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View Full Version : Demonstration Site Information Exchange

Chris Paterson
12-11-06, 10:13
It was agreed during the recent 2nd Mayor’s Roundtable in China (6-8 June) that local government officials and demonstration site managers would engage in continuous exchange of information, experiences and practices regarding demonstration site implementation via a Mayors’ Roundtable E-forum. All local government officials and demonstration site managers have been registered as users of UNEPSCS.org, and will receive an e-mail alert whenever a new message is posted in this discussion topic.

Sanchai Tandavanitj
12-11-06, 10:52
Dear colleagues and friends,

The following is a brief overview of the replanting of seagrass in southern Thailand’s Trang Province (Ta Kham Sub-District, Pa Lian District).The community has provided the following advice regarding the replanting of seagrass:

1. The soil condition in the area should suit the species to be replanted,
2. The area in which seagrass will be replanted should not be affected by strong waves or wind,
3. The seagrass to be replanted should be taken from seagrass beds with high seagrass density,
4. The leaves of seagrass to be replanted should be cut to 1/3 of their original length to reduce the impact of water currents while they are taking root,
5. Newly planted seagrass plants require a few months to take root,
6. Planting should be avoided during the monsoon season, and if a seagrass is planted at the end of one monsoon season it should have taken root before the next monsoon season.

The seagrass replanting activity depicted in the images below took place a few months ago and so far approximately 70-80% of the seagrass has survived. Replanting will resume after the monsoon period with the support of Rotary. I will make sure I keep you all updated regarding future experiences at this site.

Best regards,



Thamasak Yeemin
27-03-07, 04:05
Dear colleagues and friends,

The Mu Koh Chang Coral Reef Demonstration Site has been recently been involved in the provision of support to local fishing communities. Key activities have involved the establishment of a local guide center and investigation of alternative livelihoods, including ecotourism.

Some examples of these activities are shown in the figure below.

Best regards,

The Mu Koh Chang Demonstration Site Team.


Thamasak Yeemin
10-05-07, 04:18
Dear colleagues and friends,

The Mu Koh Chang Coral Reef Demonstration Site has been recently installed mooring bouys at popular diving spots. This activity was carried out by cooperation of Mu Koh Chang National Park, Association of Marine Biodiversity Conservation and Education, diving shops and volunteer divers. Initiative of mooring bouy committee of Mu Koh Chang was also established and involved in all stages of mooring bouy installation and maintenance. Some of these activities are shown in the figures below.

Best regards,

The Mu Koh Chang Demonstration Site Team.






Thamasak Yeemin
18-09-07, 03:32
Dear colleagues and friends,
From August 26th – 30th 2007, the working group of Phu Quoc Demonstration site, Vietnam, with consist of researchers, local leaders and member of Phu Quoc Management Board, visited Koh Chang Demonstration site to learn and share experiences gained from implementation of the demonstration site. The purpose of this visit was to raise management capacity for participants. By this study visit, besides having a meeting for exchanging the experiences with Koh Chang Demonstration site’s working group, the participants visited to Designated Area for Sustainable Tourism Development Administration and Mu Koh Chang National Park to discuss on issues related to mechanisms for coordination of natural resource protection, tourism management and financial sustainability. The participants visited Local Guide Center for practices on involvement of local communities in coral reef based tourism. The participants also had a field trip to mooring buoy setting sites and demonstration sites for coral rehabilitation to learn the processes of project implementation. The result of this study visit would effectively improve knowledge in management of marine resources, especially for coral reef of both demonstration sites.
Best Regards,
Mu Koh Chang Demonstration Site Team.




Thamasak Yeemin
19-05-08, 10:07
Dear colleagues and friends,

The Eight Meeting of Regional Scientific and Technical Committee and the Seventh Meeting of the Steering Committee of UNEP GEF Project on Reversing Environmental Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand (UNEP GEF SCS Project) accepted an additional activity namely “Dissemination of Experience on Sound Scientific Information for Tourism Development: Koh Chang”. In accordance with the proposal prepared by Site Manager, Coral Reef Focal Point and National Technical Focal Point of Thailand for dissemination of good practices through organization of study tours for networking members to visit the demonstration site.
The goal of the study visit is to exchange knowledge and good practices of coral reef management between participating countries and to improve the present management status. The participants would have opportunities to discuss issues of common concerns and exchange experiences, good practices and lessons learnt during the implementation of demonstration site activities.
Two groups of participants from 5 countries; Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia, visited Mu Koh Chang Coral Reef Demonstration Site during 29th April – 3rd May and 9th -13th May 2008.








