Mekong River Commission

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Hydropower and the 1995 Mekong Agreement

The development of mainstream dams in the Mekong Basin is perhaps the most important strategic decision the four member Countries of the MRC have faced since the signing of the 1995 Mekong Agreement on the cooperation for sustainable development of the Mekong basin.

Under the 1995 Agreement, the Member Countries agreed to cooperate to "optimise the multiple-use and mutual benefits" of water resources and to "minimise the harmful effects that might result from natural occurrences and man-made activities". Based on this mandate, the MRC is introducing a more holistic approach to the assessment of risks and opportunities of hydropower development in the Mekong region through a number of mechanisms.

These include providing independent and impartial advice regarding the effects of hydropower projects - both existing and proposed, facilitating coordination amongst the riparian nations of hydropower research, sustainability assessment and strategy development, and encouraging dialogue and communication between government, private sector and civil society stakeholders, to improve and encourage partnerships to form, as well as improving participation to better inform the hydropower decision-making processes.

Emphasis is placed on identifying and advancing sustainable forms of hydropower, consistent with national laws and the 1995 Agreement.





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