba, Brazil (2000) and Shenzhen, China (2002). admin 2006-04-04 14:21:23 Mangrove Macrobenthos Meeting 2 The first MMM was held in September 2000 at Mombasa, Kenya, organised by Professor Marco Vannini, Dr Stefano Cannicci and Renison Ruwa of Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI). About 100 participants from Europe, America, Africa, and Australia attended the meeting, with some of the papers presented now published in a special issue of Wetlands Ecology and Management ( Volume 10 , 2002). It was resolved at the meeting that MMM2 would be held in Australia. admin 2006-04-04 14:17:24 Water Markets Worldwide Conference Conference on the Market of water, waste water,drinking water, membrane technology, water disinfection, water treatment, E-technique, Automation, technology and Development Worldwide 2005-2015 admin 2006-04-04 14:13:56 Hydrological Sciences for Managing Water Resources in Asian Developing Countries This international conference aims to offer a multi-disciplinary platform for water experts and professionals, within and outside of the region, to exchange their views and research findings on a wide range of water problems in Asia. It will be an excellent opportunity for hydrologists from developed and developing countries around the globe to meet and jointly search for more effective and science-based solutions for water management in Asian countries. admin 2006-04-04 14:07:50 International conference on coastal oceanography and sustainable marine aquaculture (ICCOSMA) The Conference will bring together researchers, industry, and other stakeholders to identify and address constraints limiting marine seafood production, and thoroughly deliberate on the need for adopting a forward-looking approach based on new knowledge and ideas. Topics will cover a wide range of research and industry issues. admin 2006-04-04 13:58:19 Asian Conference on the Digital Commons Asia Commons: Asian Conference on the Digital Commons aims to bring together participants from Asia-Pacific and around the world to discuss, explore and collaborate around 3 key themes: * Access to Knowledge and Culture in Asia; * Models for Collaborative Knowledge and Culture; and * Towards a Healthy Asia Commons. admin 2006-04-04 10:12:08 Coastal Zone Asia Pacific Conference CZAP 2006 The 3rd Coastal Zone Asia Pacific Conference CZAP2006) on "Linking People and the Coasts" will be held at Batam, Indonesia on 29 August - 2 September 2006. The conference aims at gauging our progress in research and practices related to empowering coastal communities, sustaining people's livelihood, managing protected areas, the state of coral reefs and mangrove management, spatial planning and strengthening coastal governance. A special session on the Indian Ocean tsunami is also organized. Deadline for abstract submission is April 30, 2006. admin 2006-03-17 11:46:25 Third International Symposium on Transboundary Waters Management The Third International Symposium on Transboundary Waters Management is devoted to identifying, exploring, and analysing all the boundaries related to water management. admin Meeting 2006-02-21 11:17:42 Third Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands The Third Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands will mobilize high-level policy attention, topical working groups, analytical papers and other contributions to provide a review of progress achieved and obstacles faced in the implementation of international targets on oceans, coasts, and small island developing States (SIDS), especially those related to the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and other related agreements such as the Convention on Biological Diversity and Agenda 21. admin Meeting 2006-01-04 16:18:03 The International Forum on Integrated Water Resources Management of the Mekong River Basin As part of its ongoing 10th Anniversary Celebrations, The Mekong River Commission (MRC) is holding a two-day international forum on Integrated Water Resources Management in the Mekong River Basin. admin 2005-10-07 10:24:28 Seminar on Water, Nature and Society: Involving all Stakeholders towards the Sustainable Management of Water in Malaysia This seminar will be focused on the following topics: • sustainable development and management of water • public awareness, water education and capacity-building • socio-economic and legal issues/perspectives concerning water • environmental (scientific) issues/perspectives concerning water • water and wastewater engineering • water resources and hydrologic modelling • traditional water management. The_Sustainable_Management_of_Water_in_Malaysia.pdf admin 2005-10-07 11:15:07 Advanced Training Course on ‘Integrated Watershed Management’ (INWAMA) INWAMA is an interdisciplinary Asian-European partnership project, which offers advanced synergetic master’s level course in the field of Integrated Watershed Management (IWM) to assist efforts directed alleviating poverty caused by water scarcity and improving livelihoods. INWAMA is offering an interdisciplinary coursework in the field of Integrated Watershed Management (IWM), combining the experience of international experts in a comprehensive course for postgraduate students. The course will focus on natural as well as social sciences, including systems analysis, modelling, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), water law, water governance and data management. admin 2005-10-07 10:12:01 Workshop: Water in Mainland Southeast Asia In Mainland Southeast Asia, rivers, lakes, coastal zones are particularly threatened. This workshop will pay attention to the role of water in people's livelihoods divided over three sub-themes: • trade and commerce (local and foreign trade, transport, port cities) • natural resource use and management (rice cultivation, fisheries, water quality, environmental changes) • socio-cultural life (rites of passages, traditional medicine, religion). admin 2005-10-07 10:04:36 ENVIRO Asia 2005 Initiating from its dynamic debut, Enviro Asia 2005 will be the Asian launch pad of the latest technologies, solutions, systems, equipment and services in all fields of environment management and technology comprising water treatment, waste management, air pollution control, clean energy, cleaning management and pest control integrated under one roof. The combined synergies generated by these 6 interrelated sectors showcase a spectrum of creative recycling concepts, resource efficiency and conservation, occupational and environmental protection, all of which reciprocate the fundamentals of recycling and waste management. admin 2005-10-07 10:01:09 7th Regional Training Course on Flood Disaster Risk Management (FDRM-7) This course is an integrated approach to the development of flood risk reduction strategies. It involves engineering, settlement, development, public administration, community-based strategies and land-use planning (with environmental considerations). This multidisciplinary treatment of the flood problem and of the requirements of flood risk management is expected to enable a holistic view of the situation and the needed preparedness measures. Cases of responses at the national and local levels are presented to give mitigation measures concrete applications. More information: admin 2005-10-07 11:01:36 1st International Conference on Water Resources in the 21st Century This conference will present the more recent technological and scientific developments associated with the management of surface and sub-surface water resources. It will be an opportunity to bring together scholars, scientists, experts and researchers with end users, managers, decision makers and stakeholders from universities, institutes, agencies and authorities from all over the world to discuss and develop a general framework for optimizing water resources management and control for sustainable development. admin 2005-10-07 09:53:06 4th International Water History Association Conference: Water and Civiization The program, which will address various topics related to water and history, will bring together scholars and practitioners from a variety of disciplines and different parts of the world. In the process, IWHA hopes to help advance the theoretical and methodological quality of water history as a research field and to thereby increase understanding of the role of water in history and development. admin Convention 2005-10-07 09:46:03 12th World Water Congress of IWRA Water for Sustainable Development Towards Innovative Solutions. admin Convention 2005-10-07 09:40:56 7th Technical Symposium on Mekong Fisheries Reported in 'Mekong News' August-October 2005, Issue 2005/3. admin Meeting 2005-10-07 10:25:55 4th World Water Forum The World Water Forum is an initiative of the World Water Council that has the aim of raising the awareness on water issues all over the world. As the main international event on water, it seeks to enable multi-stakeholder participation and dialogue to influence water policy making at a global level, thus assuring better living standards for people all over the world and a more responsible social behavior towards water issues in-line with the pursuit of sustainable development. admin Convention 2005-09-16 13:45:45 ESSP Open Science Conference This Conference provides the opportunity for the presentation of advances since the Amsterdam Conference in our understanding of the natural and social systems of global environmental change and to highlight the ESSP approach to study of the Earth System. admin Convention 2006-01-17 16:45:06 6th Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community admin Convention 2005-09-16 12:51:25 2nd International Young Scientists' Global Change Conference The conference is sponsored by the Earth System Science Partnership (co-sponsorship is anticipated by APN, CMA IAI, and the USNSF)1 and is being organized by START, the global change SysTem for Analysis, Research and Training. It is expected that the young scientists will also participate in the Earth System Science Partnership’s Open Science Conference, Global Environmental Change: Regional Challenges (November 9-12, 2006, Beijing International Conference Center, ) that immediately follows the Young Scientists’ Conference. Awards will be granted for the most outstanding contributions in both paper and poster categories and awardees will be invited to present their research to the Open Science Conference. admin 2005-09-16 12:37:35 1st International Conference on Sustainable Irrigation Management, Technologies and Policies This conference seeks to address the different aspects of irrigation, including not only the management of water resources and scientifi c and technical aspects, but also matters related to policy and economics. The conference aims to attract researchers in academia and industry as well as professional practitioners and policy makers to review the state of the art from the scientific, technological, political and economic points of view. Its objective is also to discuss how to reach the sustainable management of irrigation resources in the future by applying modern simulation methods, advanced and new technologies as well as analysing different policies and economic forecasting techniques. admin Convention 2005-09-16 12:16:32 8th International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Water Pollution Water Pollution 2006 is the Eight International Conference in the series on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Water Pollution. The meeting's chief objective is to provide a forum for discussion for scientists and managers working in different aspects of water pollution. The wealth of information exchanged in this international meeting will be of great benefit to all involved with water pollution problems. admin Convention 2005-09-16 12:11:59 2nd International Conference on Advances in Education, Commerce & Governance: Technology´s Impact on Individuals, Culture and Society The goals of this conference are to explore the technical, social and cultural implications of the emerging information and communication technologies. The conference will address the technological and scientific development within education, commerce, governance, security with a special emphasis on the impact on individuals, culture and society. admin 2005-09-16 12:06:10 6th International Conference on Environmental Problems in Coastal Regions Including Oil and Chemical Spill Studies Coastal Environment 2006 deals with problems related to monitoring, analysis and modelling of coastal regions, including sea, land and air phenomena. An important part of the meeting is the discussion of ecological and environmental problems and the issues of water quality. admin Convention 2005-09-16 12:02:22 East Asian Seas (EAS) Congress 2006 The EAS Congress 2006 features: 1. Ministerial Forum on the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA) -- 14-15 December 2006; AND 2. International Conference on Coastal and Ocean Governance: One Ocean, One People, One Vision -- 12-14 December 2006. admin 2005-09-16 11:50:08 12th Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology (PACON 2006) This will be the first PACON conference in ASEAN (Association of South East Asia Nations) countries from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The biennial Congress brings together scholars and resource persons to address key issues concerning marine technology related to the ocean's economic potential from a multi-disciplinary perspective. The Congress facilitates an exchange of views and ideas between representatives of all nations thereby strengthening the global exchange of information and collaborative research linkages. admin Convention 2005-09-16 11:35:29 7th International Conference of Hydroinformatics (HIC2006) Hydroinformatics Conference is a significant event in the continuous effort of three international associations - International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IAHR), International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and International Water Association (IWA) - associated for the first time with the Société Hydrotechnique de France (SHF) to actively promote and accelerate both research and applications of hydroinformatics in the world. This conference, in Nice on the French Riviera, will serve as a perfect venue for practitioners, engineers, researchers, scientists, managers and decision makers from Asian and Americas to meet with their European counterparts to exchange about the most advanced developments in the hydroinformatics field and the urgent water related issues. admin 2005-09-16 11:25:09 3rd APHW Conference on Wise Water Resources Management Towards Sustainable Growth and Poverty Reduction The Conference Theme entitled "Wise Water Resources Management Towards Sustainable Growth and Poverty Reduction" features the regional characteristics and water problems, lessons from the past, sound utilization of water resources, climate change, variation and disasters, and wise water resources management. The event will include keynote addresses, a panel discussion, poster/oral presentations, and an exhibition. Individual or organizations wishing to hold special sessions during the 3rd APHW Conference are most welcome. admin Convention 2005-09-16 11:19:17 1st iLEAPS Science Conference The conference will highlight the relevant aspects concerning the interfaces between land-biosphere-atmosphere. In particular we will focus on four main topics: Land-atmosphere exchange of reactive and conservative compounds - key interactions and feedbacks in the earth system, feedbacks between land biota, aerosols and atmospheric composition in the climate system, feedbacks and teleconnections in the land surface-atmosphere-water-system and transfer of material and energy in the soil/canopy/boundary-layer system: Measurements and modelling. admin Convention 2005-09-16 11:14:34