China Japan Korea Russia


10th NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meeting, 24-26 November 2005, Toyama, Japan

The 10th NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meeting had been held successfully in Toyama, Japan on 24-26 November 2005.  36 participants from NOWPAP member states, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), NOWPAP Regional Activity Centres (RACs) and Regional Coordinating Unit (RCU) attended the meeting.  The meeting made the following decisions:

•   To start the Marine Litter Activity (MALITA) in the NOWPAP region.
•   To expand the geographical coverage of the NOWPAP Oil Spill Regional Contingency Plan (RCP). In
     a few months, the RCP will cover the area between 33 and 55 degrees North and from 121 to 145
     degrees East.
•   To initiate new directions of work for the NOWPAP RACs (including, among others, Integrated
     Coastal Zone and River Basin Management; State of Marine Environment Report; Chemicals
     Spills Preparedness and Response), in addition to NOWPAP activities related to Harmful Algal
     Blooms; River and Direct Inputs of Contaminants; Oil Spills; Remote Sensing; and others.  

The meeting supported a GEF PDF-B project proposal to address land-based activities with focus on persistent toxic substances (PTS).  Cooperation with potential partners in the region, among other issues, was also discussed.

The 11th IGM will be hosted by the Russian Federation in 2006.

(posted on 2 December 2005)

Cooperative relation with PEMSEA established

NOWPAP has developed a cooperative relationship with PEMSEA since NOWPAP Regional Coordinating Unit became operational in April 2005. Beginning with information exchange from both sides, NOWPAP has been introduced by PEMSEA in its on-line electronic newsletter and was invited as a member of the Advisory Committee of PEMSEA East Asian Seas Congress to be convened on 12-16 December 2006 in Beijing, People¡¯s Republic of China. NOWPAP is now discussing with PEMSEA to co-organize a workshop during the Congress with potential topics on spills of oil and other hazardous and noxious substances, as a contribution to the event.

(posted on 19 October 2005)

Cooperation with YSLME developed

Seeking cooperation with other international players in the Asia-Pacific region for the protection and sustainable use of marine and coastal environment and resources, NOWPAP is building a partnership with YSLME project in which NOWPAP member states China and Korea participate. Both sides realize that there are potential areas where NOWPAP and YSLME project could contribute and complement each other during the course of the implementation of their activities. At the initial stage, NOWPAP has been invited for meetings and workshops convened by YSLME project to share and exchange information. YSLME project manager has visited NOWPAP RCU recently to discuss cooperation mechanism and a draft memorandum of understanding which details cooperative activities to be taken in the future.

(posted on 19 October 2005)


Intersessional Workshop, 25-26 July 2005, Seoul, ROK

The NOWPAP Intersessional Workshop was held on 25-26 July 2005 in Seoul, Republic of Korea. As decided at the 9th Intergovernmental Meeting (9th IGM, Busan, Republic of Korea, 2004), the Intersessional Workshop was attended by high level NOWPAP representatives who discussed a number of issues ranging from new directions of work for the NOWPAP Regional Activity Centers and initiation of the marine litter activity to the sustainable contributions to the NOWPAP Trust Fund. The Intersessional Workshop was concluded with several recommendations on these issues for further consideration at the upcoming 10th IGM scheduled on 24-26 November 2005 in Toyama, Japan.

(posted on 19 October 2005)