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Head of Delegation
Mr. Tonny Niilonen
Ministry of the Environment
Agency for Spatial and Environmental Planning
Nature Unit
Harladsgade 53
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ö
Phone: +45 72544866
Fax: +45 32660479



Denmark is situated at the entrance to the Baltic Sea with Kattegat and the Belt Sea as the main parts of the inner Danish marine waters. These areas are very important for fishery and recreation activities and the shipping routes through these areas are extremely important for all the Baltic countries.

Marine Programmes

The Danish National Environmental Research Institute, which is a part of the Ministry of Environment and Energy, is co-ordinating the CHARM-project in relation to the implementation of the water Framework Directive. They also conduct the Danish part of the HELCOM Combine programme.

Furthermore the Danish Environmental Protection Agency co-ordinates a number of projects in relation to the environmental support to the east European countries.


Marine Biological Laboratory University of Copenhagen

Danish Ministry of the Environment

Danish National Environmental Research Institute (NERI)

DHI Water and Environment