Healthy Environments, Healthy Children

Increasing Knowledge and Taking Action

An International Conference


Advances in the Use of Biomarkers in Children

A Global Science and Research Workshop


To the scientists who submitted abstracts for poster sessions
please see the List of Abstract Titles
with first author names. This is the total list of Abstracts received.

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please re-submit it at for evaluation by the Organizing Committee

Healthy Children Agenda


Biomarkers Agenda

List of Hotels

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The National Children's Study

The Government of Argentina, the World Health Organization, the Pan American Health Organization, and the Argentine Pediatric Society are pleased to announce the Second International Conference on Children's Environmental Health (CEH): Healthy Environments Healthy Children: Increasing Knowledge and Taking Action to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 14 through 16 November 2005 at Hotel Crowne Plaza.

This conference aims to strengthen collaborative research, increase awareness of children's environmental health, facilitate the sharing of experiences and instigate actions to improve the environments of children in the Americas and around the world. The conference will focus on science-oriented issues, research needs and capacity-building while addressing the concrete needs for action and policies at the community, country, regional and international levels.

This conference is expected to respond to calls for action concerning children's environmental health that will be made by the preceding Health and Environment Ministerial of the Americas (June 2005) and the Summit of the Americas (November 2005).

Science, research and policy experts will be able to interact and set an agenda to weave research and science into policy discussions and vise-versa. Participants will include healthcare and environmental professionals, members of organizations, active community members, scientists, researchers, public health and environmental health policy experts, engineers and healthcare practitioners. All sectors will be represented through their presence, active participation or concrete presentations, including government, academia, non-governmental organizations, industry, and professional associations. A call for abstracts on CEH research issues will be made by May 2005, at the time of the circulation of the draft program of the event. This conference will also offer the opportunity for pre- and post-conference courses and workshop that will address specific CEH issues.

Children are the main and most precious resource of countries. They should live, grow, learn and play in environments that are supportive of good health and well-being. This conference proposes to increase awareness, set forth action, and contribute worldwide to improve the status of children's health and their environments.

The World Health Organization, the Pan American Health Organization and the International Programme on Chemical Safety jointly announce the Workshop on Advances in the Use of Biomarkers in Children.

This 1½ day workshop will be held on November 17-18 following the global conference, Healthy Environments, Healthy Children: Increasing Knowledge and Taking Action, at the Hotel Crowne Plaza in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

This workshop will convene experts from around the world to present and discuss the scientific advances made during the past decade in the availability and improvement of biomarkers in children. It will cover topics such as:

  • The availability of biomarkers during the various development stages.
  • Biomarkers of exposure to environmental chemicals.
  • Discussion of biomarkers of susceptibility and effects.
  • New technologies and their contribution to the development of new biomarkers in children.
  • How to incorporate biomarker data into risk assessment paradigms and risk communication.

The agenda for this workshop will include presentations on biological tissues, major classes of chemicals and biomarkers of susceptibility and effect. It will discuss the incorporation of biomarker data into risk assessment and risk communication and present the role of new technologies in the development of biomarkers in children.