The Caspian Environment Programme (CEP), with substantive support from GEF since 1998, has had three major achievements in conducting knowledge-based analytical/diagnostic and policy development work through the TDA/NCAP/SAP process, establishing a regional environmental dialogue and governance mechanism through Tehran Convention development (entry into force in 2006) and its Interim Secretariat, and resource mobilization initiatives encouraging considerable environmental investment by the littoral countries and modest investment by the private sector. Based on these achievements the project supports the littoral states' efforts to halt the decline in bioresources and to restore depleted fisheries in the Caspian Sea, through the implementation of agreed actions defined in the Caspian Strategic Action Plan (SAP), and to fully operationalize and make the Caspian Sea’s regional environmental governance mechanism sustainable. In line with the new GEF priorities, the major focus of GEF involvement will be to assist the countries to agree on the political commitments made to ecosystem-based joint action on sustainable fisheries and bioresources and introduce institutions and reforms to catalyze implementation of policies reducing over-fishing and benefiting communities.
Expected results:
Improved ecosystem-based aquatic bioresources management:
- Invasive species mitigation;
- Implemented policies & measures to increase reproductive success of Caspian’s diadromous fish species;
- Application of circum-Caspian approach to habitat conservation; and increased; Coastal communities participate in and contribute measurably to improved bioresearches conservation;Operational and sustainable Tehran Convention institutions:
- Coordination and synergy with other projects and activities including effective donor coordination and engagement;
- Implementation of Strategic Convention Action Plan (SCAP) at regional level and national/sub-national level;
- Enhanced stakeholders’ engagement in the Tehran Convention process and improved public access to information.
Partners in Action:
- Supreme Court
- Ministry of Justice
- Ministry of Information and Culture
- Agency for informatization and communications
- Local municipalities
- Human Rights NGOs
Document Actions