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Dimas makes biodiversity 2009 policy priority

masthead.JPG2545, 20/05/08


EU environment commissioner Stavros Dimas has put enforcement of an EU plan to halt biodiversity loss by 2010 at the top of his political priorities for 2009.  Enforcement of existing European green laws more generally will also be a "key priority" next year, he told the European parliament's environment committee in Strasbourg on Monday.

Both the parliament and the commission will come to the end of their five-year mandates during 2009, a fact that will constrain opportunities to present major new policy proposals (EED 13/02/08 http://www.endseuropedaily.com/24831).

But Mr Dimas said the commission would propose legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the shipping sector if there is no "significant progress" on the issue at international level (EED 08/04/08 http://www.endseuropedaily.com/25183).  In 2009 the commission will also concentrate on preparations for the Copenhagen climate conference in December.


Follow-up: European parliament environment committee http://www.europarl.europa.eu/comparl/envi/default_en.htm, tel: +32 2

285 2111, and Dimas speech http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=SPEECH/08/254.


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