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View Full Version : Hoang Tri's message

John Pernetta
12-11-06, 10:27
Dear Colleagues,

I received the message from Hoang Tri as an attachment to an e-mail in which he advised me that he had had problems in making this posting himself.

I am asking Chris to contact Tri regarding the photos which are very small and grainy!


John Pernetta
12-11-06, 10:30
Dear Friends & Colleagues

As agreed in the 7th RWG-M Meeting in Pontianak, Indonesia, I start motivating our forum by posting a critical issue relating our mangroves.

Last month I was invited as member of Scientific Council to appraisal a EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) report for building a Tourism Facilities Complex in area of 200 ha where mangrove forests and seagrasses co-exist in the coastal zone (see photos). As mentioned in the report, total area of seagrasses, ‘dirty’ muddy sand will be replaced by ‘clean’ white sand for swimming and mangrove swamps will be closed by a dike system to keep raining waters for tourists. In other word, mangroves and seagrasses will be degraded by the work. However, there are some words on mangroves and seagreasses in this report.

Some members are for the work with rationales that we are in developing country, we need developing the work for creating opportunities of jobs, services and tourism-based income sources. It would contribute to reduce poverty in this areas and “Western people protect environment better because they are richer than us”.

Please give your comments, it would be highly appreciated and the conclusion of the Council will be provided in the end of October.

Photo 1: Mangroves with dominated species of Rhizophora stylosa in the tourism project site
Photo 2: Halophyla ovalis

John Pernetta
12-11-06, 10:30
Dear Tri, and colleagues,

Unfortunately Tri does not give us sufficient data to evaluate the costs and benefits of the proposed development. Does the complex cover all 200ha and is this the total area of mangrove or mangrove plus seagrass. He states that the mangrove will be closed by a dyke system which will result in total loss of the mangroves unless periodic drying of the area is permitted on a daily basis. He goes on to state that the mangrove will be degraded when in reality it will be lost.

To suggest that development and environment are not compatible and that Viet Nam should develop at the expense of the environment is both short-sighted and fallacious. Degradation of the environment and rural poverty are clearly linked and unless the costs and behefits to the local community of this development have been adequately evaluated the project is likely, in its present form to increase poverty rather than alleviate it.

Perhaps the developers should be encouraged to build their complex inside the mangrove as has been done successfully in Trat Province at the resort in which we held the regional working group on Mangroves in 2004.

Chris Paterson
12-11-06, 10:32

Chris Paterson
12-11-06, 10:34
By now, all members of the Regional Working Group on Mangroves should be receiving e-mail notification as soon as a new post is made in this e-discussion. If you received an e-mail notification of this post, it would certainly help us at the PCU if you could send us a quick e-mail letting us know that this function is working.

On another note, and sorry to "hijack" Dr. Tri's topic, I thought you may be interested in the photos below of a mangrove walkway recently constructed on Koh Chang Island, Thailand. From the images it appears that mangroves have been removed for the construction of the walkway, and I also read on the internet that truck loads of earth were dumped on mangroves to construct the road leading into the site. It would be interesting to receive some comments about this from Dr. Sonjai or the Trat/Koh Chang demonstration site managers.



Nguyen Hoang Tri
12-11-06, 10:38
Dear John, Chris and Colleagues,

Thank you Chris to post photos and notify people to joint the forum.
It is clear that we can apply Trat case into our specific cases, however there is not so many people to know that. Otherwise the cost for construction is very expensive, at least for the remote areas.

Gong Wooi Khoon
12-11-06, 10:39
Dear All,

I tend to agree with John and Chris that the resort could be built in the mangroves provided that there is minimal disturbance like what had been done in Trat.

Tri - I do sympathise with the feeling that there is sometimes a need for using mangroves or other natural ecosystems because of the need for development in third world countries. I think many third world countries cannot afford a "hands off" attitude to our natural ecosystems - we often have to compromise and think in terms of multiple-use of these ecosystems so that they are preserved even if not conserved. BUT, often, this need for development is used as an excuse to exploit the natural ecosystems when it is not necessary to do so. For example, aquaculture ponds need not be sited in mangroves - they can be sited behind mangroves. So, if the resort can be constructed like the one in Trat, it could be the best solution - there is a resort but the mangroves are still preserved.

It also seems counterproductive to be planting mangroves in order to increase mangrove area on the one hand, and then clearing natural mangroves on the other hand. Perhaps another alternative is that the resort can be built in a degraded mangrove area that hasnt been rehabilitated yet?

Chris, I received notification of the posting in my email and can get to this forum via the url in that email and also via your newsletter. But, when I go directly to the homepage and try to get into the forum, I dont see any of the messages - just the names of the people who posted. What have I done wrong? On another matter, I would like to download the nice photo of our group in Pontianak that is on the home-page. How can I do this?



Chris Paterson
12-11-06, 10:40
Dear Gong,

Thanks for your contribution.

Thanks also for letting me know about the problems you experienced accessing this discussion from the homepage. It would be a shame for people not to use the e-forum because of things like this. I’ve prepared some quick notes (please click here) (http://www.unepscs.org/forum1/../../index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=132&func=fileinfo&id=431) with a step-by-step guide on how to access this discussion from the UNEPSCS.org homepage. I think I know why you didn’t end up in the discussion…please have a look at my notes and let me know if I am right...it is interesting that John mentioned something similar to me towards the end of last week.

Regarding how to download the RWG-M group photo, I have included it below. All you need to do is:
1. Place your cursor on the image
2. Click your right mouse button once
3. Select “Save Image As…”
4. Save the image to your computer.


Regards, Chris

Gong Wooi Khoon
12-11-06, 10:42
Dear Chris,

Many thanks for your reply and "how to" details on e-forum and photo download.

E-forum: I did exactly the same steps you instructed the previous time I tried to get in via the webpage and came to a page which had the names of various people including John and Tri and stating the no of postings they had made but didnt have any messages. This time, when I clicked on Tri's topic, all the messages are displayed. So, it is fine now. I have no idea what went wrong the last time - I dont think we need bother about this unless others face the same problems.

Downloading photo - I don't have a right mouse click as I am using a Macintosh. I can't select the photo to save or to copy. Guess I will need to get you to send me a copy via email (jpeg is good). Many thanks.



Do Dinh Sam
12-11-06, 10:43
Dear all,

This problem is not so easy to solve in the reality because mangroves value in term of timber is small by the view of policy makers. To mitigate the negative impacts of the planned tourist project, we should:

1. have strong evidence on economic value of mangroves and seagrass and especially benefits of mangroves and seagrass systems to local people and community in the area to convince the decision makers;

2. show the role of mangroves ecosystem in protecting the coast against seawave and typhoons, etc. and that is the most significant values of mangroves;

3. consider whether there is impact caused by the project on the mangroves and seagrass in Cat Ba national park;

In case the project will have to be implemented, we should give comments to the relevant authorities to minimize the negative impacts.

Best regards
Do Dinh Sam

John Pernetta
12-11-06, 10:44
Dear Colleagues,

I guess technically I am breaking protocol by posting a "new" topic during Tri's month as facilitator. Apologies Tri, but I am attaching herewith the draft of the Chairperson's report to the RSTC meeting at the end of November. All comments welcome. I suggest you send to me copied to Dr. Fan since I have discovered a disastrous bug in this forum software. If you get one e-mail and don't click on the link you never get another e-mail telling you someone has posted. I guess this means our group is getting smaller by the week!

United Nations UNEP/GEF South China Sea Global Environment
Environment Programme Project Facility

Date: 11th October 2006
Original: English

Seventh Meeting of the Regional Scientific and Technical Committee
for the UNEP/GEF Project: “Reversing Environmental Degradation Trends
in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand”

Siem Reap, Cambodia, 14th – 17th November 2006



The members of the Regional Working Group on Mangroves (RWG-M) are as follows:

Cambodia Mr. Ke Vongwattana
China Dr. Hangqing Fan (Chairperson)
Indonesia Mr. Nyoto Santoso
Philippines Mr. Florendo Barangan
Thailand Dr. Sonjai Havanond (Vice Chairperson)
Viet Nam Dr. Do Dinh Sam (Rapporteur)
Regional Expert Dr. Gong Wooi Khoon
Regional Expert Dr. Sanit Aksornkoae
Regional Expert Dr. Nguyen Hoang Tri
PCU member Dr. John Pernetta

The Seventh Meeting of the RWG-M was held on Pontianak, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia, 4th – 8th September 2006. Mr. Barangan, was unable to attend the meeting due to health reason. This was also the first time that a representative from Malaysia, Mr. Koh Hock Lye participated and there were a number of observers from the local university and government of West Kalimantan Province.

A short signing ceremony of the addendum to the Memoranda of Understanding was held; during which the Project Director, Dr. John C. Pernetta, and Mr. Nyoto Santoso, Indonesian Focal Point for Mangroves and Director of the Indonesian Institute of Mangrove Research and Development, co-signed the addendum to the MoU covering the operational plan for activities at the Batu Ampar site. The signatures were witnessed by, the Vice-Governor of West Kalimantan Province, Drs. H. L. Kadir.


No reports has been received from the Philippines since the first half of 2005
Thailand held a considerable unaccounted cash balance for Trat demonstration site


All, national reports except that from the Philippines, have now been published in local languages, and the meeting agreed that the PCU should proceed with publication of national reports in English even in the absence of the Philippines report.


Focal Points of the demonstration sites briefly presented the background to the demonstration sites, objectives, planned activities, status of implementation, and preliminary outputs for the four demonstration sites:
· Fangchenggang, mangrove (China)
· Peam Krasop Wildlife Sanctuary; mangroves, wetlands and transboundary demonstration site (Cambodia)
· Trat Province, mangrove and transboundary site (Thailand)
· Batu Ampar, mangrove (Indonesia)


Members presented further revisions completed by the time of the seventh meeting and reported in detail concerning the situation with regard to publication and formal approval of these plans, as follows:

· NAP for Viet Nam has been published, but the approval had not yet been completed.
· There were some modifications of Indonesian NAP on the basis of comments from concerned Ministries; and the final approval by presidential decree would be granted in the near future.
· The content of Cambodian NAP had been reviewed and accepted by the National Coastal Zone Committee. It had been translated into Khmer for public consultations; and following these consultations, the English version will be revised.
· Chinese NAP had been considered by an Inter-ministry Committee meeting but was to be adopted at the Provincial Level rather than National Level.
· It had not been possible to approve Thailand’s NAP, which focuses on the Gulf of Thailand, within 2006 due to political situation within the country. A large national meeting would be convened in 2007 to consider and recommend the NAP to the government for approval.


During the seventh meeting of the RWG-M, members conducted an extensive review and expansion the Annex 1 of the document UNEP/GEF/SCS/RWG-M.7/6, entitled “Inputs from the Mangrove Sub-component to the Revised Regional Strategic Action Programme (SAP)”. Detailed results of the review and discussion are presented in Annex 4 of the report of the seventh meeting (UNEP/GEF/SCS/RWG-M.7/3) and have been consolidated into the text of the revised Strategic Action Programme, presented to the RSTC as document UNEP/GEF/SCS/RSTC.7/10.


Since the fifth meeting of the RTF-E took place before the seventh meeting of the RWG-M. Members considered the outcome of the task force deliberations regarding the economic value of mangrove goods and services and the data assembled and considered during that meeting.


All members of the RWG-M had been registered as users of the new website and can log into the website in order to contribute information. The seventh meeting of the Regional Working Group considered the evaluation of the meta-data and agreed to revise existing entries and add new meta-data to the online meta-database.

It was suggested and agreed that each member would undertake to post something in the discussion forum once a week and various were proposed for discussion including sustainable charcoal production, timber production, and mangrove foods. It was agreed that each member of the RWG-M would take sequential responsibility for stimulating the discussion for one month, starting with Dr. Tri, in October, followed by Mr. Santoso, November, and then proceeding in reverse alphabetical order starting with Viet Nam. Each member would, as the moderator for the month, post no more than two topics and initiate and encourage discussion.


The group considered the content of the training course on wetland and mangrove ecosystems as proposed by the sub-committee of the RSTC and amended by the seventh meeting of the RWG-W. The group agreed that the content listed by the wetlands working group.

During discussion it was agreed that whoever had materials that could be used or translated for use in such a course would provide details of these, together with copies to the PCU. Dr. Gong noted that UNESCO/Universiti Sains Malaysia had run a mangrove-training course previously and that some of the materials might be suitable for use in the planned course and that the University might possibly be interested in organising the course. It was also noted that materials were available from the JICA centre in Bali that could be obtained for use in this course. Some of the materials from the RWG-M such as the national reports would be suitable as reference materials for trainees and that once completed the training materials developed for the course should be made widely available through the project website.


The main tasks to be undertaken in the next teo years include:

· National Mangrove Committee meetings
· National Technical Working Group meetings
· Maintain national meta-database
· Publication of national reports in local languages
· Implementation of Demonstration Sites
· Finalisation, Adoption and Implementation of National Action Plans
· Finalisation of Strategic Action Programme (SAP)
· Update data to regional GIS database

Table 4 shows Framework Work Plan and Time Table for Mangrove Sub-component to December 31st 2007.



Nguyen Hoang Tri
12-11-06, 10:45
Dear John and colleagues,

I have no objections for the report.

Regarding the posted topic, I am going to privide the conclusion of the council for EIA of the project by the end of this month. However it would be appriciated to have comments from China, Indonesia, Thailand among others.

With my best regards

Hoang Tri

Nguyen Hoang Tri
12-11-06, 10:45
Dear Colleagues,

As promised, I am sending a final decision of the SAC (Scientific Appraisal Council) for Tourism Complex Facilities where mangroves and seagrasses are fragile due to the construction.

The final decision asked to investors to re-do their EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment), especially for mangroves and seagrasses and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment will be in charged of the follow-up assessment and the Council will be dissolved.

As you may imagine, there are only two ‘players’ in the ‘stadium’, we do not know exactly what will be happended. Can this also happen in your country?

Before leaving the forum motivator to other member, I express my sincere thank for your contribution with my best wishes and warm regards. Hoang Tri

Chris Paterson
20-04-07, 09:44
This was posted during the Eighth Meeting of the RWG- Mangroves to show members how it is done!

Gong Wooi Khoon
28-04-07, 04:24
This is the mangrove training course just trying to establish contact