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Mean maternal plasma lipid concentrations of DDE and DDT; figures below the graph show the DDE/DDT ratios

Mean maternal plasma lipid concentrations of DDE and DDT; figures below the graph show the DDE/DDT ratios
Mean maternal plasma lipid concentrations of DDE and DDT; figures below the graph show the DDE/DDT ratios

Geometric mean concentrations of PCB, HCB and B-HCH in maternal blood plasma; AMAP circumpolar study 1995, see Table 12A12

Geometric mean concentrations of PCB, HCB and B-HCH in maternal blood plasma; AMAP circumpolar study 1995, see Table 12A12
Geometric mean concentrations of PCB, HCB and B-HCH in maternal blood plasma; AMAP circumpolar study 1995, see Table 12A12

Distribution of Cd levels (age adjusted to 69 years, Svalbard adult) in liver tissue of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)

Distribution of Cd levels (age adjusted to 69 years, Svalbard adult) in liver tissue of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
Distribution of Cd levels (age adjusted to 69 years, Svalbard adult) in liver tissue of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)

Distribution of Hg levels (age adjusted to 69 years, Svalbard adults) in liver tissue of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)

Distribution of Hg levels (age adjusted to 69 years, Svalbard adults) in liver tissue of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
Distribution of Hg levels (age adjusted to 69 years, Svalbard adults) in liver tissue of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)

Distribution of Hg levels in hair of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)

Distribution of Hg levels in hair of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
Distribution of Hg levels in hair of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)

Historical profiles of PCBs (trichloro- and all other) in slices from dated sediment cores in Alaska, Canada, and Finland Median age of each slice is given on the vertical axis The green lines indicate the source function of PCBs

Historical profiles of PCBs (trichloro- and all other) in slices from dated sediment cores in Alaska, Canada, and Finland Median age of each slice is given on the vertical axis The green lines [..]
Historical profiles of PCBs (trichloro- and all other) in slices from dated sediment cores in Alaska, Canada, and Finland Median age of each slice is given on the vertical axis The green lines indicate the source function of PCBs

Organochlorine levels in polar bear adipose tissues (µg/g lw), adjusted to levels expected in 11-year-old males (after correction for age and sex), for sum-PCB, sum-CHL, sum-HCH, and sum-CBz, and in Arctic fox from Svalbard for sum-PCB and sum-CHL

Organochlorine levels in polar bear adipose tissues (µg/g lw), adjusted to levels expected in 11-year-old males (after correction for age and sex), for sum-PCB, sum-CHL, sum-HCH, and sum-CBz, and in [..]
Organochlorine levels in polar bear adipose tissues (µg/g lw), adjusted to levels expected in 11-year-old males (after correction for age and sex), for sum-PCB, sum-CHL, sum-HCH, and sum-CBz, and in Arctic fox from Svalbard for sum-PCB and sum-CHL

PCB congener profiles in cord blood of Canadian and Greenlandic population groups, and in cord and maternal blood from Greenland

PCB congener profiles in cord blood of Canadian and Greenlandic population groups, and in cord and maternal blood from Greenland
PCB congener profiles in cord blood of Canadian and Greenlandic population groups, and in cord and maternal blood from Greenland

Relationship between frequency and volume of releases to the marine environment from different sources (worldwide)

Relationship between frequency and volume of releases to the marine environment from different sources (worldwide)
Relationship between frequency and volume of releases to the marine environment from different sources (worldwide)

Geometric mean levels of HCB, DDE and PCBs in cord blood of newborns in different Canadian population groups

Geometric mean levels of HCB, DDE and PCBs in cord blood of newborns in different Canadian population groups
Geometric mean levels of HCB, DDE and PCBs in cord blood of newborns in different Canadian population groups

Trends in concentration of major organochlorines in blubber of female ringed seals over 6 to 10 years at 3 sites in the eastern Canadian Arctic (N=10-14 animals for each year/site)

Trends in concentration of major organochlorines in blubber of female ringed seals over 6 to 10 years at 3 sites in the eastern Canadian Arctic (N=10-14 animals for each year/site)
Trends in concentration of major organochlorines in blubber of female ringed seals over 6 to 10 years at 3 sites in the eastern Canadian Arctic (N=10-14 animals for each year/site)

Body concentrations of PCDD/F and non-ortho and mono-ortho PCBs as TCDD equivalents (pg/g lw) in Arctic mammals compared to thresholds for immunosuppression in harbor seal for the same combinations of substances analyzed

Body concentrations of PCDD/F and non-ortho and mono-ortho PCBs as TCDD equivalents (pg/g lw) in Arctic mammals compared to thresholds for immunosuppression in harbor seal for the same combinations of [..]
Body concentrations of PCDD/F and non-ortho and mono-ortho PCBs as TCDD equivalents (pg/g lw) in Arctic mammals compared to thresholds for immunosuppression in harbor seal for the same combinations of substances analyzed

Concentrations of PCDD/F and non-ortho and mono-ortho PCBs as TCDD equivalents (pg/g ww) in Arctic bird eggs compared to thresholds for avian effects (1 Giesy et al 1994b, 2 Nosek et al 1992, 3 Verrett 1976,

Concentrations of PCDD/F and non-ortho and mono-ortho PCBs as TCDD equivalents (pg/g ww) in Arctic bird eggs compared to thresholds for avian effects (1 Giesy et al 1994b, 2 Nosek et al 1992, 3 [..]
Concentrations of PCDD/F and non-ortho and mono-ortho PCBs as TCDD equivalents (pg/g ww) in Arctic bird eggs compared to thresholds for avian effects (1 Giesy et al 1994b, 2 Nosek et al 1992, 3 Verrett 1976,

Source regions for HCH, chlordane, toxaphene, and PCBs in Arctic air based on 5-day back-trajectories for elevated air concentrations at Tagish, Alert, and Ny-Ålesund

Source regions for HCH, chlordane, toxaphene, and PCBs in Arctic air based on 5-day back-trajectories for elevated air concentrations at Tagish, Alert, and Ny-Ålesund
Source regions for HCH, chlordane, toxaphene, and PCBs in Arctic air based on 5-day back-trajectories for elevated air concentrations at Tagish, Alert, and Ny-Ålesund

Levels of PCBs in seabird eggs (µg/g lw) Values written above bars are actual mean concentrations Wet weight means are given in Annex Table 6A16

Levels of PCBs in seabird eggs (µg/g lw) Values written above bars are actual mean concentrations Wet weight means are given in Annex Table 6A16
Levels of PCBs in seabird eggs (µg/g lw) Values written above bars are actual mean concentrations Wet weight means are given in Annex Table 6A16
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