Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood lead concentrations in four regions in Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark

Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood lead concentrations in four regions in Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark
Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood lead concentrations in four regions in Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark

Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood mercury concentrations in four regions in Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark

Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood mercury concentrations in four regions in Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark
Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood mercury concentrations in four regions in Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark

Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood cadmium concentrations in four regions in Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark

Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood cadmium concentrations in four regions in Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark
Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood cadmium concentrations in four regions in Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark

Temporal trends of POPs and metals in maternal blood samples from Nunavik, Canada

Temporal trends of POPs and metals in maternal blood samples from Nunavik, Canada
Temporal trends of POPs and metals in maternal blood samples from Nunavik, Canada

Temporal trends of POPs and metals in maternal blood samples from Nuuk and Disko Bay, Greenland

Temporal trends of POPs and metals in maternal blood samples from Nuuk and Disko Bay, Greenland
Temporal trends of POPs and metals in maternal blood samples from Nuuk and Disko Bay, Greenland

Changes over time in levels of legacy POPs and metals in blood of pregnant women from three communities in Greenland and Canada

Changes over time in levels of legacy POPs and metals in blood of pregnant women from three communities in Greenland and Canada
Changes over time in levels of legacy POPs and metals in blood of pregnant women from three communities in Greenland and Canada

Concentrations of PCB congeners relative to PCB congener 153 for lichen, caribou, and wolf in the Bathurst herd, Canada The light bars denote that the congener was not detected

Concentrations of PCB congeners relative to PCB congener 153 for lichen, caribou, and wolf in the Bathurst herd, Canada The light bars denote that the congener was not detected
Concentrations of PCB congeners relative to PCB congener 153 for lichen, caribou, and wolf in the Bathurst herd, Canada The light bars denote that the congener was not detected

Temporal trends in OC levels (ng/g lw) in reindeer from Abisko, Sweden Levels are usually based on a pool of 10 samples

Temporal trends in OC levels (ng/g lw) in reindeer from Abisko, Sweden Levels are usually based on a pool of 10 samples
Temporal trends in OC levels (ng/g lw) in reindeer from Abisko, Sweden Levels are usually based on a pool of 10 samples

Deposition of PCBs, as mono/di/trichloro- and tetra-nonachlorobiphenyls) in snow cores from the Agassiz Ice Cap (northern Ellesmere Island, Canada) Combined light and dark shaded sections of each bar indicate sum-PCB flux

Deposition of PCBs, as mono/di/trichloro- and tetra-nonachlorobiphenyls) in snow cores from the Agassiz Ice Cap (northern Ellesmere Island, Canada) Combined light and dark shaded sections of each bar [..]
Deposition of PCBs, as mono/di/trichloro- and tetra-nonachlorobiphenyls) in snow cores from the Agassiz Ice Cap (northern Ellesmere Island, Canada) Combined light and dark shaded sections of each bar indicate sum-PCB flux

Temporal trends in concentrations of sum-HCH and toxaphene in Arctic air

Temporal trends in concentrations of sum-HCH and toxaphene in Arctic air
Temporal trends in concentrations of sum-HCH and toxaphene in Arctic air

Temporal trends in PCB and DDT levels (µg/g lw ± 95% confidence limits) of otter muscle in Sweden Levels are based on means of 26, 16, and 28 samples (northern Sweden) and 29, 9, and 15 samples (southern Sweden)

Temporal trends in PCB and DDT levels (µg/g lw ± 95% confidence limits) of otter muscle in Sweden Levels are based on means of 26, 16, and 28 samples (northern Sweden) and 29, 9, and 15 samples [..]
Temporal trends in PCB and DDT levels (µg/g lw ± 95% confidence limits) of otter muscle in Sweden Levels are based on means of 26, 16, and 28 samples (northern Sweden) and 29, 9, and 15 samples (southern Sweden)

Historical profiles of PCBs (trichloro- and all other) in slices from dated sediment cores in Alaska, Canada, and Finland Median age of each slice is given on the vertical axis The green lines indicate the source function of PCBs

Historical profiles of PCBs (trichloro- and all other) in slices from dated sediment cores in Alaska, Canada, and Finland Median age of each slice is given on the vertical axis The green lines [..]
Historical profiles of PCBs (trichloro- and all other) in slices from dated sediment cores in Alaska, Canada, and Finland Median age of each slice is given on the vertical axis The green lines indicate the source function of PCBs

Concentrations of Hg in Arctic marine sediment cores

Concentrations of Hg in Arctic marine sediment cores
Concentrations of Hg in Arctic marine sediment cores

Lead and zinc in a sediment core sampled in 1991, 15 km from the Black Angel mine in West Greenland

Lead and zinc in a sediment core sampled in 1991, 15 km from the Black Angel mine in West Greenland
Lead and zinc in a sediment core sampled in 1991, 15 km from the Black Angel mine in West Greenland

Lead levels in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) in the fjord outside the Black Angel lead-zinc mine in West Greenland in 1986-87 Values on the fjord coast are measured concentrations Estimated concentrations in the fiord are indicated by isolines

Lead levels in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) in the fjord outside the Black Angel lead-zinc mine in West Greenland in 1986-87 Values on the fjord coast are measured concentrations Estimated [..]
Lead levels in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) in the fjord outside the Black Angel lead-zinc mine in West Greenland in 1986-87 Values on the fjord coast are measured concentrations Estimated concentrations in the fiord are indicated by isolines

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