Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Greenland

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Greenland
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Greenland

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Greenland

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Greenland
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Greenland

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Canada

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Canada
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Canada

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Canada

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Canada
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Canada

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Russia

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Russia
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Russia

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of eastern Arctic Russia

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of eastern Arctic Russia
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of eastern Arctic Russia

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of western Arctic Russia

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of western Arctic Russia
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of western Arctic Russia

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Norway

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Norway
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Norway

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Norway

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Norway
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Norway

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Sweden

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Sweden
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Sweden

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Sweden

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Sweden
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Sweden

Yearly and depth-averaged concentrations (Bq/m3) of 137Cs after 6 years from Harms' model The sources are instantaneous releases of 1 PBq from the dump sites in Abrosimov Bay, Stepovogo Bay, Tsivolky Bay, and Novaya Zemlya Trough

Yearly and depth-averaged concentrations (Bq/m3) of 137Cs after 6 years from Harms' model The sources are instantaneous releases of 1 PBq from the dump sites in Abrosimov Bay, Stepovogo Bay, Tsivolky [..]
Yearly and depth-averaged concentrations (Bq/m3) of 137Cs after 6 years from Harms model The sources are instantaneous releases of 1 PBq from the dump sites in Abrosimov Bay, Stepovogo Bay, Tsivolky Bay, and Novaya Zemlya Trough

Vertically integrated tracer burden shown after 15 years Units are burden per unit surface area, normalized by cumulative release Bottom topography is in meters; a) no neptune, centered difference, and b) neptune, flux-corrected transport

Vertically integrated tracer burden shown after 15 years Units are burden per unit surface area, normalized by cumulative release Bottom topography is in meters; a) no neptune, centered difference, [..]
Vertically integrated tracer burden shown after 15 years Units are burden per unit surface area, normalized by cumulative release Bottom topography is in meters; a) no neptune, centered difference, and b) neptune, flux-corrected transport

Source regions for HCH, chlordane, toxaphene, and PCBs in Arctic air based on 5-day back-trajectories for elevated air concentrations at Tagish, Alert, and Ny-Ålesund

Source regions for HCH, chlordane, toxaphene, and PCBs in Arctic air based on 5-day back-trajectories for elevated air concentrations at Tagish, Alert, and Ny-Ålesund
Source regions for HCH, chlordane, toxaphene, and PCBs in Arctic air based on 5-day back-trajectories for elevated air concentrations at Tagish, Alert, and Ny-Ålesund

Relative tissue concentrations of organochlorine compounds detected in lichen, and in adipose tissue of caribou and wolf at three locations in the Northwest Territories, Canada

Relative tissue concentrations of organochlorine compounds detected in lichen, and in adipose tissue of caribou and wolf at three locations in the Northwest Territories, Canada
Relative tissue concentrations of organochlorine compounds detected in lichen, and in adipose tissue of caribou and wolf at three locations in the Northwest Territories, Canada

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