Publications and Activities. Progress Report

Activities undertaken during the reporting period:

  • The second leg of the At Sea Training Programme covering Iran, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan was planned.

  • Sediment samples from the first leg of the At Sea Training Programme in Azerbaijan and Russia were analysed in the IAEA laboratory in Monaco.

  • A joint questionnaire has been sent to the data users on their monitoring needs, the results of this work together with a review of laboratories will be used in the design of a regional monitoring programme.

  • The regional consultant, Reza Sheikleslami, is undertaking a land-based source assessment of the Iranian coast using the new GWIA adapted WHO methodology.


Activities to be undertaken in the next three months:

  • The ERACL Theme will continue analyses of data on contamination levels in the Caspian Sea collected from various international sources and projects, and new data provided by the ASTP Cruise.

  • A third leg of the ASTP is to be planned in conjunction with the oil consortium OKIOC in the northern Kazakh sector of Caspian will be implemented in mid September 2001.

  • A nutrient survey of the Iranian coast is to be planned to begin in summer 2001.

  • A joint UNDP/Tacis full land-based source assessment will be undertaken using the GWIA methodology.

  • The second ERACL workshop will take place May 5th-7th in Tehran.

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Theme for Effective Regional Assessment of Contaminant Levels
Department of the Environment (DOE), Marine Environment Bureau
187, Nejatollahi St, PO Box 15875-5181, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Tel.: +9821 8901096
Fax: +9821 8907223
© 2001-2003, CEP