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The projects that are managed by the Activity Centre for Marine Living Resources are listed below. The projects that have been completed are listed first and the projects that are currently underway are listed thereafter. Click on the blue project numbers to access full terms of reference. COMPLETED PROJECTS
Ecosystem Mapping and Biodioversity Consultative Workshop, 26-27 April, Swakopmund Project Value: US$47,095.00 Contracted to: BENEFIT- contract to be awarded and finalised Aim: To analyse the terms of reference of the existing suite of five mapping and biodiversity projects and unpack the outputs for each project component, develop budgets and workplans and ensure linkages between projects. Completion date: May 2004 Reports: Workshop Report (pdf doc - 874KB) Harmonisation of national environmental policies and legislation for marine mining, dredging and offshore petroleum exploration and production activities in the BCLME region. Project Value: US$39 697.00 Contracted to: Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment (SAIEA) Aim: To facilitate the harmonisation of national policies and legislation in order to promote environmental sustainability through responsible best practices. Completion date: October 2004 (completed in March 2005) Reports:
Baseline assessment of sources and management of land-based marine pollution in the BCLME. Project Value: US$85 000.00 Contracted to: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Aim: To characterise the sources and severity of land-based pollution in the coastal environment of the BCLME and encourage improved synergies between water quality managers in the region. Completion date: January 2006 Reports:
The development of a common set of water and sediment quality guidelines for the coastal zone in the BCLME region. Project Value: US$80 000.00 Contracted to: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Aim: To produce a common set of marine and sediment quality guidelines for the BCLME to enable water quality managers to use them effectively. Completion date: January 2006 Reports:
Data gathering and gap analysis for assessment of the cumulative effects of marine diamond mining activities on the BCLME. Project Value: US$76 000.00 Contracted to: PISCES Environmental Consultants Aim: To gather quantified data that can be used to assess the cumulative effect of marine diamond mining activities on the BCLME and to identify gaps and recommend additional data gathering. Completion date: September 2006 Reports:
Assessment of the cumulative effects of sediment discharge from on shore and near shore diamond mining activities on the BCLME. Project Value: US$140,000.00 Contracted to: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Aim: To review existing information and gather quantifiable data on the cumulative effects of onshore and near-shore marine diamond mining activities in the BCLME. Completion date: June 2006 Reports:
Assessment of the cumulative impacts of scouring of sub-tidal areas and kelp cutting by diamond divers in near-shore areas of the BCLME. Project Value: US$66 400.00 Contracted to: PISCES Environmental Consultants Aim: To review and gather quantified data on the cumulative effects of scouring and kelp cutting by diamond divers on the near-shore environment of the BCLME. Completion date: March 2007 Reports:
CURRENT, ONGOING PROJECTS Data gathering and gap analysis for the modeling the cumulative effects of offshore petroleum exploration and production activities on the marine environment of the BCLME region. Project Value: US$95 000.00 Contracted to: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) - contract in preparation Aim: To gather and assess data collected by the offshore oil industry in order to model the environmental effects of offshore petroleum exploration and recommend additional data gathering and monitoring. Completion date: September 2005 Reports: No reports submitted Regional Oil Spill Contingency Planning in the BCLME region. Project Value: US$142 000.00 Contracted to: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) - contract in preparation Aim: To harmonise the relevant policies and strategies and to put in place a regional contingency plan. Completion date: March 2005 (Project yet to start) Reports: No reports submitted
By-catch of threatened seabirds, sharks and turtles in long-line fisheries in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME): An integrated approach.” Project Value: US$113 299.00 Contracted to: World Wildlife Fund (WWF-South Africa) and Birdlife South Africa and regional partners Aim: To assess the mortalities caused by longline fishing gear on non-target species such as seabirds, sharks and sea turtles (Project 1): To investigate the species distribution, relative abundance and by-catch rates of pelagic sharks and to propose guidelines for the protection of these species (Project 2) Completion date: April 2006 Reports:
Marine biodiversity status assessment and conservation planning for the BCLME. Project Value: US$134 905.00 Contracted to: BENEFIT Aim: To improve biodiversity conservation by providing advice on the protection of sensitive areas and vulnerable species and appropriate marine protected areas of transboundary importance. Completion date: December 2007 Reports: Inception Reports submitted (April 2005) Mapping of the BCLME shoreline, shallow water, estuarine and offshore habitats of the BCLME region Project Value: US$140 000.00 Contracted to: BENEFIT - contract to be awarded and finalised Aim: To map the distribution of shoreline, shallow water and estuarine habitats in the BCLME region, and to provide an indication of general habitat health. Completion date: September 2005 Reports: No reports submitted Identification of communities, biotopes, species along the BCLME shoreline and shallow sub-tidal zone and assessment of offshore biodiversity. Project Value: US$160,000.00 Contracted to: BENEFIT - contract to be awarded and finalised Aim: To provide information on the distribution of species, communities and biotopes within the intertidal and shallow subtidal region of the BCLME. Completion date: December 2006 Reports: No reports submitted Baseline surveying of species and biodiversity in estuarine habitats. Project Value: US$100 000.00 Contracted to: BENEFIT - contract to be awarded and finalised Aim: To provide information on the distribution of species, communities and biotopes within the estuaries of the BCLME region. Completion date: December 2006 Reports: No reports submitted
Luanda Bay Ecosystem Project Project Value: US$80,000.00 Contracted to: IIM contract to be awarded and finalised Aim: To establish a demonstration project that provided a basis to understand and implement the measures that are critical to the integration of urban expansion into an ecosystem approach to sustainable development Completion dates: Reports: Planning workshop report.
Classification of coastline for aquaculture development Project Value: US$50,000.00 Contracted to: BENEFIT (to be incorporated into BEHP/BAC/03/01) Aim: To produce a desk-top study of suitable areas for aquaculture development along the BCLME coastline. Completion date: September 2005
Transboundary pollution monitoring Project value: US$100 000 Contracted to: Institute of Marine Research (Norway) Completion date: January 2007
Analysis of threats and challenges to marine biodiversity and marine habitats in Namibia and Angola Project value: US$36 308 Contracted to: BENEFIT Completion date: November 2006
Development of institutional capacity for biodiversity research in the countries of the BCLME Project value: US$100 000 Contracted to: BENEFIT Completion date: April 2007
Ballast Water Programme Project value: US$35 000 Contracted to: Global Invasive Species Programme Completion date: December 2006 14. BEHP/WRF/04/01 Project value: US$10 000 Contracted to: To be identified Completion date: April 2007 |