Model calculations of ground level yearly average sulfur dioxide air concentration on the Kola Peninsula

Model calculations of ground level yearly average sulfur dioxide air concentration on the Kola Peninsula
Model calculations of ground level yearly average sulfur dioxide air concentration on the Kola Peninsula

Anthropogenic SO2 emissions for 1985 north of 30°N

Anthropogenic SO2 emissions for 1985 north of 30°N
Anthropogenic SO2 emissions for 1985 north of 30°N

Seawater concentrations of 137Cs in the Barents and East Greenland Seas compared to the yearly releases from Sellafield

Seawater concentrations of 137Cs in the Barents and East Greenland Seas compared to the yearly releases from Sellafield
Seawater concentrations of 137Cs in the Barents and East Greenland Seas compared to the yearly releases from Sellafield

Changes with time in 131I activity concentration in Finnish air samples

Changes with time in 131I activity concentration in Finnish air samples
Changes with time in 131I activity concentration in Finnish air samples

Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in air in Norway, Finland and Russia

Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in air in Norway, Finland and Russia
Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in air in Norway, Finland and Russia

Available data in the AMAP radioactivity database as a function of time

Available data in the AMAP radioactivity database as a function of time
Available data in the AMAP radioactivity database as a function of time

Concentrations of Hg in Arctic marine sediment cores

Concentrations of Hg in Arctic marine sediment cores
Concentrations of Hg in Arctic marine sediment cores

Temporal trend of Pb concentrations in growing tips of seaweed (Fucus vesiculosus) at the Black Angel lead-zinc mine in West Greenland The background value is estimated to be 02 µg/g dw

Temporal trend of Pb concentrations in growing tips of seaweed (Fucus vesiculosus) at the Black Angel lead-zinc mine in West Greenland The background value is estimated to be 02 µg/g dw
Temporal trend of Pb concentrations in growing tips of seaweed (Fucus vesiculosus) at the Black Angel lead-zinc mine in West Greenland The background value is estimated to be 02 µg/g dw

Temporal trend of Pb concentrations in liver tissue of spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor) at the Black Angel lead-zinc mine in West Greenland

Temporal trend of Pb concentrations in liver tissue of spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor) at the Black Angel lead-zinc mine in West Greenland
Temporal trend of Pb concentrations in liver tissue of spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor) at the Black Angel lead-zinc mine in West Greenland

Age accumulation and temporal comparison of mean concentrations of Hg in liver tissue of ringed seal (Phoca hispida) and beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) fron the Canadian Arctic

Age accumulation and temporal comparison of mean concentrations of Hg in liver tissue of ringed seal (Phoca hispida) and beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) fron the Canadian Arctic
Age accumulation and temporal comparison of mean concentrations of Hg in liver tissue of ringed seal (Phoca hispida) and beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) fron the Canadian Arctic

Annual radiation doses to critical groups from the Loviisa and Olkiluoto NPP’s

Annual radiation doses to critical groups from the Loviisa and Olkiluoto NPP’s
Annual radiation doses to critical groups from the Loviisa and Olkiluoto NPP’s

Collective doses from the Loviisa and Olkiluoto NPP’s

Collective doses from the Loviisa and Olkiluoto NPP’s
Collective doses from the Loviisa and Olkiluoto NPP’s

Discharges of principle beta-gamma emitters in liquid effluent from Sellafield, 1952-1992

Discharges of principle beta-gamma emitters in liquid effluent from Sellafield, 1952-1992
Discharges of principle beta-gamma emitters in liquid effluent from Sellafield, 1952-1992

Discharges of principle alpha emitters in liquid effluent from Sellafield, 1952-1992

Discharges of principle alpha emitters in liquid effluent from Sellafield, 1952-1992
Discharges of principle alpha emitters in liquid effluent from Sellafield, 1952-1992

Comparison of doses to critical groups for Sellafield discharges from 1952 to 1993

Comparison of doses to critical groups for Sellafield discharges from 1952 to 1993
Comparison of doses to critical groups for Sellafield discharges from 1952 to 1993

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