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MEPs push for stronger marine environment law

masthead.JPG2205, 15/11/06


The European parliament has voted to substantially strengthen proposals for an EU marine environment framework directive issued by the European commission last year. Voting at first reading in Strasbourg on Tuesday, MEPs also adopted a separate non-legislative resolution criticising the commission for lack of ambition in a parallel thematic marine environment strategy (EED 24/10/05 http://www.endseuropedaily.com/19682).

In a key amendment to the directive the parliament says all European seas should reach "good environmental status" by 2017, rather than the commission's proposal of 2021. MEPs argue this will bring the law into line with the existing EU water framework directive, but it could create conflict with governments: last month several ministers said even the 2021 deadline would be difficult to accept (EED 24/10/06 http://www.endseuropedaily.com/21912).

The parliament added a definition of good environmental status, something ministers have also called for after the commission left the issue open. In other changes MEPs want to introduce regional sub-strategies requiring greater cross-border cooperation among member states.

Fast-track pilot projects for threatened areas such as the Baltic Sea are also proposed. Current plans for a pipeline through the Baltic have triggered MEPs to call for the improvement of impact assessments of major infrastructure projects in the marine environment.

The parliament wants to extend Natura 2000 to the marine environment so that a "coherent and representative network" of protected areas is established by 2012. Member states with coastlines are given stronger obligations to engage with non-EU states and land-locked EU countries.

* MEPs also backed an amendment to the Arhus convention to give citizens greater information about and more say in the release of genetically-modified organisms into the environment. Although it has no power to block the amendment, the parliament will have full co-decision rights when it comes to writing the change into EU law.

*Also in Strasbourg, the parliament endorsed proposals for a new EU air traffic management system, known as SESAR. Green MEPs welcomed the move, saying the new system could help curb the climate impact of aviation by controlling air speeds and thus fuel efficiency. It could also help select flight paths that minimise vapour contrails.

*Finally, MEPs formally backed a second-reading agreement with the council on the much-debated EU services directive. Many politicians and business representatives welcomed an end to more than two years of negotiations on the law, which will liberalise the EU market in some environment-related services.


Follow-up: European Parliament http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/public/default_en.htm, tel: +32 2284 2111. See also amendments to the framework directive http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+TA+P6-TA-2006-0482+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN&language=EN and resolution on the thematic strategy http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+TA+P6-TA-2006-0486+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN&language=EN, plus reactions from EPP-ED http://www.epp-ed.eu/Press/showpr.asp?PRControlDocTypeID=1&PRControlID=5439&PRContentID=9707&PRContentLG=en and NGOs http://www.greenpeace.eu/issues/news.html#061114_a.  Also The Greens on air traffic control http://www.greens-efa.org/cms/default/dok/156/156752.aviation_and_climate_change@en.htm, plus reactions to the services directive from the    EPP-ED http://www.epp-ed.eu/Press/showpr.asp?PRControlDocTypeID=1&PRControlID=5458&PRContentID=9734&PRContentLG=en, Socialists http://www.endseuropedaily.com/docs/61115c.doc, the commission http://europa.eu.int/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=SPEECH/06/687&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en,  EuroCommerce http://www.endseuropedaily.com/docs/61115b.doc and Unice


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