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View Full Version : RWG-F Paper on Fisheries Refugia and MPAs

Chris Paterson
18-07-07, 07:25
Hello friends and colleagues,

We agreed during our recent fisheries working group meeting in Viet Nam that we would prepare an article that compares and contrasts fisheries refugia and MPAs for presentation during the Regional Scientific Conference. We agreed further that as a starting point we would put together a bibliography for use in writing the paper. Here are a handful of papers I have on hand now.

Regards, Chris :).

Chris Paterson
18-07-07, 07:33
Here are several more papers ...

Chris Paterson
18-07-07, 12:42
As discussed during our recent meeting in Phu Quoc, here are the discussion documents and report for the FAO Workshop on MPAs in Fisheries Management convened at FAO Rome from 12th-14th June 2006.

Enjoy :).

Chris Paterson
18-07-07, 14:03
Hello colleagues and friends,

Here are 15 recent articles on fisheries and marine protected areas, although very few draw on examples from Southeast Asia. Your contributions of papers covering local examples will be greatly appreciated. I also include some general fisheries management articles covering topics such as decentralisation and co-management in your countries.

Chris :).

Noel Barut
19-07-07, 00:16
Thank you Chris for posting these articles. It will also help me in the preparation of the paper for the Mayors' Roundtable Discussion.

Chris Paterson
19-07-07, 02:11
Here is the complete report and documentation of the FAO/Japan Government Cooperative Programme "Expert Workshop on Marine Protected Areas and Fisheries Management: Review of Issues and Considerations" published this year. I also attach a nice picture of you enjoying your visit to the Ham Ninh seagrass site.

Regards, Chris :).

Nygiel Armada
19-07-07, 09:58
Here is my initial contribution to our article collection. There's one article with a catchy title "painting the floor with a hammer".

Nygiel Armada
19-07-07, 10:00
Here's another one by Alcala,

Noel Barut
20-07-07, 01:19
I'll be presenting to all the BFAR Regional Directors our project on fish refugia during the Regional Directors' management committee meeting on 30 July 2007. as instructed by our Director. This is a good venue for them to know what is happening in the project especially to those Regional Directors whose Region is not part of the project.

Chris Paterson
09-11-07, 07:21
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am writing from the Regional Training Course on Establishment and Management of Fisheries Refugia. We are discussing the National "Echo" Seminars and I think this E-Forum will be a good tool for us to share information about what is happening in your countries.

Your staff will be back next week. Thanks for letting them come to the workshop.

Regards, Chris.

21-06-10, 15:27
thank you nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn