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Danes take aim at maritime air pollution



Wednesday 18 March 2009


Denmark has launched an action plan for reducing atmospheric emissions from shipping, in large part through the development and installation of environmentally friendly technology.

The "ambitious" initiative reflects the importance of technology as "one of the pillars in the endeavour to make Denmark a leading green nation", environment minister Troels Lund Poulsen said in a statement on Tuesday.

Noting that two-thirds of Denmark's air pollution originates beyond its borders, the minister declared it "crucial that [any] technologies we develop also be used by others than ourselves".

Funding is to be made available for a number of commercial R&D projects involving retrofits to older engines, exhaust scrubbing, cleaner fuels and the like, targeting particulates and sulphur and nitrogen compounds.


Follow-up: Danish environment ministry http://www.mim.dk/ and press release




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