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HELCOM GIS data download service

ddt.jpgHELCOM's new GIS data download service allows users to view datasets on a background map of the Baltic Sea region and to download spatial datasets of interest.

The service is built using ESRI's ArcIMS, which accesses the datasets located in HELCOM's GIS database.

Instructions for downloading data

By using the "download" tool, vector type data (points, lines and polygons) can be downloaded as complete datasets, or, the user can clip the dataset to a limited area of interest. Raster datasets (images) can only be downloaded as whole datasets. Further instructions are available in the "help" section of the data delivery service.

Due to technical limitations of the service, the end users downloading datasets from the service are invited to take note of the following: 

  1. Unfortunately, the metadata (description of the dataset) is not included in the zip-packages when the datasets are downloaded. The user is therefore urged to read the metadata for each layer in the map service (accessible by clicking the layer name in the table of contents on the right side of the map). The metadata should then be saved in order for the user to have access to essential information about the dataset (data accuracy, history, copyright etc).
  2. The downloaded vector datasets are also missing the "projection file" due to technical restriction in the software used. HELCOM datasets use the coordinate reference system European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 (ETRS89) and the projection Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (ETRS89-LAEA) as recommended by the European Commission. This projection can be downloaded from here.
  3. Another restriction of the download service is that downloaded files are automatically renamed with numbers. Please, when downloading, make sure that you remember which dataset you are downloading, and remember to rename is accordingly on your own computer once the download is complete. Note that only one layer can be download at a time.

Some larger datasets may require several minutes to download. If you have trouble downloading certain (e.g. larger) datasets, you may request the HELCOM Secretariat (hanna.paulomaki@helcom.fi or minna.pyhala@helcom.fi) to send these to you via e-mail.




Are you using Internet Explorer 7?

Note: Some users have experienced difficulties downloading datasets using Internet Explorer 7 and 8, with the pop-up window asking whether to save or run the file failing to come up. This seems to be due to the default security settings in IE 7 and IE 8. To solve this problem, please follow these instructions:

  1. In Internet Explorer, open Tools / Internet Options
  2. Go to the Security tab and click on "Sites"
  3. Remove the tick mark on the "Require server verification..." check box and "Add this web site to the zone": http://maps.helcom.fi/. Then close the window.
  4. Click on "Custom level" under "Security level for this zone"
  5. Scroll down to the heading "Downloads" and enable "Automatic prompting for file downloads" by clicking on the radio button. Click on Ok. When asked "Are you sure you want to change the settings for this zone?" click on Yes.
  6. Refresh the page if you already have the data delivery service open by clicking Ctrl + refresh button.
  7. And of course remember to disable the pop-up blocker.

Copyright issues

We hope that these GIS datasets are of use to you. Please note that HELCOM data can be used freely for non-commercial purposes. You are requested to cite HELCOM as the data source when using this datasets in publications.

HELCOM regularly updates and makes corrections to some datasets (amendments are indicated in the metadata files) so you are encouraged to check for possible updates from time to time. Also, should you wish to share any of these datasets with a third party, it is advisable to recommend that the third party downloads the dataset from the HELCOM website to ensure that "old versions" are not being distributed.



Last updated 17 December 2008