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Welcome to the DIKTAS Project Website

International Conference “Karst Without Boundaries”

International Conference

Conference material is available here...

The Project at a glance

The Protection and Sustainable Use of the Dinaric Karst Transboundary Aquifer System project – DIKTAS, is the first ever attempted globally to introduce sustainable integrated management principles in a transboundary karst freshwater aquifer of the magnitude of the Dinaric Karst System.

Collaboration Mechanisms

In the framework of the DIKTAS project, the four DIKTAS project countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro) have agreed to create two mechanisms aimed at improving consultation and exchange of information between the governmental entities that are involved in water resources management...


DIKTAS is a full-size GEF regional project, implemented by UNDP and executed by UNESCO-IHP. The core DIKTAS project partners are four GEF fund-recipient countries of the Dinaric region, namely Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro.

Did you know?

Here is some interesting information regarding the DIKTAS Project and karst aquifers!
The DIKTAS Newsletter

Notable Karst Areas on Global Scale


TDA is an assessment and prioritisation of transboundary water related issues of concern . It uses the best available verified scientific and technical information to examine the state of the environment and the root causes for its degradation. The analysis is carried out in a cross sectoral manner, focusing on transboundary problems without ignoring national concerns and priorities.

Click here for the DIKTAS TDA.

Click here for the TDA Summary.


