Water/air fugacity ratios (fw/fa) of alpha-HCH and gamma-HCH on a transect from the Bering Sea to the Greenland Sea in July and August 1994 A fugacity ratio of 1 indicates air-water equilibrium

Water/air fugacity ratios (fw/fa) of alpha-HCH and gamma-HCH on a transect from the Bering Sea to the Greenland Sea in July and August 1994 A fugacity ratio of 1 indicates air-water equilibrium
Water/air fugacity ratios (fw/fa) of alpha-HCH and gamma-HCH on a transect from the Bering Sea to the Greenland Sea in July and August 1994 A fugacity ratio of 1 indicates air-water equilibrium

Migration patterns of four main stocks of eider ducks from the Canadian Arctic Organochlorines in the same four stocks

Migration patterns of four main stocks of eider ducks from the Canadian Arctic Organochlorines in the same four stocks
Migration patterns of four main stocks of eider ducks from the Canadian Arctic Organochlorines in the same four stocks

Correlations between concentrations (lw) of major persistent OCs and trophic level in the marine food web for Svalbard and Lancaster Sound Trophic level data were assigned based on Hobson and Welch (1992)

Correlations between concentrations (lw) of major persistent OCs and trophic level in the marine food web for Svalbard and Lancaster Sound Trophic level data were assigned based on Hobson and Welch [..]
Correlations between concentrations (lw) of major persistent OCs and trophic level in the marine food web for Svalbard and Lancaster Sound Trophic level data were assigned based on Hobson and Welch (1992)

GDP in Arctic regions compared with national averages

GDP in Arctic regions compared with national averages (2002), showing the contribution of oil and gas extraction and pipeline transport to the regional GDP
GDP in Arctic regions compared with national averages

(a) Trajectories of five satellite-tracked buoys launched in Mackenzie Bay, Canada, and (b) results of 30-day trajectories of oil launched from five hypothetical spill locations in the Beaufort Sea

(a) Trajectories of five satellite-tracked buoys launched in Mackenzie Bay, Canada, and (b) results of 30-day trajectories of oil launched from five hypothetical spill locations in the Beaufort Sea
(a) Trajectories of five satellite-tracked buoys launched in Mackenzie Bay, Canada, and (b) results of 30-day trajectories of oil launched from five hypothetical spill locations in the Beaufort Sea

Sequence of oil-ice interaction including drops under the ice, new ice growth below the oil, oil appearing on the surface in the spring, wind herding of oil on melt pools, and the appearance of emulsified oil on top of the ice

Sequence of oil-ice interaction including drops under the ice, new ice growth below the oil, oil appearing on the surface in the spring, wind herding of oil on melt pools, and the appearance of [..]
Sequence of oil-ice interaction including drops under the ice, new ice growth below the oil, oil appearing on the surface in the spring, wind herding of oil on melt pools, and the appearance of emulsified oil on top of the ice

Model evaluation comparing a five-day model simulation with results of an oil release experiment in the marginal ice zone near Svalbard in April 1993

Model evaluation comparing a five-day model simulation with results of an oil release experiment in the marginal ice zone near Svalbard in April 1993
Model evaluation comparing a five-day model simulation with results of an oil release experiment in the marginal ice zone near Svalbard in April 1993

Illustration of the role of UV radiation in the biogeochemical cycling of DOC

Illustration of the role of UV radiation in the biogeochemical cycling of DOC
Illustration of the role of UV radiation in the biogeochemical cycling of DOC

Illustration of the role of UV radiation in various light-dependent processes Natural UV radiation impacts the numbers, distribution and activity of several aquatic ecosystem targets and thus, theoretically, their interactions

Illustration of the role of UV radiation in various light-dependent processes Natural UV radiation impacts the numbers, distribution and activity of several aquatic ecosystem targets and thus, [..]
Illustration of the role of UV radiation in various light-dependent processes Natural UV radiation impacts the numbers, distribution and activity of several aquatic ecosystem targets and thus, theoretically, their interactions

Changes with time in 137Cs contamination in the food chain lichen - reindeer - humans

Changes with time in 137Cs contamination in the food chain lichen - reindeer - humans
Changes with time in 137Cs contamination in the food chain lichen - reindeer - humans

Temporal variation in calculated reindeer Tag values for different Arctic regions

Temporal variation in calculated reindeer Tag values for different Arctic regions
Temporal variation in calculated reindeer Tag values for different Arctic regions

Spatial trends in the net flux from reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

Spatial trends in the net flux from reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2
Spatial trends in the net flux from reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

Temporal variation in cow milk Tag values for Sweden, Norway and Finland

Temporal variation in cow milk Tag values for Sweden, Norway and Finland
Temporal variation in cow milk Tag values for Sweden, Norway and Finland

Comparison of the predicted flux of 137Cs in milk and reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

Comparison of the predicted flux of 137Cs in milk and reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2
Comparison of the predicted flux of 137Cs in milk and reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

Major pathways of contaminants into and within the Arctic environment

A multi-compartment schematic diagram of the major pathways of contaminants into and within the Arctic environment
Major pathways of contaminants into and within the Arctic environment

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