CCRES has welcomed Dr Agus Eko Nugroho, Pak Bintang Dwitya, and Ibu Nur Hadiati Endah from the Economic Research Center, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) as a new partner on the business development activity for Indonesia.
Working closely with Prof Damian Hine (team lead) and Dr Anna Phelan from The University of Queensland, the team undertook a scoping visit to Selayar, Indonesia, in May.
The scoping visit was designed to (i) identify local enterprises, economic activities conducted within the village and marine waters, available infrastructure, problems and concerns, key stakeholders, key drivers and value chain opportunities; (ii) develop a clearer understanding of existing livelihood strategies and the main problems and constraints; and (iii) inform the data collection framework.
During the visit, observations were made regarding value chain dynamics and markets for various products and businesses, and these will be further analysed in subsequent field visits.
The team visited Selayar again in August to further their analyses and meet with key stakeholders.