Ten years of collaboration: The final symposium of the BENEFIT and BCLME programmes - Swakopmund, November 2007

A three-day symposium which focussed on the key scientific outcomes and other achievements of two regional marine programmes: the Benguela Environment Fisheries Interaction and Training (BENEFIT) and the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) Programme was held in Swakopmund in November.

New Report outlines a blueprint for protecting Southern Africa's Marine Ecosystems

On Wednesday 25 July, WWF and the BCLME Programme launched a new report that provides a detailed plan for reducing the impacts of fishing on the marine ecosystems of southern Africa.

  • Read the media release

  • View photographs of the launch

  • Read media clippings

    • Ground-breaking fisheries blueprint takes holistic approach to marine system, Cape Times, 26 July 2007 (pdf file - 164,99KB)

    • Green groups pitch plan to reduce damage in Benguela system, Business Day, 26 July 2007 (pdf file - 192,87KB)

    • Plan to protect ocean not just fish species, Cape Argus, 26 July 2007 (pdf file - 245,23KB)

    • Regional plan for fisheries gets underway, The Star, 26 July 2007 (pdf file - 150,59KB)

    • Nature fund releases ecoplan for fisheries, Business Report, 26 July 2007 (pdf file - 202,29KB)

    • WWF launches bid to save SA sea fish stocks, Citizen, 27 July 2007 (pdf file - 77,01KB)

  • Protecting Marine Resources, Ship year 2007, pg. 99 (jpeg file - 375KB)

The changing state of the BCLME

An expert workshop on climate change and variability and the impacts thereof on the BCLME region

Over 40 scientists from the BCLME region gathered in Cape Town in May to discuss the changing state of the Benguela ecosystem.

WWF by-catch report is released

A by-catch assessment study which was co-funded by the BCLME Programme was released by the global environmental conservation organisation WWF in South Africa recently. The report highlights the impact that longline fisheries have on vulnerable species of seabirds, sharks and sea turtles in the Benguela ecosystem. It estimates that as many as 34 000 seabirds, 4 200 sea turtles and over seven million sharks and skates are caught by longline fishing operations in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) annually.

  • Reflecting on the last five years in the fishing industry - Maritime Southern Africa, March/April 2007 (pdf doc - 4.85MB)
  • Book launch celebrates marine science - Maritime Southern Africa, January/February 2007 (jpg image - 137KB)
  • Africa is leading the way in ocean governance - Maritime Southern Africa, September/October 2006 (pdf doc - 2.37MB).

  • African minister visit SA to establish new commission - Maritime Southern Africa, September/October 2006 (jpg image - 224KB).

  • Namibians geared for growth - Fish Farming International, August 2006 (pdf doc - 3.78MB).

Benguela: Predicting a Large Marine Ecosystem

Benguela: Predicting a Large Marine Ecosystem is now available from book publishers, Elsevier (www.elsevier.com).

The book is a product of the International Workshop on Forecasting and Data Assimilation in the Benguela and Comparable Systems which was held in Cape Town in November 2004. The workshop was sponsored by the BCLME Programme, in partnership with nine other international and regional agencies.

Benguela: Predicting a Large Marine Ecosystem is jointly edited by Vere Shannon of the BCLME Programme, Gotthilf Hempel of the Centre for Marine Tropical Ecology in Bremen, Germany, Coleen Moloney of the University of Cape Town, Paola Rizzoli of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and John Woods of Imperial College, London. Sally Adams of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the USA is the technical editor.

Each chapter has been subjected to an international peer review process.

The book is in four parts and captures the essence of the thinking and knowledge emanating from the workshop. It is regarded as the definitive work on the variability and predictability of the BCLME.

Uniquely, the book includes a CD-ROM containing a wealth of supplementary information such as details about the Benguela Forecast Workshop, observations, animations and model outputs, several papers presented at the Workshop and comprehensive information about the BCLME Programme, BENEFIT, SANCOR (the South African Network for Oceanic Research) and SADCO (the South African Data Centre for Oceanograpy).

The book’s foreword is written by Mick O’Toole, chief technical advisor to the BCLME Programme, and includes an endorsement by the ministers responsible for fisheries and marine resources in Angola, Namibia and South Africa. It is dedicated to Kenneth Sherman, editor of the Elsevier series on Large Marine Ecosystems.

It is possible to order this book online at www.elsevier.com.

Media clippings relating to the establishment
of the Benguela Current Commission

  1. Three countries to share stock fish management as: Benguela commission is set up - Fishing News International, October 2006 (jpeg image - 237KB)

  2. Current, Commerce and Conservation - New body set up to manage large Southern African marine system - Engineering News, 15-21 September 2006 (jpeg image - 299KB)

  3. Angola, Nam, SA together on Benguela Current - Namibian Economist, 1 September 2006 (jpeg image - 1.09MB).

  4. Benguela-seestroom se nut ondersoek - Die Rupublikein, 1 September 2006 (jpeg image - 2.19MB).

  5. Kooperation fur Meeresschutz - Allegemeine Zeitung, 31 August 2006 (pdf doc - 12KB).

  6. Benguela Aggreement Signed - The Namibian, 31 August 2006 (pd doc - 77.2KB).

  7. Klimaat 'krap seestroom om' - Die Burger, 30 August 2006 (pdf doc - 3.50MB).

  8. Joining hands to govern the ocean - The Cape Times, 25 August 2006 (pdf doc - 3.48MB).

  • A coldwater lifeline - Africa Geographic, August 2006 (pdf doc - 12.9MB).

  • Namibia's oyster farms are poised for massive growth - Maritime Southern Africa, July/August 2006 (pdf doc - 7.59MB).

  • Taking a closer look at the Angola Benguela Front - Maritime Southern Africa, May/June 2006 (pdf doc - 2.54MB).

  • Predicting low-oxygen water and its impact on fisheries and ecosystems - Science Scope (pdf doc - 112KB).

  • Download photos from the Angola Benguela Front workshop and the recent Benefit Forum.

  • Fisheries Forum Ends On High Note - The Namibian, 10 April 2006 (MS Word doc - 33KB).

  • Marine Sector on Alert - New Era, 5 April 2006 (pdf doc - 2.45MB).

  • Benguela Frontal Nino Havoc - New Era, 5 April 2006 (JPG image - 258KB).

  • Marine Experts Discuss Ocean Changes - New Era, 4 April 2006 (pdf doc - 2.37MB).

  • KING CAT Ski Boat donated for Benguela Marine monitoring - Windhoek Observer, 25 February 2006 (pdf doc - 2.16MB).

Documents relating to the tender for projects BCLME/EEWS/05/01 and BCLME/SEIS/05/01

  1. Advertisement

  2. Request for Proposal for Consulting Services 

  3. Annex I – A (English / Portuguese

  4. Annex I – B

  5. Annex II – Proposal Submission Form

  6. Annex III – Draft Contract for Services

  • West Africa Fisheries Protection: UNIDO media release, November 2005 (pdf doc - 46.9KB)

  • Shared Stocks Research Showcase - Fishing News International, October 2005 (JPG image - 134KB).

  • Regional neighbours unite to protect marine resources - The Namibian, 15 September 2005 (JPG image - 154KB).

  • Symposium highlights BCLME project’s successes - Maritime Southern Africa, July/August 2005 (MS Word doc - 27.5KB; JPG image - 87.3KB).

  • Seabird mitigation measures do work! - Maritime Southern Africa, July/August 2005 (MS Word doc - 34KB; pdf doc - 1.79MB).

  • BCLME Highlights Symposium - Summary of Proceedings (MS Word doc - 187KB).

  • BCLME Programme Newsletter. Issue 3 (2.01MB). June 2005.

  • Dr Fridjof Nansen to sample from Cape Town to Senegal - Maritime Southern Africa, May/June 2005 (JPG image - 518KB).

  • Dr Maurihungirire takes over as director of the BCLME Programme in Swakopmund - Die Republikein, 6 May 2005 (JPG image - 152KB).

    Regional workshop puts EAF on the map
      - SANCOR Newsletter, March 2005 (pdf doc - 215 MB).

  • An African Partnership in Marine and Coastal Management  - BCLME Brochure, March 2005 (pdf doc - 2.10MB).

  • Forecasting in the Benguela - Maritime Southern Africa, January/February 2005 (JPG image - 353KB).

  • Is it possible to predict boom or bust years in the fishing industry? - Fishing Industry News, December 2004 (pdf doc - 1.32MB).

  • Scientist tracks path of notorious Benguela Niño - University of Cape Town Monday Paper, November 29 - December 5, 2004 (pdf doc - 3.89MB).

  • Download and view a video clip (2.18MB) on Benguela Niňo which was flighted on SABC Africa in November 2004.

  • Benguela-System wird erforscht - Allegemeine Zeitung, 2 November 2004 (pdf doc - 507KB).

  • Namibia: Cooperating to Conserve Benguela’s Riches - UN Integrated Regional Information Networks, 28 September 2004 (MS Word doc-31.5KB).

  • Fisheries experts gather in city - The Namibian, 23 September 2004 (pdf doc - 400KB).

  • Southern Africa checks shellfish - Seafood International, September 2004 (MS Word doc-33.5KB; pdf doc-2.82MB).

  • Measures planned to end bycatch menace - The Namibian, 12 August 2004 (pdf doc - 998KB).

  • Managing Benguela: an African partnership - World Conservation (Journal of The World Conservation Union) (MS Word doc-43.5KB; pdf doc-3.37MB).

  • Last journey of the Humboldt - Maritime Southern Africa, July/August 2004 (MS Word doc-45KB).

  • Wonders of the Benguela - SANCOR newsletter, July 2004 (MS Word doc-28KB).

  • BCLME Programme Newsletter. Issue 2 (2.41MB). July 2004.

  • Voyage provides insight into fish resources - Fishing Industry News Southern Africa, June 2004 (pdf doc-729KB).

  • Report Back – Hake workshop - Fishing Industry News, June 2004 (MS Word doc-42.5KB; pdf doc-3.52MB).

  • Research yields ton of support - by Maggi Barnard.  The Namibian, 1 June 2004 (HTML; pd doc-125KB).

  • Bronze whalers – solving the puzzle - Maritime Southern Africa, May/June 2004 (MS Word doc-39.5KB; pdf doc-2.61MB).

  • Rocking and Rolling on the Open Sea - by Maggi Barnard.  The Namibian Weekender, 14 May 2004 (HTML; pdf doc-659KB; HTML).

  • Research vessel hones in on Namibia’s secrets - by Maggi Barnard.   The Namibian, 13 May 2004 (HMTL; pdf doc-236KB).

  • BCLME Programme funds key projects - SANCOR Newsletter, April 2004 (MS Word doc-39.5KB).

  • Big, fast and beautiful: the bronzy is an ocean celeb - by Maggi Barnard.  The Namibian, 8 April 2004 (HTML; pdf doc-188KB).

  • World’s top scientists focus on hake stocks - Maritime Southern Africa, March/April 2004 (MS Word doc-51.5KB; pdf doc-5.69MB).

  • Top scientists assess big hake fisheries - Fishing News International, March 2004 (HTML, pdf doc-0.99MB).

  • International hake workshop held - Fishing Industry News, February 2004 (MS Word doc-41KB; pdf doc-1.93MB).

  • One stock, two stocks… whose stocks? - UCT Monday Paper, February 2004 (HTML, pdf doc-1.18MB).

  • New Studies Will Assess Impacts of Marine Mining - Maritime Southern Africa, January/February 2004 (HTML, pdf doc-729KB).

  • Benguela Current Commission helps ecosystem - World Fishing, January 2004 (HTML).

  • Scientists meet to review fall in hake stocks - Cape Argus, 13 January 2004 (HTML, pdf doc-204KB).

  • Why do South Africa, Namibia and Angola need to work together for the benefit of the Benguela region? - Maritime Southern Africa, November/December 2003 (HTML, pdf doc-594KB).

  • BCLME Programme newsletter. Issue 1 (3.22MB). October 2003.

  • Single strategy for 1.166m ton fishery - moves to manage Benguela Current stocks - Fishing News International, October 2003 (HTML, pdf doc-753KB).

  • BCLME Programme encourages regional co-operation - Fishing Industry News Southern Africa, October 2003  (HTML, pdf doc-398KB).

  • Benguela ecosystem survival project - Marine Scientist, Spring 2003 (pdf doc-1.29MB).

  • New Focus on red tides & low oxygen water - Maritime Southern Africa, July/August 2003 (HTML, pdf doc-333KB).

  • The Benguela Current: Namibia’s marine resource received a massive boost - UN in Namibia - The Newsletter of the United Nations in Namibia. Issue 2, July 2003 (HTML, pdf doc-665KB).

  • First BCLME projects to start in July - Fishing Industry News, June 2003 (HTML, pdf doc-237KB).

  • Mining companies embrace regional initiative - Maritime Southern Africa, May/June 2003 (HTML, pdf doc-509KB).

  • The BCLME Programme’s first projects are advertised nationally and internationally - SANCOR Newsletter, May/June 2003 (HTML, pdf doc-530KB).

  • Highlights of 2002/3 - SADCO Newsletter, May 2003 (pdf doc-240KB).

  • First Benguela contract to be issued by July - official - The Namibian, April 2003 (pdf doc-77.1KB).

  • The Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem Program: A massive boost for monitoring and management of the Benguela Ecosystem - SANCOR Newsletter, March/April 2003 (HTML, pdf doc-665KB).