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The projects that are managed by the Activity Centre for Environmental
Variability are listed below. The projects that have been completed are
listed first and the projects that are currently underway are listed
Click on the blue project
numbers to access full terms of reference.
1. EV/LS/02/04
Participation in the Climate Variability Programme (CLIVAR/OOPC)
Workshop on South Atlantic Climate Observing System in Angra dos Reis,
Project Value: US$3 160.00
Contracted to: University of Cape Town (Department of
Aim: The BCLME Programme provided co-sponsorship for Mr
Quilanda Fidel of Angola and Ms Aina Iita of Namibia to attend the CLIVAR
workshop in Brazil between 6 and 8 February 2003.
Completion date: March 2003
2. EV/LS/02/02a
Feasibility study of the south-east extension of PIRATA
(Pilot Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic).
Project Value: US$29 900.00
Contracted to: University of Cape Town (Department of
Aim: To undertake a feasibility study in order to
determine the optimal extension of the PIRATA array in the southeast
Completion date: November 2003.
(MS Word doc - 36.5KB) on the PIRATA FR-11 CRUISE; 16-12-02
- 3-1-03; by M. Rouault, Department of Oceanography, UCT, 4pp.
South East tropical Atlantic warm events and
southern African rainfall; by M. Rouault and P. Florenchie, Department of
Oceanography, UCT, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 30, No. 5, 8009, doi:
10, 1029/2002GLO14840, 2003, 4pp.
Estimation of sea-surface temperature around
southern Africa from satellite-derived microwave observations; by M.
Rouault and J. R. E. Lutjeharms, Department of Oceanography, UCT, South
African Journal of Science, 99, September/October 2003, 489-494.
Scientist tracks path of notorious Benguela Nino;
Feature; Monday paper, UCT, Vol. 23, No.37, p.4.
Forecasting Benguela Ninos, South African Weather
Patterns; The Water Wheel, March/April 2004, p 10-12.
Final report
submitted (pdf doc - 3.54MB). PIRATA South East Extension
Feasibility Study (Project: EV/LS/02/02); by M. Rouault, Centre for Marine
Studies and Department of Oceanography, UCT; 2003, 60pp.
Several international and regional oral presentations
on PIRATA and Benguela Nino’s given in 2003.
Capacity Building: Six week course given: co-financing
(R35 000); Two Namibians attended: Joseph Wedeinge and Benedict Dundee.
MCM, POGO, and NOAA (institutional)
3. EV/LS/02/02b
PIRATA SE extension. Purchase and retrieval of a moored buoy off the
coast of Angola
Project value: US$100 000
Contracted to: NOAA, IRD and Dr Mathieu Rouault
Completion date: July 2007
- Midterm
report (MS Word doc - 497KB). The Extension of PIRATA in the south
east Atlantic (Project: EV/LS/02/02b); by M. Rouault, Centre for Marine
Studies and Department of Oceanography, UCT; 27 September 2006, 13pp.
Final Report
4. EV/SADCO/03/01
SADCO holdings of Namibian data: Assessment of
historical oceanographic data available from SADCO
Project Value: US$2 400.00
Contracted to: Fiona Duncan (contracted through UNDP-SA)
Aim: To assemble historical oceanographic data for
Namibia that is held by the Southern African Data Centre for Oceanography
Completion date: October 2003
Assessment of historical oceanographic data
available off Namibia from SADCO - Executive Summary; by F. Duncan
(consultant), 2003, 5pp.
Final report
(MS Word doc - 849KB) and Executive
Summary (MS Word doc - 92.5KB) submitted. Assessment of historical
oceanographic data available off Namibia from SADCO; by .F. Duncan,
(consultant); 2003, 50pp.
Capacity Building: None until transfer of knowledge for
the same exercise is done for SADCO holdings of Angolan data by an Angolan
5. EV/PROVARE/02/01
Feasibility assessment for the use of a towed
undulating oceanographic recorder (TUOR) in the BCLME.
Project Value: US$5 850.00
Contracted to: Dr Chris Reid, Foundation for Ocean
Science, Plymouth, UK
Aim: To assess the utility of TUORs in the BCLME and to
recommend the most suitable system for future purchase.
Completion date: November 2003
Feasibility assessment for use of a towed
undulating oceanographic recorder in the Benguela Current Large Marine
Ecosystem (Project: EV/PROVARE/02/01) Preliminary Draft Report; by P. C.
Reid and A. J. Richardson, Marine Environmental Consultancy, U.K. 2003,
Feasibility assessment for use of a towed undulating
oceanographic recorder in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem
(Project: EV/PROVARE/02/01) Final
Report (MS Word doc - 6.35MB); by P.C. Reid and A.J.
Richardson, Marine Environmental Consultancy, U.K., 2003, 137pp.
6. EV/HUMBOLDT/04/01
Ichthyoplankton distribution, monitoring and training,
northern Namibia/southern Angola (AHAB leg 8); Oceanographic, hydrological
and benthos monitoring in Angolan waters (AHAB leg 9).
Project Value: US$130 000.00
Contracted to: Baltic Sea Research Institute -IOW
Aim: To assess the distribution and abundance of
ichthyoplankton around the Angola-Benguela front and monitor oceanographic
and hydrological features and processes as well as the benthic environment
in Angolan coastal waters. Training and capacity building will be an
important part of this work
Completion date: July 2004
Draft Cruise Report, R/V “Alexander von
Humboldt” Cruise No. 44/04/09 (Project: EV/Humboldt/04/01); by Q. Fidel,
Institute of Marine Research (IIM), 2005, pp33.
Leg 8 Cruise Report (pdf doc - 2.20MB), R/V “Alexander von
Humboldt” Cruise No. 44/04/09 (Project: EV/Humboldt/04/01); by Q. Fidel,
Institute of Marine Research (IIM), 2006, pp41.
Leg 9 Cruise Report (pdf doc - 2.20MB), R/V “Alexander von
Humboldt” Cruise No. 44/04/09 (Project: EV/Humboldt/04/01); by Q. Fidel,
Institute of Marine Research (IIM), 2006, pp49.
Capacity Building and Training: Hands-on training of
six Angolans at sea in physical and chemical oceanography, zooplankton and
phytoplankton studies, benthos and sediments. Training envisaged in the
near future will be in 1. post-cruise training (writing up cruise reports,
data documentation and data processing) and 2. writing publications
In-kind contributions: US$50 000.00
7. EV/HAB/02/01
Harmonisation of regulations for microalgal toxins for
application in countries bordering the BCLME.
Project Value: US$69,323.00
Contracted to: Ministry of Fisheries and Marine
Resources, Namibia
Aim: To develop, via a review and a multi-stakeholder
consultative process, consistent regulations and/or guidelines pertaining
to microalgal toxins, which can be applied uniformly in Angola, Namibia
and South Africa.
Completion date: April 2005
Reports: Progress reports have been submitted:
Harmonisation of regulations for microalgal toxins
for application in countries bordering the Benguela Current Large Marine
Ecosystem (Project: EV/HAB/02/01) and Development of an operational
capacity for monitoring of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in countries
bordering the northern part of the BCLME (Project: EV/HAB/02/02a);
combined Progress
(MS Word doc - 480KB; Annexes
- Pdf doc - 5.43MB) by B. Currie and D. Louw, Ministry of Fisheries
and Marine Resources, Namibia, 2004, 4pp.
Review and assessment of existing policies and
approaches regarding harmful algal bloom management, marine water quality
and shellfish sanitation in Angola, Namibia and South Africa (Project: EV/HAB/02/01)
Review Report; by B. Currie and D. Louw, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine
Resources, Namibia, D. M. Anderson, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute,
USA, P. S. Anderson, University of Maine, Maine, USA and Margarita
Fernandez-Tejedor, Centre d”Aquicultura - IRTA, Spain, 2004, 103pp.
A synthesis of requirements of various sectors of
governments and industry relating to microalgal toxins and other sanitary
issues (Project: EV/HAB/02/01) Synthesis
Report (MS Word doc - 1.14MB; cover
- pdf doc - 1.75MB); by B. Currie and D. Louw,
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia, D. M. Anderson, Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institute, USA, P. S. Anderson, University of Maine,
Maine, USA and Margarita Fernandez-Tejedor, Centre d”Aquicultura - IRTA,
Spain, 2004, 83pp. & Annexes I - X, 940pp.
A Proposed Benguela
Regional Shellfish Sanitation Monitoring Program (Project: EV/HAB/02/01)
Report (MS Word doc - 564KBMB; cover
- pdf doc - 1.85MB); by B. Currie and D. Louw,
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia, D. M. Anderson, Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institute, USA, P. S. Anderson, University of Maine,
Maine, USA, Margarita Fernandez-Tejedor, Centre d”Aquicultura - IRTA,
Spain, Terry McMahon, Marine Institute, Abbotstown, Dublin,
Ireland and Isabel Rangel, Department of Oceanography, Instituto
Nacional Investigação Pesqueira IPIM, Luanda, Angola, 2005, 72pp.
Multi-stakeholder Workshop for best implementable
management approaches for Molluscan Shellfish Safety in the Benguela
region (Project: EV/HAB/02/01); Workshop Report; by B. Currie and D. Louw,
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia, D. M. Anderson, Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institute, USA, P. S. Anderson, University of Maine,
Maine, USA, Margarita Fernandez-Tejedor, Centre d”Aquicultura - IRTA,
Spain, T. McMahon, Marine Institute, Ireland and I. Rangel, Instituto de
Investigacao Marinha, Angola, 2005, (39pp & Annexes 1 - 15) 125pp.
Capacity Building & Training: Indirectly through
awareness training of stakeholders and regulatory agencies through
workshop participation regarding regulations and guidelines for micro
toxins. Involvement of personnel in responsible institutions to
adapt/modify/ initiate monitoring systems appropriate to the required
regulations. The regulatory toxin-testing aspect will be complementary to
toxin-testing IAEA project which involves training to institutional staff
in all 3 countries.
In-kind contributions: Venue, office space,
administrative supplies, study tour, workshop equipment and staff members
(Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources): Estimate: US$36 525.00
8. EV/HAB/02/02a
Development of an operational capacity for monitoring
of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in countries bordering the northern part of
the BCLME: Phase 1 - Design
Project Value: US$36 260.00
Contracted to: Ministry of Fisheries and Marine
Resources, Namibia.
Aim: To design a cost-effective method for the
monitoring of harmful phytoplankton species in the BCLME with the focus on
the coasts of Angola and Namibia.
Completion date: April 2005
Harmonisation of regulations for microalgal toxins
for application in countries bordering the Benguela Current Large Marine
Ecosystem (Project: EV/HAB/02/01) and Development of an operational
capacity for monitoring of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in countries
bordering the northern part of the BCLME: Phase 1 - Design (Project: EV/HAB/02/02a);
combined Progress
(MS Word doc - 628KB); by B. Currie and D. Louw, Ministry of Fisheries
and Marine Resources, Namibia, 2004, 4pp.
Development of an operational capacity for
monitoring of harmful algal blooms in countries bordering the northern
part of the Benguela Large Marine Ecosystem: Phase 1-Design (Project: EV/HAB/02/02a)
Review Report “Review of existing information on harmful algal blooms in
Angola, including past and present monitoring of phytoplankton”; Final
report (MS Word - 1.00MB; cover
- pdf doc - 3.42MB) by B.
Currie and D. Louw, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia,
D. M. Anderson, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, USA, P. S. Anderson,
University of Maine, Maine, USA, Margarita Fernandez-Tejedor, Centre d”Aquicultura
- IRTA, Spain and I. Rangel, Instituto de Investigacao Marinha, Angola,
2004, 40pp.
Capacity Building and Training: Indirectly through
awareness training during consultations (further training envisaged).
In-kind contributions: Venue, office space,
administrative supplies, study tour, workshop equipment and staff members
(Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources): Estimate: US$36,325.00.
9. EV/HAB/04/Shellsan
Development of a shellfish sanitation programme model
for application in consort with the microalgal toxins component.
Project Value: US$27 925.00
Contracted to: Ministry of Fisheries and Marine
Resources, Namibia.
Aim: To expand and complement BCLME project EV/HAB/02/01
to incorporate sanitary classification and inspection elements into the
model shellfish safety programme being formulated for the region.
Completion date: April 2005
Reports: These reports have been combined in the
Review, Synthesis and Workshop Reports of EV/HAB/02/01.
Review and assessment of existing policies and
approaches regarding harmful algal bloom management, marine water quality
and shellfish sanitation in Angola, Namibia and South Africa (Project: EV/HAB/02/01)
Review Report; by B. Currie and D. Louw, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine
Resources, Namibia, D. M. Anderson, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute,
USA, P. S. Anderson, University of Maine, Maine, USA and Margarita
Fernandez-Tejedor, Centre d”Aquicultura - IRTA, Spain, 2004, 103pp.
A synthesis of requirements of various sectors of
governments and industry relating to microalgal toxins and other sanitary
issues (Project: EV/HAB/02/01) Synthesis Report; by B. Currie and D. Louw,
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia, D. M. Anderson, Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institute, USA, P. S. Anderson, University of Maine,
Maine, USA and Margarita Fernandez-Tejedor, Centre d”Aquicultura - IRTA,
Spain, 2004, (83pp. & Annexes I - X) 940pp.
Multi-stakeholder Workshop for best implementable
management approaches for Molluscan Shellfish Safety in the Benguela
region (Project: EV/HAB/02/01) Workshop Report (MS
Word doc - 305KB; cover
- pdf doc - 3.28MB; Annexes
- pdf doc - 3.66MB); by B. Currie and D. Louw,
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia, D. M. Anderson, Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institute, USA, P. S. Anderson, University of Maine,
Maine, USA, Margarita Fernandez-Tejedor, Centre d”Aquicultura - IRTA,
Spain, T. McMahon, Marine Institute, Ireland and I. Rangel, Instituto de
Investigacao Marinha, Angola, 2005, (39pp & Annexes 1 - 15) 125pp.
Capacity Building & Training: a) Introduction into
the various responsible government departments of each country, the
components and regulatory requirements of shellfish inspection prescribed
by international market standards. This training of officials in
international inspection standards will build the capacity in each country
to ensure that the required procedures are followed b) Training of
personnel to carry out monitoring and analytical regimes prescribed by
international standards. Where the capacity for laboratory analyses is
lacking in any of the countries this will be identified and addressed
through design of both laboratory facilities and training sessions for
personnel. c) The pilot studies of EV/HAB/02/02a will include shellfish
sanitation components: sanitary survey of growing areas; monitoring of
both water and shellfish for bacterial and chemical contamination. d) If
funding can be secured, government officials identified for involvement in
shellfish sanitation inspection and analyses, will participate in
appropriate training courses
In-kind contributions: Venue, office space,
administrative supplies, study tour, workshop equipment and staff members
(Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources): Estimate: US$63,675.00.
10. EV/HAB/02/03
Investigation into the diversity and distribution of
cysts of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) within the Benguela Current Large
Marine Ecosystem Region.
Project Value: US$25 420.00
Contracted to: University of Cape Town, Department of
Aim: To assess the diversity and distribution of cysts
of HABs within the sediments, thereby providing a history of blooms and an
indication of the potential for HABs within the region.
Completion date: January 2005
Investigation into the diversity and
distribution of cysts of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) within the Benguela
Current Large Marine Ecosystem Region (Project: EV/HAB/02/03) Progress
Report No. 1 (MS Word doc - 123KB); by L. B. Joyce, Department of Oceanography, UCT, 2003, 6pp.
Investigation into the diversity and distribution of
cysts of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) within the Benguela Current Large
Marine Ecosystem Region (Project: EV/HAB/02/03) Progress
Report No. 2 (MS Word doc - 0.99MB); by
L. B. Joyce, Department of Oceanography, UCT, 2004, 8pp.
Investigation into the diversity and distribution of
cysts of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) within the Benguela Current Large
Marine Ecosystem Region (Project: EV/HAB/02/03) Final
Report (pdf-2.40MB); by L. B.
Joyce, Department of Oceanography, UCT, 2004, 53pp.
Capacity Building and Training: Training in sampling
and analysis of phytoplankton (HAB) cysts. Phytoplankton taxonomy workshop
to be built into other project (WITS).
In-kind contributions: Shiptime “R.V. Alexander
von Humboldt” , equipment and staff costs: Estimate US$45,000.00
11. EV/HAB/02/05
Development of an operational capacity for real-time
observation and forecasting of Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) in the BCLME:
Detection of HABs through the deployment of bio-optical moorings. Phase 1:
Demonstration project in Namibia and South Africa.
Project Value: US$125 916.00
Contracted to: University of Cape Town, Department of
Aim: To assess, through a demonstration project, the
utility of bio-optical moorings in the BCLME
Completion date: July 2005.
Development of an operational capacity for
real-time observation and forecasting of Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) in the
BCLME: Detection of HABs through the deployment of bio-optical moorings
(Project: EV/HAB/02/05) Progress
Report No. 1 (MS Word doc - 1.48MB) “Buoy construction and
system development”; by S. Bernard, Centre of Marine Studies and
Department of Oceanography, UCT, 2004, 16pp.
Development of an operational capacity for real-time
observation and forecasting of Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) in the BCLME:
Detection of HABs through the deployment of bio-optical moorings (Project:
EV/HAB/02/05) Interim Report No.2 “Request for contingency fund
allocation”; by S. Bernard, Centre of Marine Studies and Department of
Oceanography, UCT, 2004, 7pp.
Development of an operational capacity for real-time
observation and forecasting of Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) in the BCLME:
Detection of HABs through the deployment of bio-optical moorings (Project:
EV/HAB/02/05) Progress
Report No. 2 (MS Word doc - 3.52MB) “Operational aspects of moored algal
monitoring system”; by S. Bernard and A. Fawcett, Centre of Marine
Studies and Department of Oceanography, UCT, 2004, 31pp.
Development of an operational capacity for real-time
observation and forecasting of Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) in the BCLME:
Detection of HABs through the deployment of bio-optical moorings (Project:
EV/HAB/02/05) Progress Report No.3
(MS Word doc - 8.03MB) “Operational aspects of moored algal
monitoring system”; by S. Bernard, A. Fawcett and C. Balt, Centre of
Marine Studies and Department of Oceanography, UCT, 2005, 30pp.
Development of an operational capacity for real-time
observation and forecasting of Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) in the BCLME:
Detection of HABs through the deployment of bio-optical moorings (Project:
EV/HAB/02/05) Interim Report No.5 “Request for contingency fund
allocation”; by S. Bernard, Centre of Marine Studies and Department of
Oceanography, UCT, 2005, 3pp.
Development of an operational capacity for real-time
observation and forecasting of Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) in the BCLME:
Detection of HABs through the deployment of bio-optical moorings (Project:
EV/HAB/02/05) Final Report
(Report No.6) (MS Word doc - 6.92MB) “Request for contingency fund
allocation”; by S. Bernard, Centre of Marine Studies and Department of
Oceanography, UCT, 2005, 3pp.
Development of an operational capacity for real-time
observation and forecasting of Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) in the BCLME:
Detection of HABs through the deployment of bio-optical moorings (Project:
EV/HAB/02/05) Regional
Mooring Demonstration (Report No. 7)(pdf doc - 796KB), 10pp.
Capacity Building and Training: Two MSc students being
trained i.e. Alexandra Fawcett and Chrystelle Bart; allocation of
US$21,666.66 for AF; Hands on involvement of UCT, MCM and NatMIRC staff.
Training by MCM staff in managing an operational mooring program.
In-kind contributions: Technical, managerial,
communications, website design, software, shiptime, logistic support,
servicing and staff time (MCM, Department of Oceanography, UCT, Saturn
Solutions, MTN): Estimate: US$122,000.00. The existing website
has been constantly expanded and updated since the start of this project.
MCM have made in-kind contributions of educational material pertaining to
HABS and ocean colour data, phytoplankton counts and toxicity data
emerging from their existing monitoring programmes to this website. HABs
and related research publications, reports and leaflets are also found on
the website.
12. EV/HAB/02/06
Development of an operational capacity for real-time
observation and forecasting of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the Benguela
Current Large Marine Ecosystem (Project:EV/HAB/02/06): Utility of models
in forecasting HABs events
Project Value: US$30,700.00
Contracted to: University of Cape Town (Department of
Oceanography) and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Aim: To assess the utility and application of models as
a tool for the forecasting of major HABs in the BCLME region.
Completion date: April 2006
Development of an operational capacity for
real-time observation and forecasting of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in
the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (Project: EV/HAB/02/06):
Utility of models in forecasting HABs events. Progress
Report No. 1 (MS Word doc - 1.45MB); by P.
Monteiro, Centre for Marine Studies, UCT and Council for Scientific and
Industrial Research (CSIR), 2003, 7pp.
Development of an operational capacity for real-time
observation and forecasting of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the Benguela
Current Large Marine Ecosystem (Project: EV/HAB/02/06): Utility of models
in forecasting HABs events. Progress
Report No. 2 (MS Word doc - 1.08MB) (updated) by P. Monteiro,
Centre for Marine Studies, UCT and Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR), 2004, 10pp.
Development of an operational capacity for real-time
observation and forecasting of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the Benguela
Current Large Marine Ecosystem (Project: EV/HAB/02/06): Utility of models
in forecasting HABs events. Final Report (MS
Word doc - 11.6MB; pdf
doc - 5.5MB) by A. Viljoen and P. Monteiro,
Centre for Marine Studies, UCT and Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR), 2004, 56pp & Appendix A (17pp).
Capacity Building and Training: Namibian partner (A van
der Plas); Completing M.Sc (A Kemp, $14,000.00). Awaiting further
In-kind contribution: Awaiting further information
13. EV/HAB/05/01
Investigation into the diversity and distribution of
cysts of harmful algal blooms within Luanda Bay (Angola) and Luderitz Bay
and Walvis Bay (Namibia) - Project EV/HAB/05/01).
Project Value: US$29 994.00
Contracted to: University of Cape Town, Centre for
Marine Studies
Aim: To determine diversity and distribution of HAB
cysts and subsequent suitability of various bays in the BCLME region for
mariculture operations.
Completion date: November 2005
Investigation into the diversity and
distribution of cysts of harmful algal blooms within Luanda Bay (Angola)
and Luderitz Bay and Walvis Bay (Namibia) (Project: EV/HAB/05/01) Progress
Report No 1; by L. B. Joyce, Department of Oceanography, UCT, 2005, 3pp.
Investigation into the diversity and
distribution of cysts of harmful algal blooms within Luanda Bay (Angola)
and Luderitz Bay and Walvis Bay (Namibia) (Project: EV/HAB/05/01); Final
Report (MS Word doc - 2.75MB), by L. B. Joyce, Department of Oceanography, UCT,
November 2005, 34pp.
Training and Capacity Building: Hands-on training of
Namibian and Angolan staff in cyst sampling techniques and basic taxonomy
to develop national capacity.; Sonja Silva, IIM (Angola); US$1000.00.
In-kind contributions: Technical advice from MCM :
Estimate: US$2000.00
14. EV/HAB/05/02
Development of an operational capacity for monitoring
Harmful Algal Blooms in countries bordering the northern part of the BCLME:
Phase 1 - design: component pilot monitoring in the Lüderitz
Project value: US$4 015.00
Contracted to: MFMR
Completion date: March 2006
Final report
15. EV/HABSCON/04/01
11th International Conference on Harmful Algae (Cape
Project Value: US$8 000.00 (Sponsorship)
Donated to: Secretariat (ICHA 2004) - Conference
Aim: To provide a broad forum for phycologists,
microbiologists, toxicologists, physiologists, molecular biologists,
aquatic biologists, ecologists and managers to address and exchange
research findings and perspectives concerning all aspects of toxic and
harmful algae.
16. EV/LOW/02/01
Critical review of the biophysical processes and
variability that characterise the low oxygen water (LOW) variability and
an improved monthly State of the Environment (SOE) reporting on low oxygen
water in the BCLME.
Project Value: US$46 250.00
Contracted to: University of Cape Town (Department of
Oceanography) and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Aim: To develop a baseline understanding which will
ultimately form the basis for modeling and forecasting LOW variability.
Completion date: April 2006.
Critical review of the biophysical
processes and variability that characterise the low oxygen water (LOW)
variability and an improved monthly State of the Environment (SOE)
reporting on low oxygen water in the BCLME (Project: EV/LOW/02/01) Progress
Report No. 1 (MS Word doc - 305KB); by P. Monteiro, Centre for Marine Studies, UCT and
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), 2004, 13pp.
Critical review of the biophysical processes and
variability that characterise the low oxygen water (LOW) variability and
an improved monthly State of the Environment (SOE) reporting on low oxygen
water in the BCLME (Project: EV/LOW/02/01) Second Interim
Report (MS Word doc - 233KB); by P.
Monteiro, Centre for Marine Studies, UCT and Council for Scientific and
Industrial Research (CSIR), 2004, 6pp.
oxygen variability in the Benguela Ecosystem: A review and new
understanding” (Project: EV/LOW/02/01);
Final Report (MS
Word doc - 12MB) ; by P. Monteiro and A van der Plas, Centre for Marine
Studies, UCT, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and
National Marine Information and Research Centre (NatMIRC), Revised May
2006, 78pp.
Capacity Building and Training: Namibian partner (A van
der Plas); Angolan partner (Q Fidel).
Two day workshop with ecosystem and fisheries managers
is envisaged (coinciding with a regional meeting e.g. BENEFIT Forum -
management support products will be explained and discussed). Similar
capacity building and dissemination workshops will be held with
appropriate industry forums. Awaiting further information
In-kind contribution: Awaiting further information
17. EV/FORECAST/04/01
International Workshop on Forecasting and Data
Assimilation in the Benguela and Comparable Systems (Cape Town)
Project Value: US$80 000.00 (Sponsorship)
Administered by: PCU
Aim: The workshop will address a broad spectrum of
activities (physical, chemical, biological and resource-related) of
relevance to the development of a predictive capability for the greater
Benguela Current region and comparable systems.
Completion date: November 20
In-kind contribution: Sponsorships - UCT
(US$10,000.00), CSIR (US$2,5000.00), MCM (US$5,000.00), BENEFIT
(US$1,500.00); SCOR (1 international participant), IUGG (1 regional), IOC
(3 regional & 1 international), IAPSO (3 international), BENEFIT (4
regional & 1 international)
18. EV/ANGOLA/03/01
Compilation of inventory and acquisition of
oceanographic environmental data in the Angola sector of the BCLME. Phase
one (inventory).
Project Value: US$20 000.00
Contracted to: Instituto de Investigação Marinha
Aim: To locate and compile an inventory of all
available historic oceanographic environmental data collected in the
Angolan sector of the BCLME prior to 2003.
Completion date: July 2005.
Compilation of inventory and acquisition of
oceanographic environmental data in the Angola sector of the BCLME. Phase
one (inventory) (Project final
report [pdf doc - 1.08MB]), combined Draft Inventory and
Assessment Report; by Q. Fidel, Instituto de Investigação Marinha, 2005,
Capacity Building and Training: Angolan team
undertaking this project (Q. Fidel, $6,100.00; D. Azevedo, $3,250.00; P.
C. M. Tchipalanga, $3,250.00; E. Cangajo, $1,250.00 and F. Gombo,
$1,250.00) and Q. Fidel writing up the reports
In-kind contribution: Awaiting further information
19. EV/ANGOLA/03/02
Comprehensive review and re-interpretation of
oceanographic information on the Angola sector of the BCLME.
Project Value: US$20 000.00
Contracted to: Instituto de Investigação Marinha
Aim: To source, assess and, where appropriate,
interpret all available information on the oceanography of the Angolan
sector of the BCLME.
Completion date: July 2005.
Comprehensive review and re-interpretation
of oceanographic information on the Angola sector of the BCLME (Project:
EV/Angola/03/02) Draft Progress Report; by P. C. M. Tchipalanga, Instituto
de Investigação Marinha, 2004, 18pp.
Capacity Building and Training: Angolan team
undertaking this project (P. C. M. Tchipalanga, US$4 200.00; I. Rangel,
US$2 000.00; Q. Fidel US$2 000.00; E. Cangajo, US$1 000.00 and B. Bazika,
US$2,000.00) and P. C. M. Tchipalanga writing up the reports
20. EV/ANGOLA/03/03
Assessment of the present state of oceanographic
environmental monitoring in the Angolan sector of the BCLME region.
Project Value: US$10 000.00
Contracted to: Instituto de Investigação Marinha
Aim: To assess the present state of oceanographic
environmental monitoring in Angola’s EEZ conducted by, or on behalf of,
various sectors of government and industry.
Completion date: July 2005.
Assessment of the present state of
oceanographic environmental monitoring in the Angolan sector of the BCLME
region (Project final
report - [pdf doc - 450KB]) Progress Report; by Q. Fidel, Instituto
de Investigação Marinha, 2004, 8pp.
Capacity Building and Training: Angolan team
undertaking this project (Q. Fidel, US$3 297.00; D. Azevedo, US$1 197.00;
P. C. M. Tchipalanga, US$1 197.00 and E. Cangajo, US$1 197.00) and Q.
Fidel writing up the reports
21. EV/ANGOLA/03/05
Build capacity for Angola.
Project Value: US$7 000.00
Contracted to: Instituto de Investigação Marinha
Aim: To identify the gaps in the capacity of the
Angolan institutions involved in the BCLME and propose an action plan for
addressing these gaps.
Completed by: July 2005
Draft Inventory Report of the existing
laboratory capacity of the principal BCLME partner institutions in Angola
(Project: EV/Angola/03/05); by D. Paim, Instituto de Investigação
Marinha, 2004, 28pp.
Draft Assessment Report listing the evaluation of
the technical capacity available in the principal institutions in Angola
and their needs regarding capacity building (Project: EV/Angola/03/05) by
D. Paim, Instituto de Investigação Marinha, 2004, 13pp.
Capacity Building and Training: Angolan team
undertaking this project (D. Paim, US$1,870.00; F. Mata, US$810.00; F. V.
Velho, US$810.00 and A. Martins, US$810.00) and D. Paim writing up the
22. EV/ANGOLA/03/06
Upgrade communication systems for Angolan BCLME core
partner institutions.
Project Value: US$8 000.00
Contracted to: Instituto de Investigação Marinha
Aim: To upgrade the communication system of IIM,
allowing for reliable and cost effective communications at all
laboratories of IIM, including Luanda, Namibe, Lobito and Cabinda.
Completion date: July 2005.
Upgrade communication systems for Angolan
BCLME core partner institutions (Project final
report - [MS Word doc - 722KB]); by N. Luyeye
and D. Azevedo, Instituto de Investigação Marinha, 2005, 20pp.
Capacity Building and Training: Angolan team
undertaking this project (N. Luyeye, US$2,400.00 and J. A. Ferreira,
In-kind contribution: Awaiting further information
23. EV/LOW/02/03
Assessment of key transboundary processes and
measurement scales in respect of low oxygen water (LOW) variability:
preliminary implementation and examination of the role of large scale and
transboundary hydrodynamic control of LOW variability.
Project Value:
US$62 750.00
Contracted to: University of Cape Town (Department of
Oceanography) and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Aim: Using one or more regional hydrodynamic model to
assess the role of transboundary fluxes on sub-regional LOW variability.
Completion date: October 2005
Capacity Building and Training: Namibian partner (A.
van der Plas, NatMIRC, US$3,750.00); Angolan partners (one M.Sc student,
T. Queiroz, UAN and Q. Fidel, IIM; Fidel meetings only).
Management and industry capacity building and
dissemination workshops for ecosystem, fisheries and industry managers.
Management support products will be explained/discussed.
Internationally, through partnerships with biochemical
modeling groups at both Delft Hydraulics & ROMS modeling groups, CB
& T in the most recent modeling capabilities will be ongoing.
In-kind contributions: Awaiting further information
24. EV/LOW/02/04
Assessment of key transboundary processes and
measurement scales in respect of low oxygen water variability:
implementation of the LOW generation areas simulation that provide inputs
to transboundary models in LOW project EV/LOW/02/03.
Project Value: US$122 500.00
Contracted to: University of Cape Town (Department of
Oceanography) and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
Aim: Implementation of the LOW generated areas
simulation that provide inputs to transboundary models in LOW project EV/LOW/02/03
- linking local events with outbreaks of LOW further south
Completion date: November 2005.
Capacity Building and Training: Namibian partner (A.
van der Plas, NatMIRC, US$6,600.00); Angolan partners (one M.Sc student,
T. Queiroz, UAN, $10,000.00; J. Boavida, UAN and Q. Fidel, IIM; Boavida
and Fidel meetings only).
Management and industry capacity building and
dissemination workshops for ecosystem, fisheries and industry managers.
Management support products will be explained/discussed.
Internationally, through partnerships with biochemical
modeling groups at both Delft Hydraulics & ROMS modeling groups, CB
& T in the most recent modeling capabilities will be ongoing.
Final report
1. EV/LS/02/03
Analysis of Benguela dynamical variability and
assessment of predictability of warm and cold events in the BCLME.
Project Value: US$150 000.00
Contracted to: University of Cape Town, Oceanography
Aim: To demonstrate and understand the mechanisms
leading to warm and cold events in the BCLME and to assess the
predictability of Benguela Niños with a view to setting up an operational
early warning system. To improve knowledge on the eastern South Atlantic
ocean circulation and its variability, to understand their impacts on the
marine environment and to estimate the human and economic costs of such
Completion date: February 2006.
Reports: Progress reports have been submitted:
Preliminary report
(pdf-17.8KB) on Benguela Ninos; by P.
Florenchie, Department of Oceanography, UCT, 2003, 5pp.
Analysis of Benguela dynamical variability and
assessment of the predictability of warm and cold events in the BCLME
(Project: EV/LS/02/03) Report
Number 1 (MS Word doc - 0.99MB); by P. Florenchie, Centre for
Marine Studies and Oceanography Department, UCT, 2003, 28pp & Annexes
A and B (see c and d below).
Evolution of interannual warm and cold events in the
South East Atlantic Ocean; by P. Florenchie, C. J. C.Reason, J. R. E.
Lutjeharms, M. Rouault, C. Roy and S. Masson; Department of Oceanography,
UCT and Institut de Recherche et Developpement (IRD) France, and Frontier
Research System for Global Change, Japan, 2003, 23pp (in press) (Annexe
A - MS Word doc - 1.49MB).
Surface thermal characteristics of the Angola
Benguela Frontal Zone (ABFZ) for 18 year satellite data; MSc report; by J.
A. Veitch and P. Florenchie, Department of Oceanography, UCT, 2003, 24pp (Annexe
B - MS Word doc - 1.81MB).
Analysis of Benguela dynamical variability and
assessment of the predictability of warm and cold events in the BCLME
(Project: EV/LS/02/03) Report
Number 2 (MS Word doc - 2.52MB); by P. Florenchie, Centre for
Marine Studies and Oceanography Department, UCT, 2004, 37pp & Appendix
1 (see f below).
Seasonal and interannual fluctuations of the Angola
Benguela Frontal Zone (ABFZ) using high resolution satellite imagery from
1982 to 1999; by J. A. Veitch, P. Florenchie and F. A. Shillington,
Department of Oceanography, UCT, 2003, 26pp (submitted to International
Journal of Remote Sensing).
Analysis of Benguela dynamical variability and
assessment of the predictability of warm and cold events in the BCLME
(Project: EV/LS/02/03) Report
Number 3 (pdf-1.97MB); by P. Florenchie, Centre for
Marine Studies and Oceanography Department, UCT, 2004, 26pp &
Appendices A and B (see h and i below).
Evolution of interannual warm and cold events in the
South East Atlantic Ocean; by P. Florenchie, C. J. C. Reason, J. R. E.
Lutjeharms, M. Rouault, C. Roy and S. Masson; Department of Oceanography,
UCT and Institut de Recherche et Developpement (IRD) France, and Frontier
Research System for Global Change, Japan, 2004, Journal of Climate, Vol.
17, p.2318 - 2334 (Appendix A).
Numerical model investigation of near-surface
circulation features of the Angola Basin; MSc thesis; by J. A. Veitch,
Department of Oceanography, UCT, 131pp (Appendix
B - pdf-5.57MB).
Summary of eastern boundary upwelling workshop
research and development institute (IRD), Brittany, France; by P.
Florenchie, 18-19 September 2003; 7 pp.
Analysis of Benguela Dynamical Variability and
Assessment of the Predictability of Warm and Cold Events in the BCLME.
Report number 4. RAF/00/G32 – Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem.
April 2005. Compiled by Dr. Pierre Florenchie
Analysis of Benguela Dynamical Variability and Assessment of the
Predictability of Warm and Cold Events in the BCLME. Report
number 5.
RAF/00/G32 – Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem. 20/12/2005.
Compiled by Dr. Pierre Florenchie
Final Report
Capacity Building: One South African MSc student, Ms J.
A. Veitch (US$8,400.00); PhD student training allocation (US$15,900.00).
2. EV/LS/02/06
Diagnosis of large scale South Atlantic modes that
impact on the transboundary BCLME: investigating the potential for
improved predictability and sustainable management.
Project Value: $87 959.00
Contracted to: University of Cape Town (Department of
Aim: To diagnose and better understand the large scale
modes of South Atlantic variability that impact on the BCLME region and
assess the potential for predictability.
Completion date: January 2007.
Reports: Progress reports have been submitted:
South Atlantic climate modes and their linkages with
the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (Project: EV/LS/02/06) Preliminary
Report No. 1 (pdf doc - 45KB); by C. Reason, Department of Oceanography, UCT,
2004, 6 pp.
A review of South Atlantic Climate Variability that
may influence the BCLME region (Project: EV/LS/02/06) Review Report; by F.
Colberg and C. J. C. Reason, Department of Oceanography, UCT, 12 pp.
South Atlantic leading modes and their linkages with
the Benguela Current region. Report
3. F. Colberg, and C. J. C. Reason. August 2005.
Report 4
Variability in forcing,
boundary conditions and modelling the northern Benguela region. Report
5. F. Colberg, and C. J. C. Reason. June 2006
Final Report
Capacity Building: One PhD student to be trained; K.
Hansingo (Zambia); Estimates US$23 076.00. Post-doctorate allocation of
US$36 155.00 (still to be decided: Dr H. Mulenga for part-time post doc
3. EV/PROVARE/02/05
Retrospective analysis of plankton community structure
in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) to provide an index
of long-term change in the ecosystem.
Project Value: US$111 985.00
Contracted to: BENEFIT
Aim: A retrospective analyses and assessment of
historical zooplankton samples collected in the BCLME region over the last
five decades to serve as a baseline against which to measure future
transboundary variability, environmental change and regime shifts
Completion date: December 2006
Retrospective analysis of plankton
community structure in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME)
to provide an index of long-term change in the ecosystem (Project: EV/Provare/02/05)
Progress Report (MS Word doc - 1.96MB); by H. M. Verheye, Marine and Coastal Management,
DEA&T, 2004, 7pp.
Retrospective analysis of plankton community
structure in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) to
provide an index of long-term change in the ecosystem (Project: EV/Provare/02/05)
Progress Report (MS Word doc - 2.64MB); by H. M. Verheye, Marine and Coastal Management,
DEA&T, 2005, 20pp.
Retrospective analysis of plankton community
structure in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) to
provide an index of long-term change in the ecosystem (Project: EV/Provare/02/05)
Progress Report (MS Word doc - 2.14MB) and Appendices (Appendix
A [MS Word doc - 512MB]; Appendix
B [MS Word doc - 921KB]; Appendix
C [MS Word doc - 93KB]); by H. M. Verheye, Marine and Coastal Management,
DEA&T, 2005, 18pp.
Retrospective analysis of plankton community
structure in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) to
provide an index of long-term change in the ecosystem (Project: EV/Provare/02/05)
Progress Report (pdf doc - 637KB) and Appendices (Appendix
C [pdf doc - 259KB]; Appendix
D [pdf doc - 177KB]; by H. M. Verheye, Marine and Coastal Management,
DEA&T, 2006, 17pp.
Retrospective analysis of plankton community
structure in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) to
provide an index of long-term change in the ecosystem (Project: EV/Provare/02/05)
Progress Report (pdf doc - 443KB) and Appendix
D [pdf doc - 112KB]; by H. M. Verheye, Marine and Coastal Management,
DEA&T, 2006, 24pp.
Capacity Building and Training: B.Sc (Hons) student, I.
Kauvee, Namibia, ($38,500.00), 2004; M.Sc student, I. Kauvee, Namibia,
($83,000.00), 2005 & 2006; P.hD. student, F. Cazassus, France,
($153,915,00), 2004 to 2006. Data Manager: Through IOI-SA, other post
graduate students will be involved for the standardization of data. A
regional zooplankton taxonomy training workshop targeting students from
Angola, Namibia and South Africa will be held later in 2005 and they will
be trained by international experts. Identification of other appropriate
zooplankton taxonomy opportunities for students and technical support
staff is ongoing.
Two other M.Sc students involved in SWAPELS sample
analysis (S. Tsotsobe, South Africa and T. Mainoane, Lesotho funded by
NORAD and BENEFIT respectively)
4. EV/PROVARE/04/01
Characterizing the spawning habitat (temporal, spatial
and in terms of physical and biological attributes) of harvested pelagic
species (Sardinops sagax, Trachurus sp., Engraulis capensis) using
Continuous Underwater Fish Egg Sampler (CUFES) and net sampling
Project Value: US$93 003.00
Contracted to: BENEFIT
Aim: To improve management recommendations of overall
stock status assessment by the added characterizing the spawning habitat
(temporal, spatial and in terms of physical and biological attributes) of
certain harvested pelagic species using Continuous Underwater Fish Egg
Sampler (CUFES) and net sampling component
Completion date: February 2007
Characterizing the spawning habitat
(temporal, spatial and in terms of physical and biological attributes) of
harvested pelagic species (Sardinops sagax, Trachurus sp., Engraulis
capensis) using Continuous Underwater Fish Egg Sampler (CUFES) and net
sampling (Project: EV/PROVARE/04/01) Inception
Report (MS Word doc - 249KB); by N. Sweijd,
BENEFIT, 2005, 5pp.
Characterizing the spawning habitat
(temporal, spatial and in terms of physical and biological attributes) of
harvested pelagic species (Sardinops sagax, Trachurus sp., Engraulis
capensis) using Continuous Underwater Fish Egg Sampler (CUFES) and net
sampling (Project: EV/PROVARE/04/01). Progress
Report (MS Word doc - 885KB); by A. Kreiner, National Marine
Information and Research Center, August 2005, 3pp.
Characterizing the spawning habitat
(temporal, spatial and in terms of physical and biological attributes) of
harvested pelagic species (Sardinops sagax, Trachurus sp., Engraulis
capensis) using Continuous Underwater Fish Egg Sampler (CUFES) and net
sampling (Project: EV/PROVARE/04/01). Progress
Report (MS Word doc - 938KB); by A. Kreiner, National Marine
Information and Research Center, February 2006, 4pp.
Final Report
Capacity Building and Training: Two Namibian
technicians (T. Akawa and T. Shiwanapo, combined US$47,503.00). Training
of scientists and technical staff at NatMIRC in the use of the CUFES
system, net sampling, preservation, sorting and identification of samples.
On-hands training at sea of three Angolan scientists in operation and
interpretation of CUFES data.
In-kind contributions: 72 days ship’s time US$540
000.00 and supervisor’s salary US$15 834.00 from MFMR.
5. EV/PROVARE/06/01
Development of satellite remote sensing products for
operational application (Statement
of Works - MS Word doc, 396KB)
Project value: US$112 152
Contracted to: BENEFIT
Completion date: September 2007
Development of satellite remote sensing products for
operational application (Project: EV/PROVARE/06/01) Inception
Report (pdf doc - 695B); by Stewart Bernard, BENEFIT, July 2006, 8pp.
Development of satellite remote sensing products for
operational application (Project: EV/PROVARE/06/01) Remote
Sensing Server Workshop Report (pdf doc - 4.20MB); by Ray Barlow and
Stewart Bernard, BENEFIT, August 2006, 38pp.
Development of Satellite Remote Sensing Products for Operational
Application. Report
3: January 2007. Progress Report 1. Stewart Bernard, Christo Whittle,
Ray Barlow, Tarron Lamont, Lionel Delaney
6. EV/TG/02/02
Purchase and installation of tide gauges in the BCLME
Project value: US$100 000
Contracted to: To be identified
7. EV/HAB/06/01
Development of an operational capacity for a shellfish sanitation
monitoring programme in countries bordering the northern part of the BCLME.
Phase 2 - implementation
Project value: US$90 743
Contracted to: MFMR
Completion date: March 2007
Interim report
8. EV/MODEL/05/01
A cross cutting simulation modelling capability for the BCLME
Project value: this project - US$126 935 plus additional US$36
000 (2004); US$35 000 (2005) - hardware expenditure
Contracted to: UCT
Completion date: March 2007
- A cross-cutting simulation-modelling capability for the BCLME. Report
4: Delivery and testing of appropriate atmospheric products. Compiled by
Prof. C. J. C. Reason, Dept. of Oceanography, UCT. October 2006