Global emissions of Pb to the atmosphere from various sources and source regions in 1989 Numbers under the columns are maximum estimates of the total emissions in tonnes

Global emissions of Pb to the atmosphere from various sources and source regions in 1989 Numbers under the columns are maximum estimates of the total emissions in tonnes
Global emissions of Pb to the atmosphere from various sources and source regions in 1989 Numbers under the columns are maximum estimates of the total emissions in tonnes

Spatial distribution of global emissions of Hg in 1990 within a 1° x 1° grid The total emission inventory is 2144 tonnes Hg

Spatial distribution of global emissions of Hg in 1990 within a 1° x 1° grid The total emission inventory is 2144 tonnes Hg
Spatial distribution of global emissions of Hg in 1990 within a 1° x 1° grid The total emission inventory is 2144 tonnes Hg

Contributions from different continents and from different sources to the global emissions of Hg to the atmosphere

Contributions from different continents and from different sources to the global emissions of Hg to the atmosphere
Contributions from different continents and from different sources to the global emissions of Hg to the atmosphere

Relative tissue concentrations of organochlorine compounds detected in lichen, and in adipose tissue of caribou and wolf at three locations in the Northwest Territories, Canada

Relative tissue concentrations of organochlorine compounds detected in lichen, and in adipose tissue of caribou and wolf at three locations in the Northwest Territories, Canada
Relative tissue concentrations of organochlorine compounds detected in lichen, and in adipose tissue of caribou and wolf at three locations in the Northwest Territories, Canada

Observed and predicted organochlorine concentrations (ng/g ww) in caribou and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) liver All data are presented in, or were derived from data in Annex Table 6A4

Observed and predicted organochlorine concentrations (ng/g ww) in caribou and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) liver All data are presented in, or were derived from data in Annex Table 6A4
Observed and predicted organochlorine concentrations (ng/g ww) in caribou and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) liver All data are presented in, or were derived from data in Annex Table 6A4

Concentrations, as geometric means, of major organochlorine groups in burbot liver at Fort Good Hope, NWT, Canada (1986-94) Vertical bars denote standard errors

Concentrations, as geometric means, of major organochlorine groups in burbot liver at Fort Good Hope, NWT, Canada (1986-94) Vertical bars denote standard errors
Concentrations, as geometric means, of major organochlorine groups in burbot liver at Fort Good Hope, NWT, Canada (1986-94) Vertical bars denote standard errors

Temporal trends in levels of PCB, DDT, alpha-HCH, and HCB in muscle from Lake Storvindeln pike and Lake Abiskojaure char in Sweden Mean levels (µg/g lw) and 95% confidence intervals of the mean are represented by dark points,

Temporal trends in levels of PCB, DDT, alpha-HCH, and HCB in muscle from Lake Storvindeln pike and Lake Abiskojaure char in Sweden Mean levels (µg/g lw) and 95% confidence intervals of the mean are [..]
Temporal trends in levels of PCB, DDT, alpha-HCH, and HCB in muscle from Lake Storvindeln pike and Lake Abiskojaure char in Sweden Mean levels (µg/g lw) and 95% confidence intervals of the mean are represented by dark points,

Temporal trends in PCB and DDE levels in Arctic seabird eggs from Prince Leopold Island, Canada (1975-1993)

Temporal trends in PCB and DDE levels in Arctic seabird eggs from Prince Leopold Island, Canada (1975-1993)
Temporal trends in PCB and DDE levels in Arctic seabird eggs from Prince Leopold Island, Canada (1975-1993)

Levels of PCB congeners and PCDD/Fs (ng/g lw) in Lake Storvindeln pike muscle between 1968 and 1992

Levels of PCB congeners and PCDD/Fs (ng/g lw) in Lake Storvindeln pike muscle between 1968 and 1992
Levels of PCB congeners and PCDD/Fs (ng/g lw) in Lake Storvindeln pike muscle between 1968 and 1992

Temporal trends of sum-PCB and sum-DDT in blubber of female ringed seals from Holman Island in the western Canadian Arctic Vertical bars represent one SD

Temporal trends of sum-PCB and sum-DDT in blubber of female ringed seals from Holman Island in the western Canadian Arctic Vertical bars represent one SD
Temporal trends of sum-PCB and sum-DDT in blubber of female ringed seals from Holman Island in the western Canadian Arctic Vertical bars represent one SD

Trends in sum-PCB, sum-DDT, sum-CHL, and toxaphene over a ten year period (20 years for DDT in the Mackenzie Delta) for male narwhal and beluga blubber samples from the Canadian Arctic (N=8-26)

Trends in sum-PCB, sum-DDT, sum-CHL, and toxaphene over a ten year period (20 years for DDT in the Mackenzie Delta) for male narwhal and beluga blubber samples from the Canadian Arctic (N=8-26)
Trends in sum-PCB, sum-DDT, sum-CHL, and toxaphene over a ten year period (20 years for DDT in the Mackenzie Delta) for male narwhal and beluga blubber samples from the Canadian Arctic (N=8-26)

Trends in concentration of major organochlorines in blubber of female ringed seals over 6 to 10 years at 3 sites in the eastern Canadian Arctic (N=10-14 animals for each year/site)

Trends in concentration of major organochlorines in blubber of female ringed seals over 6 to 10 years at 3 sites in the eastern Canadian Arctic (N=10-14 animals for each year/site)
Trends in concentration of major organochlorines in blubber of female ringed seals over 6 to 10 years at 3 sites in the eastern Canadian Arctic (N=10-14 animals for each year/site)

Body concentrations of PCDD/F and non-ortho and mono-ortho PCBs as TCDD equivalents (pg/g lw) in Arctic mammals compared to thresholds for immunosuppression in harbor seal for the same combinations of substances analyzed

Body concentrations of PCDD/F and non-ortho and mono-ortho PCBs as TCDD equivalents (pg/g lw) in Arctic mammals compared to thresholds for immunosuppression in harbor seal for the same combinations of [..]
Body concentrations of PCDD/F and non-ortho and mono-ortho PCBs as TCDD equivalents (pg/g lw) in Arctic mammals compared to thresholds for immunosuppression in harbor seal for the same combinations of substances analyzed

Composition of particles measured at different altitudes during winter flights in the Norwegian Arctic

Composition of particles measured at different altitudes during winter flights in the Norwegian Arctic
Composition of particles measured at different altitudes during winter flights in the Norwegian Arctic

Concentrations of As and V in aerosols measured during concurrent measurement campaigns on Svalbard and two locations in Alaska during April 1986

Concentrations of As and V in aerosols measured during concurrent measurement campaigns on Svalbard and two locations in Alaska during April 1986
Concentrations of As and V in aerosols measured during concurrent measurement campaigns on Svalbard and two locations in Alaska during April 1986

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