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Baltic and European news

Commission to issue EU climate warning

masthead.JPG2235, 08/01/07


Sea-levels, droughts, floods and heatwaves will all increase in Europe by 2100 under the influence of climate change, the European commission will warn on Wednesday, according to details of a draft paper seen by the Financial Times.

The communication on the consequences and costs of global warming in Europe will be released alongside the commission's major energy policy package, including proposals for new climate change policies for the post-2012 period (EED 20/12/06


According to a report by the newspaper on Saturday, the communication will warn that tens of thousands of Europeans could die from summer heat, especially in the south. In the north the increase would be nearly balanced by a reduction in deaths from winter cold.

The cost of sea-level rise could reach E42.5bn by 2080. More acid oceans would hit fish stocks, the paper reported, and droughts and floods would be more severe. Southern Europe's huge tourist industry could be severely undermined.

Follow-up: See Financial Times article http://www.ft.com/cms/s/358a1bd0-9ce9-11db-8ec6-0000779e2340.html.

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