Funding Signed in 2007
Donor | Programme/Project | Amount (US$) |
ASEAN | ASEAN support to Initial Analysis of Hydropower Potential in Lower Mekong Basin in relation to the Cumulative Transboundary Impacts Programme (use of Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund) | 500,000 |
Australia | The MRC/MDBC Strategic Liaison 2007-2011 Design Mission, signed 9 August 2007. | 20,000 |
AusAID support for preparation of the updated Integrated Capacity Building Programme | 66,400 | |
CPWF | Provision of funds from the Challenge Program for the Benchmark Basin Coordinator (Mekong) to be carried out under the auspices of the CPWF Consortium | 193,467 |
Denmark | Agreement with the Embassy of Denmark for funding support to the follow-up of the Independent Organisational, Institutional and Financial Review of the MRCS and the NMCs Effective 1 October 2007 to 31 December 2008. | 537,220 |
EC | Agreement on the European Commission’s contribution to the MRC for the Implementation of Flood Preparedness Programme. Effective 15 January 2007 to 14 April 2008. | 437,862 |
Finland | (1) Agreement with the Government of Finland for funding support to the MRC Basin Development Planning mainly through the Information and Knowledge Management Programme. Effective 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2010. | 8,746,413 |
(2) Funding agreement with the Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs for support to the MRC Hydropower Programme, (€1 million), effective 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2011. | 1,362,398 | |
(3) Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs support to the MRC Trust Fund, effective 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2010. | 340,599 | |
(4) Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs support to the MRC Junior Riparian Professional project, effective 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2011. | 1,021,798 | |
Germany | KfW technical support for a feasibility
study on “Sustainable Management of Watersheds in
the Lower Mekong Basin” |
159,989 |
Japan | Programme to Analyse and Evaluate Water
and Ecosystems in Asian Paddy Fields: funding for 2007 |
326,879 |
NT 2 | Agreement with Nam Theun 2 Power Company
Ltd for supply of services: review of the Hydraulic Study for Discharges from the NT2 Regulating Pond and Impacts on the Xe Bang Fai |
17,518 |
NBI | Service Contract between the Nile Basin
Initiative (NBI)-Water Resources Planning and Management Project and the MRC for NBI Study Tour to the MRC 21–27 October 2007 |
21,695 |
Sweden | Agreement with the Government of Sweden
on support to the MRC 2007-2009, effective January 2007 until 31 December 2009. |
6,420,000 |
Total | 20,105,838 |
Pledging and Commitment of Support
As of November 2007 the MRC’s development partners had formally
indicated multi-year pledging and commitments of support worth
US$12.28 million. Of this amount $9.08m is in the form of standing
pledges; $2.6m is new commitments and $0.6m represents standing
commitments. Pledges and commitments of support were made from
the following donors:
Funding Agreements (January–November 2007
US$ million)
Asian Development Bank:
The ADB has pledged funding support of US$1,180,000 to the NMCs
and the MRCS for the Sesan, Sre Pok Sekong Basins Development
Study in Cambodia, the Lao PDR and Viet Nam. This study will
take place under the Mekong Water Resources Partnership Programme
of the World Bank and the ADB. Of the total amount US$75,000
will cover MRC input costs and is therefore recorded as an ADB
pledge towards MRC.
New Commitments of Support
Australia: Based on the AusAID Mekong Water Resource
Strategy, AusAID has indicated an interest in providing further
support to the Basin Development Plan, Environment, Integrated
Capacity Building, and Navigation Programmes, to monitoring
and evaluation frameworks, and for the Technical Coordination
Advisor post. In addition, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organisation-MRC-Stockholm Environment Institute partnership
for 2007-2008 is considering US$211,000 worth of support to
a project to Reduce the Vulnerability of Water Resources, People
and the Environment in the Mekong Basin to Climate Change Impacts.
France: The French government has made a €2 million (approximately US$3m) commitment of support to the Environment Programme, the Mekong-Hycos project, and to the MRC Water Management Trust Fund.
Germany: The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of Germany has indicated an interest in providing components 4 and 5 of the Flood Management and Mitigation Programme with support worth €3 million (approximately US$4.5m).
Standing Commitments of Support
Germany: The German government has committed funding
support of €5.1m (US$6.1m) through a financial cooperation agreement
with the MRC for an Investment Sub-component on Integrated Forest
Rehabilitation in the Lower Mekong Basin (agreement of 24 October
2002). Of the total amount approximately US$606,500 is at this
stage earmarked to cover the costs of MRC inputs and is therefore
recorded as a KfW pledge to the MRC.