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Chris Paterson
02-02-07, 11:02
Dear members of the South China Sea Project network,

An update on the South China Sea Training Programme was sent to you today by e-mail. This update has also been posted on the SCS Training Programme Portal at http://training.unepscs.org.

The main objective of this update was to remind you that we are currently seeking nominations of individuals to participate in the regional training courses to be held during 2007, and to encourage you to forward nominations to your National Technical Focal Point by Friday 23rd February.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any assistance. My contact details are as follows:

Tel: 662 288 1116
Fax: 662 288 1094
E-mail: patersonc@un.org
Skype: scs_chris

Kind regards,

Chris Paterson :)

Chris Paterson
08-02-07, 09:30
Dear colleagues,

A reminder of the nomination submission deadline for the South China Sea training programme was sent to you today by e-mail. This update has also been posted on the SCS Training Programme Portal at http://training.unepscs.org. (http://training.unepscs.org/)

Several members of the network have sought clarification over the past week regarding the participation of project component focal points in the regional training courses. For those of you that took the time to read the RSTC training programme document you will recall that project component focal points are generally not eligible to participate in the regional courses. There is one exception to this - Chairs of the national committees (or project component focal points) are eligible to participate in the regional training course on Project Design, Planning and Financial Management.

Please don't forget the 23rd February deadline for the submission of nominations to your National Technical Focal Point (NTFP). The contact details for each of your respective NTFPs are included in the e-mail sent to you today and can also be accessed in the Partner Network (http://www.unepscs.org/forum/../content/category/20/98/122/) section of the project website.

Best regards,

Chris Paterson :)

Chris Paterson
20-02-07, 01:29
Dear colleagues,

Please do not forget the 23rd February 2007 deadline for the submission of nominations to your National Technical Focal Points. The following information for each nominee should be included in your submission:

Full name
Position of employment (including name of organisation)
Mailing address
Telephone number
Facsimile number
E-mail address
Educational background
Professional backgroundContact details for each of your NTFPs were sent to you recently by e-mail. Here they are again:

Mr. Koch Savath
Deputy Director General of Technical Affaires
Ministry of Environment
48 Samdech Preah Sihanouk
Tonle Bassac, Chamkarmon
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: (855) 12 787088
Fax: (855 23) 215925
E-mail: kochsavath@yahoo.com

Mr. Huang Zhengguang
Senior Engineer
South China Institute of Environmental Sciences
7 West Street
Yuancun Guangzhou 510655
Guangdong Province, China
Tel: (86 20) 8552 8748; 8552 5915
Fax: (86 20) 8552 4451; 8552 4439
E-mail: georgehuang@scies.com.cn

Mrs. Wahyu Indraningsih
Assistant to the Deputy Minister of Environment
on Marine and Coastal Degradation Control Affairs
Ministry of Environment
IL D.I. Panjaitan, Kebon Nanas
Jakarta 13410, Indonesia
Tel: (62 21) 8590 5638
Fax: (62 21) 8590 4929
E-mail: pkepl@menlh.go.id

Ms. Hajah Rosnani Ibarahim
Director General
Department of Environment (DOE)
Level 3-7, Block C4, Parcel C
Federal Government Administrative Centre
62662 Putrajaya, Malaysia
Tel: (603) 8885 8201; 007 603 89262004
Fax: (603) 8888 9987, 8889 1036
E-mail: hri@jas.sains.my

Dr. Gil Jacinto
Marine Science Institute
University of the Philippines
Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
Tel: (632) 922 3944
Fax: (632) 924 7678
E-mail: gilj@upmsi.ph

Dr. Sirikul Bunpapong
Director, Biological Diversity Division
Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning
60/1 Soi Phibunwattana 7, Rama VI Road Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Tel: (66 2) 2656636
Fax: (66 2) 265 6640; 2656638
E-mail: sirikb@yahoo.com

Copy: Mrs. Nirawan Pipitsompat
Senior Environmental Officer
Biological Diversity Division
Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning
60/1 Soi Phibunwattana 7, Rama VI Road Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Tel: (66 2) 2656636
Fax: (66 2) 265 6640; 2656638
E-mail: nirawan_p@hotmail.com

Prof. Dr. Mai Trong Nhuan, Vice-President
Vietnam National University, Hanoi
165 Khuong Trung Street144, Xuan Thuy Road, Cau Giay District
Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: (844) 834 20157547715, 853 1142
Fax: (844) 858 30617547724
E-mail: nhuanmt@vnu.edu.vn

Copy: Mr. Le Dai Thang
Integrated Coastal Zone, Marine and River Basin Management Division
Vietnam Environment Protection Agency (VEPA)
67 Nguyen Du str., Hanoi
Tel: (844) 8224419
Mobile: 84 912019820
Fax: (844) 8223189; 8224187
Email: ldthang@nea.gov.vn;ldtthang@gmail.com

Best regards,

Chris :).

Chris Paterson
28-03-07, 06:39
The Regional Training Workshop on the Sustainable Use of Mangrove Ecosystems will be convened from 25th April to 8th May 2007 in Penang, Malaysia. The workshop will be conducted by Universiti Sains Malaysia through the co-ordination of its wholly-owned company, USAINS.

USAINS has established a website for this training course which can be accessed by visiting http://www.usainsgroup.com/unepmangrove/. Invited participants are encouraged to maintain regular contact with USAIN staff and the course director. Project component focal points and National Technical Focal Points can assist participants by ensuring that their travel is approved in a timely manner.

Contact details for USAINS and the course director are as follows:

Dr. Sam Teng Wah
Group Senior General Manager
USAINS Holding Sdn. Bhd.
Kompleks Eureka
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 Penang, Malaysia
Tel: (60) 16 483 6240
E-mail: twsam@usainsgroup.com

Course Director
Dr. Ong Jin Eong
E-mail: mangrove@usainsgroup.com (copy to zaila@usainsgroup.com)
Fax: (60) 4657 2210

Members are reminded that all current information regarding the Training Programme of the South China Sea Project can be accessed by visiting the training portal of this website - http://training.unepscs.org.

Emerlinda CelesteDizon
16-08-07, 04:32
Hi Chris!

I would like to be updated on the date and the venue of the coral reef management training. I understand I was one of the participants on the training.

Also, some of our partners were nominated in other trainings could we know if these trainings would be pursued as follows:

1. Community Based Resource Management - Olivia Gregorio
2. Establishing Fish Refugia - Elmar Pulido

Thank you very much


Emerlinda CelesteDizon
16-08-07, 04:39
Dear Chris,

We are proposing a site exchange with Koh Chang Coral Reef Demonstration Site to learn from their experiences on community-based tourism center. Our proposal was already sent to the National Focal Point for their endorsement

Thank you
