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Legislation and Regulations

As shipping is probably the most international industry, the only effective way to address shipping related issues is through a standardised international system. This has been one of the hallmarks of the success of IMO in its more than 50 year history. The avoidance of unilateral responses by individual states is critical to the success of any regulatory regime that applies to shipping. 

As described under the section on The International Response, IMO member States adopted the new ballast water Convention in February 2004. As an IMO activity, GloBallast is promoting the adoption of the standardised IMO legal regime throughout all of its activities. One of these activities has been a Legislative Review

Image showing a ship and scales

Despite the significant efforts being expended by IMO member countries to develop an international legal instrument, many countries and even sub-national jurisdictions have unilaterally developed or are developing national or local legislation. These include Australia, Canada, Chile, Israel, New Zealand, the USA, various individual States within the USA and various individual ports around the world, such as Buenos Aires in Argentina, Scapa Flow in Scotland and Vancouver in Canada.

Many of these unilateral responses remain generally consistent with current IMO Guidelines, while others impose new and different requirements on shipping. Such developments are of major concern to the shipping industry, which must operate across many jurisdictions and which may be impacted severely when the rules change from port to port. In order to keep its members and others informed of legislative developments, the International Association of Independent Tanker Owners (INTERTANKO) has developed national legislation profiles, posted on its web site. -  INTERTANKO National Legislation Profiles.

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