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EU plugs "shore-side electricity" for shipping

masthead.JPG2093, 09/05/06

EU member states should encourage ports to provide electricity for ships at berth, according to a recommendation issued by the European commission on Monday.  The move should help reduce air pollution by enabling vessels to switch off their engines, which burn high-sulphur fuel.

By chance, the recommendation has emerged just as eight states bordering the North Sea agreed to introduce economic incentives for provision of shore-side electricity (EED 08/05/06 http://www.endseuropedaily.com/20922).  The Swedish government proposed its own tax incentives last week.

The EU recommendation, which is non-binding, calls on governments to offer economic incentives to port operators.  It highlights in particular the possibility for electricity tax reductions.

It also calls for the development of harmonised international standards and provides guidance on the costs, benefits and practicalities of connecting ships to the electricity grid.  In most cases the environmental benefits of switching "considerably exceed" the costs, it says.

The promotion of shore-side electricity, preferably from renewable energy sources, was an objective in last year's EU thematic strategy on air quality (EED 21/09/05 http://www.endseuropedaily.com/19451). The strategy warns that emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from ships are expected to exceed all land-based sources by 2020 if left unchecked. The EU introduced new controls on the sulphur content of shipping fuels in legislation adopted in 2005 (EED 13/04/05 http://www.endseuropedaily.com/18581).


Follow-up: European commission http://europa.eu.int/comm/index_en.htm, tel: +32 2 299 1111,

plus press releasehttp://www.endseuropedaily.com/docs/60509a.doc,

background study http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/air/pdf/task2_shoreside.pdf and transport air pollution pages



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