Support of the international community for the management of the Drin basin and its sub-basins – potential synergies with the GEF project
Representatives of the international community presented on-going and planned projects for the management of the Drin Basin and its sub-basins with the aim to identify potential synergies with the GEF Drin project. A discussion on the potential synergies followed.
- Initiatives and projects supported by the GIZ
Mr Hermann J. Plumm, Programme Director, Water Sector Reform; Coordinator Water and Environment, GIZ Office in Tirana 
- Initiatives and projects supported by the KfW
Mr René Eschemann, Director, KfW Office in Tirana and Prishtina 
- Initiatives and projects supported by the Italian Cooperation
Mr Giacomo Pides, Programme Officer, Italian Cooperation Office in Tirana 
Initiatives and projects supported by the UNDP
- Ms Yesim Oruc, Country Director, UNDP Office in Tirana 
- Ms Anita Kodzoman, Programme Officer and Head of Energy and Environment Unit, UNDP Office in Skopje 
- Ms Jovana Jovovic, Disaster Risk Reduction and Second National Communication Assistant, UNDP Office in Podgorica 