The 14th NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meeting was held from 8 to 10 December 2009 in Toyama, Japan. Representatives of NOWPAP member states (China, Japan, Republic of Korea and Russian Federation) participated in this annual meeting. Representatives from UNEP and from NOWPAP partners (COBSEA, PICES, and YSLME) also attended the meeting.
The meeting reviewed the implementation of NOWPAP in 2008-2009 and discussed the major NOWPAP activities in the coming two years. In addition to the work plan and budget for 2010-2011, the meeting has approved the following activities/documents:
• development of a project on assessment of the current status of marine and coastal biodiversity in the NOWPAP region;
• preparation of the NOWPAP medium-term strategy to facilitate its effective and efficient implementation,
• the draft work plan and budget for implementing NOWPAP Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter (RAP MALI),
• further enhancement of the NOWPAP RCU role in the smooth implementation of NOWPAP, including possible revision of RCU Terms of Reference.
The next NOWPAP IGM will be held in Russia in the second half of 2010.
(released on 11 December 2009)
The East Asian Seas Congress 2009 (the third so far) was held on 23-27 November 2009 in Manila, the Philippines. NOWPAP booth was set up to display posters and promotional items showcasing NOWPAP activities. NOWPAP also was presented, along with several other PEMSEA partners, at the ¡°Centerpiece Exhibit¡± of the Congress with the theme dedicated to dealing with marine litter.
NOWPAP RCU staff members chaired a workshop on transboundary pollution reduction in river areas and coastal areas; made presentation at a workshop related to addressing transboundary issues through regional cooperation; and also attended several workshops related to climate change in the East Asia (including applications of Integrated Coastal Management), ecosystem-based management, land- and sea-use zoning and some other regional initiatives, such as Sato Umi in Japan, Yellow Sea LME and Mangroves for the Future (MFF) projects. Three NOWPAP Regional Activity Centers (CEARAC, MERRAC and POMRAC) were also present at the Congress (through having a booth, co-chairing a WS, and making presentations).
The next EAS Congress will be held in 2012, along with the World Expo in Yeosu (Korea).
(released on 30 November 2009)
UNEP Administrative Management Meeting
To keep the offices away from headquarters (OAHs) abreast of recent UNEP developments, the Administrative Management Meeting (AMM) was held in Nairobi (Kenya) on 26-30 October 2009. At the expense of UNEP Corporate Services Section (CSS), three NOWPAP RCU staff members dealing with administrative issues attended the AMM. They will apply the newly acquired knowledge and skills to their day-to-day operation of NOWPAP RCU.
(released on 13 November 2009)
Global Regional Seas Meeting
The 11th Global Meeting of Regional Seas (RS) Conventions and Action Plans was held on 5-8 October 2009 in Bangkok, Thailand, hosted by the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA).
In addition to RS Conventions and Action Plans, representatives from the UNESCO IOC, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), the Nature Conservancy (TNC), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), FAO Regional Office for Asia, UNEP DGEF and UNEP DEPI, also attended the meeting. NOWPAP was represented by Coordinator and Director of CEARAC (Special Monitoring and Coastal Environmental Assessment Regional Activity Center).
The main sessions of the meeting were devoted to:
a) partnerships between RS and UN agencies, MEAs and civil society;
b) biodiversity within ecosystem-based management;
c) biodiversity and the Regional Seas Porgramme; and
d) strengthening the RS alliance.
Taking into account that Japan will host the 10th CBD Conference of Parties (COP 10) in October 2010, NOWPAP activities related to marine and coastal biodiversity are anticipated with great interest.
Information received during regular sessions and side meetings with UNEP DEPI and DGEF, as well as with representatives of Caribbean and Mediterranean Action Plans and COBSEA, will be very useful for future NOWPAP implementation (e.g. marine protected areas networks; marine invasive species; etc.).
On 9 October, short meeting was organized among representatives from three RS programmes under UNEP ROAP (Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific): NOWPAP, COBSEA and South Asian Seas Action Plan to discuss potential areas of collaboration.
(released on 9 October 2009)
Two Workshops on Marine Biodiversity
With the financial support from UNEP Division of Environmental Policy Implementation, NOWPAP successfully convened the Brainstorming Workshop on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity on 17 September 2009 in Toyama, Japan. Workshop was well-attended by experts from all four NOWPAP member states and representatives from NOWPAP partners (COBSEA, PICES and YSLME) as well as other international organizations and projects such as APN (Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research), CoML (Census of Marine Life), HELCOM (Helsinki Commission), IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), UNU-IAS (UN University – Institute of Advanced Studies), OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information System), and WWF-Japan.
Among several possible projects related to biodiversity (BD) conservation in the NOWPAP region, the following were recommended for the next NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meeting in December 2009 for consideration and approval:
• Assessment of the current status of BD in the NOWPAP region.
• Assessment of climate change impacts and other factors on marine and coastal ecosystems.
• Establishing networks of marine protected areas (MPAs), including taking into account typical habitat representation.
• Developing a regional programme to deal with marine invasive species.
The brainstorming workshop was held back-to-back with the First Workshop on Marine Biodiversity in the Northwest Pacific Region on 16 September where participants were briefed on the current situation in the region and planned activities of NOWPAP member states in relation to biodiversity conservation.
(released on 5 October 2009)
7th NOWPAP POMRAC Focal Points Meeting
The POMRAC Focal Points Meeting (FPM) has been held in Kanazawa, Japan, on 11-12 September 2009. The meeting discussed and agreed on new POMRAC activities for 2009 and for 2010-2011. The POMRAC activities in 2010-2011 biennium will be focusing on two major issues:
• Preparing the next edition of the ¡°State of Marine Environment Report¡± (SOMER) for the NOWPAP region.
• Integrated Coastal and River Basin Management (ICARM).
Within SOMER, two POMRAC working groups (on atmospheric deposition and on river and direct inputs of contaminants) are expected to contribute, as well as other NOWPAP RACs. Within ICARM, many different issues might be covered (pending availability of additional funds and decisions of NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meeting): climate change adaptation, biodiversity conservation, marine spatial planning, ecosystem valuation, applying ecosystem based management, etc.
(released on 5 October 2009)
7th NOWPAP CEARAC Focal Points Meeting
The CEARAC FPM has been held in Toyama, Japan, on 14-15 September 2009. The meeting adopted the CEARAC work plan and budget for 2010-2011 biennium with focus on the following activities:
• Assessment of eutrophication status in selected sea areas in the NOWPAP region.
• Updating integrated (i.e. regional) reports on Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) and on Remote Sensing (RS) applications for marine environment monitoring in the NOWPAP region.
• Carrying out 3rd NOWPAP Training Courses on RS data analysis and applications.
• Developing a methodology for coastal environmental assessment with the focus on biodiversity.
While implementing these activities (pending budget availability after approval by the NOWPAP IGM), close cooperation with other international organizations and projects will be sought, such as PICES, IOC/WESTPAC, COBSEA, HELCOM, etc.
(released on 5 October 2009)
NOWPAP at the 2009 PICES International Summer School on Satellite Oceanography
As part of the cooperative activities between NOWPAP and PICES, NOWPAP CEARAC director and expert attended the PICES Summer School on Satellite Oceanography for the Earth Environment on 25-28 August 2009 in Seoul National University, Korea. The 4-day summer school was conducted for 36 postgraduate students, early-career scientists and other professionals from the North Pacific region. The event was sponsored by several Korean and international organizations and companies. The CEARAC expert contributed to the success of the summer school by serving as the facilitator.
This is the second time that NOWPAP and PICES have had this kind of joint activities: similar remote sensing training workshop was conducted in Korea in 2008.
(released on 1 September 2009)
NOWPAP integrated HAB website to be launched
NOWPAP CEARAC has developed a website dedicated to harmful algae blooms (HAB) which will soon be available after the review by the 7th CEARAC Focal Points Meeting scheduled on 14-15 September 2009 in Toyama, Japan. From this dedicated website, regional integrated reports on HAB, reports on country case studies, public awareness brochures, database on experts and some details on each case study will be available along with other information, such as meetings, events and links to other relevant organizations, programmes and institutions.
(released on 1 September 2009)
Marine invasive species project commenced
As decided at the 8th NOWPAP DINRAC Focal Points Meeting in May 2009, a working group on marine invasive species (MIS) has been set up and started developing an outline for compiling national reports and a regional overview which are expected to be completed within several months. In the mean time, NOWPAP RCU expert is attending a MIS Workshop organized by COBSEA, which is also developing a regional strategy on the marine invasive species.
(released on 1 September 2009)
NOWPAP at Tunza Conference
The NOWPAP Scientific Affairs Officer, Dr. Sangjin Lee, delivered a lecture on ¡°Climate change and its effects on biodiversity¡± with the focus on conservation of marine environment at the Tunza International Children and Youth Conference.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in cooperation with UNEP National Committee for the Republic of Korea hosted a Tunza International Children and Youth Conference in Daejeon, Korea from 17 to 23 August 2009. The conference with a main theme of Climate Change brought together about 750 participants from 106 countries. Participants of the Daejeon gathering issued a declaration: ¡°Listen to Our Voices: The Future Needs Strong Vision and Leadership¡±.
Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, United Nations Secretary General, said that this global youth and children conference was the largest international gathering of young people launched to advocate the climate change-related actions under the ¡°Seal the Deal¡± campaign. The UNEP Executive Director Mr. Achim Steiner, UNEP ROAP Director Mr. Park Yong-woo and Korea Prime Minister Mr. Han Soong-su also attended this meeting to emphasize its significance.
(released on 27 August 2009)
UNEP ROAP Director visit to NOWPAP RCU
Dr. Young-Woo Park, Director of UNEP Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP), visited NOWPAP RCU Busan office on 9 June 2009. Dr. Park was attending the 3rd International Conference on Children¡¯s Health and the Environment (held in Busan, Korea on 7-10 June), where he made an opening statement and chaired one of the sessions. During his short visit to Busan office, Dr. Park shared his ideas related to NOWPAP implementation (e.g. using information technologies and geographic information systems (GIS) for internet training) as well as information on research being done in Korea on using algae for carbon sequestration and also for biomass production. Dr. Park also stressed importance of coordination with government agencies to get any relevant information that might help implementing NOWPAP activities. NOWPAP RCU staff members briefed Dr. Park on recent projects implemented by NOWPAP Regional Activity Centers and Regional Coordinating Unit (RCU).
Conference participants congratulated UNEP on its work related to mercury (including GC 25 decisions). Partnership between WHO and UNEP on environment and health linkage was also highly appreciated.
(released on 10 June 2009)
At its 12th Focal Points Meeting (FPM) and the 4th Competent National Authorities (CNA) Meeting for NOWPAP Regional Oil and HNS Spill Contingency Plan held in Daejeon on 1-3 June 2009, NOWPAP Marine Environmental Emergency Preparedness and Response Regional Activity Centre (MERRAC) approved the workplan and budget for the 2010-2011 biennium. In conjunction with the FPM and CNA Meeting, an International Workshop on the Response to Marine Pollution in the NOWPAP Region was also held on 5 June in Incheon, where representatives from the NOWPAP member states shared information and practices on oil spill preparedness and response.
As the region is at the high risk of oil spill incidents demonstrated by the real disaster of Hebei Spirit in December 2007, NOWPAP members pay great attention to regional cooperation on the issue and tried to be better prepared. In 2008, Second NOWPAP Oil Spill Exercise was held in Qingdao, China. In 2009, two NOWPAP BRAVO exercises were successfully conducted to check the communication efficiency among member countries in response to oil spill under the NOWPAP Regional Oil and Hazardous and Noxious Substances Contingency Plan (RCP). In addition, MERRAC has shared it successful story recently with the South Asia Cooperative Environment Programme (SACEP) in order to help them to get their oil spill contingency plan adopted.
(released on 9 June 2009)
8th DINRAC Focal Points Meeting convened
NOWPAP Data and Information Network Regional Activity Centre (DINRAC) has recently completed its 8th Focal Points Meeting in Beijing. During the three-day meeting on 19-21 May 2009, DINRAC Focal Points approved the workplan and budget for 2010-2011 that is to be submitted to NOWPAP 14th IGM at the end of this year for adoption. DINRAC will form a working group to develop an activity on alien species, visualize the current DINRAC website using the web-based GIS and maintain its internet communication system among member states. In addition to DINRAC Focal Points and national experts, Directors of each NOWPAP RAC and representatives of NOWPAP RCU also attended the meeting where they had sideline interviews with a consultant for NOWPAP RCU performance review.
(released on 25 May 2009)
NOWPAP representatives attended the World Ocean Conference
The NOWPAP representatives attended the World Ocean Conference in Manado, Indonesia on 11-15 May 2009. The Conference was aimed at creating a forum for the world community to discuss current marine and ocean issues which are related to climate change.
The Manado Declaration was adopted at the conference by the participating governments and the outcomes from the conference will be brought to the current climate change negotiation process at the UN Climate Change Conference in December 2009 in Copenhagen. The Coral Triangle Summit was also held at the same time. In addition, there were also parallel International Science, Technology and Policy Symposium, Exhibition and UNEP workshops which the NOWPAP representatives also attended and distributed NOWPAP publications and promotional items.
(released on 25 May 2009)
NOWPAP participation in the Global Gathering 2009 in Busan, Korea
NOWPAP participated in the Global Gathering 2009 in Busan, Korea on 23 May 2009. A NOWPAP exhibition booth was set up at the event which was designed by Busan municipal government as a cultural exchange event to promote international cooperation.
This is the second time that NOWPAP has participated in this annual event since 2008.
(released on 25 May 2009)
Cooperation with Korea UNEP National Committee developed
Starting from information exchange, linking websites and sharing publications, NOWPAP has developed cooperative relationship with the Korea UNEP National Committee. After attending and delivering a lecture at a workshop organized by the Committee last year on the oil spill in Taean, Korea, NOWPAP representative will participate in another event sponsored by the Committee: international video conference on Global Green New Deal in Seoul on 5 June 2009.
(released on 25 May 2009)
New programme officers at the NOWPAP RCU
Recruited by UNEP as NOWPAP Administrative Officer and Scientific Affairs Officer, Mr. Masakatsu OHYAMA and Mr. Sangjin LEE have recently reported respectively to NOWPAP RCU offices in Toyama (Japan) and Busan (Republic of Korea).
Mr. Ohyama, a Japanese national, had been working at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs for more than 10 years, being in charge of financial and programme management before joining NOWPAP. He also worked at an investment institution for four years, dealing with corporate finance and investments. His rich experience with the UN system and financial affairs will benefit NOWPAP administration and finance management.
Dr. Lee, a Korean national, had been a branch director and research centre manager in the Korean Coast Guard, responsible for oil spill preparedness and marine pollution related project management since 2004. He was also involved in university research projects on toxic waste management. His academic achievements and project management skills will contribute to successful implementation of NOWPAP activities.
With the arrival of the two new staff members, NOWPAP RCU will continue to provide its assistance to the member states and Regional Activity Centers.
(released on 4 May 2009)
Farewell to Ms. Park and Mr. Baba
Two program officers from the NOWPAP RCU are leaving us on 31 March 2009, after working hard for four years trying to implement, promote and coordinate NOWPAP activities.
Ms. (Dr.) Jeung Sook PARK, NOWPAP Scientific Affairs Officer, has reported to her Busan duty station in January 2005. Since that time, and thanks to her efforts, NOWPAP became much more known not only in our region but also as far away as South Africa and Jamaica. Being responsible for scientific and technical projects, Jeung Sook contributed substantially to the success of NOWPAP Marine Litter Activity (MALITA) and the development of the NOWPAP regional project focusing on the persistent toxic substances (PTS). Her help to NOWPAP Regional Activity Centers (RACs) can be demonstrated, for example, by several project proposals which she prepared on climate change, invasive species and biodiversity conservation (as well as marine litter). She had also contributed, jointly with other staff, to the successful organization of NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meetings.
Mr. Norio BABA, NOWPAP Administrative Officer, has reported to his Toyama duty station in December 2004. Due to his personal efforts and skills, both RCU offices in Toyama and Busan became operational very quickly. Working away from headquarters (UNEP in Nairobi) is not easy, but Norio has managed all financial transactions for NOWPAP RACs, RCU and specific projects smoothly and in strict accordance with the UN rules and regulations. Norio not only successfully mobilized additional resources for NOWPAP activities, but also managed all budgetary requirements associated with the past, present and future NOWPAP projects, including project proposals to donors. Under his supervision, two programme assistants in Busan and Toyama are now doing online financial transactions and managing the overall NOWPAP budget in close contact with UNEP HQs.
Successors of Norio and Jeung Sook, Mr. Masakatsu OHYAMA and Mr. (Dr.) Sangjin LEE, are now being recruited by UNEP and are expected to join the NOWPAP RCU in May.
(released on 27 March 2009)
NOWPAP recent developments
According to the decision of the 12th NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meeting (IGM), the relocation of the NOWPAP Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator between Toyama and Busan RCU offices took place in December 2008. Now both offices are fully operational. After the relocation, a courtesy call has been paid respectively by the Coordinator and the Deputy Coordinator to Seoul and Tokyo.
The 2nd NOWPAP BRAVO exercise has been conducted successfully in January 2009 by NOWPAP member countries under the coordination of MERRAC. This exercise aimed at testing the communication between among NOWPAP members in response to oil spill incident.
A process for conducting RCU performance review has been started. According to the member countries¡¯ suggestion and with the help from the UNEP Headquarters, a consultant is being hired to implement the review. Consultations on the dates and the agenda of the 14th NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meeting are also on the way.
With the leaving of the NOWPAP Administrative Officer and the Scientific Affairs Officer in April 2009, recruitment of their successors is being finalized by UNEP Headquarters.
NOWPAP and PICES are developing cooperation as both sides are planning to have a joint session during the 2009 annual PICES meeting on marine spatial planning in support of integrated management - tools, methods, and approaches. In addition, NOWPAP is considering contribution to the PICES North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report and the Satellite Oceanography Summer School through providing experts for a relevant workshop and lecturer and materials for the summer school.