Priority industrial sources for future control

Assessment reports from individual countries identify many specific cases where urgent action is needed to reduce sea-pollution from industrial sources. The areas of prior concern for the Caspian Sea according to the different countries are shown below.

Environmental Priority Areas in Azerbaijan Sector of the Caspian Sea

Baku Bay

Prevention of municipal and industrial wastewater discharge

Kura River

Establishment of an environmental management plan. Prevention of municipal, agricultural and industrial wastewater discharges to the Caspian Sea. Monitoring system establishment

Hosany Bay

Prevention of municipal and industrial wastewater discharge through Hovsany Channel

Sumgayit Coastal Area

Prevention of municipal and industrial wastewater discharge with advanced treatment

Neft Dashlary

Prevention of domestic and industrial wastewater discharge form oil production activities

the Caspian Sea

Ship transport: Prevention of polluted wastewater discharge, tanker ballast water discharge and other discharges according to MARPOL.


Environmental Priority Areas in Kazakhstan Sector of the Caspian Sea


Increased capacity of evaporation ponds to prevent overflow to the sea, reduction of pollution from onshore oil production and refinery and closure of flooded oil wells.


Minimize spreading of radioactive waste from Lake Karakol, wastewater treatment plant to be upgraded, reduction of pollution from onshore oil production and closure of flooded oil wells. Reduction of pollution discharges from industry.

The North Caspian Sea

To minimize the load of hydrocarbons, radionuclides, nutrients, heavy metals, etc.

The Caspian Sea

Ship transport: Prevention of polluted wastewater discharge, tanker ballast water discharge and other discharges according to MARPOL.


Environmental Priority Areas in Turkmenistan Sector of the Caspian Sea

Caspian Sea, Turkmenbasi, Cheleken, Bekdash, Lam, Jdanov oilfields

Prevention and minimization of oil and gas production pollution, industrial and municipal discharges of untreated wastewater to the Caspian Sea

The Caspian Sea

Ship transport: Prevention of polluted wastewater discharge, tanker ballast water discharge and other discharges according to MARPOL.


Environmental Priority Areas in Russian Sector of the Caspian Sea

Volga Delta, Terek Delta, Sulak Delta, Samur Delta

Minimization of pollution loads from rivers of nutrients, HC, heavy metals and other harmful substances. Renovation of existing, inefficient WWTP in Astrakhan and Dagestan.

the Caspian Sea

Ship transport: Prevention of polluted wastewater discharge, tanker ballast water discharge and other discharges according to MARPOL.


Environmental Priority Areas in Iran Sector of the Caspian Sea

The South Caspian Sea

Minimisation HC load, nutrients, heavy metals, pesticides, bacterial contamination, etc. originating from discharge of untreated domestic wastewater and run-off from agriculture (nutrients and pesticides). Construction of WWTP given high priority

the Caspian Sea

Ship transport: Prevention of polluted wastewater discharge, tanker ballast water discharge and other discharges according to MARPOL.

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