Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference
Working Group on Eutrophication
26th February 2007
WG comments to the HELCOM draft Baltic Sea Action
Plan, BSAP concerning eutrophication
To be communicated at the occasion of the
HELCOM Stakeholder Conference on 6th March 2007
The Baltic Sea Parliamentary Working-Group on Eutrophication, representing members of parliaments of all the Baltic Sea countries, The Baltic Assembly and the Nordic Council, wants to express the following:
1. Welcomes the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan and call for each of the countries to commit themselves to reduce the input of nutrients to the Baltic Sea which shall be guided by the clear ambition to arrive at a Baltic Sea unaffected by eutrophication within a reasonable time frame. The individual country should find its own cost-effective measures to achieve the reduction target. A Baltic Sea unaffected by eutrophication means that all sub-basins shall be having clear water, only natural algae blooming and natural oxygen levels in the water. The reduced concentrations of Phosphorous and Nitrogen will lead to natural populations of fish and sea plants etc.
2. Supports the proposal of implementation of efficient waste water treatment from municipalities and the increased connectivity to sewers
3. Support a proposal, as fast as possible, in the whole Baltic Sea region, to forbid the sale and use of washing detergents containing Phosphorous. The ban should be introduced in a way that, as fast as possible, encourages the industry to rapidly develop alternatives of phosphorous free detergents that are harmless to the environment
4. Urges HELCOM to specify the actions aiming at reducing the input from agriculture so that such measures will be included in the BSAP before November 2007 (when the CBSS ministers of environment are supposed to adopt the Action Plan at a meeting in Krakow, Poland)
5. Suggests that HELCOM assesses the feasibility of the potential of cost-effective reductions in the input from scattered settlements and small communities
6. Suggests that HELCOM assesses the feasibility and potential of nutrient reduction by banning all sewage discharge from larger vessels in the Baltic Sea
7. Urges HELCOM to specify the initiatives to be taken in international fora aiming at a substantial reduction of the airborne emissions of nitrogen to the Baltic Sea
8. Asks for detailed information from HELCOM on the proposal of establishing binding country-by-country quota for the nutrient reduction, to be accomplished within a short time limit of how many years? The reduction quota will be set at a level which will be guided by the clear ambition to arrive at the ecological objectives and targets within a reasonable time frame, but how will the total reduction amount — specified at sub-basin level - be broken down at the country level? Can the reduction amount also be broken down at sector level, including the input from the agricultural production?
9. Asks HELCOM for more information on how to further develop the proposal of nutrient quota trade system among countries
10. Suggests that the MARE modeling system should be further developed with the aim to e.g. enable it to make calculations on the reduction effects of specific regulations in the agricultural sector
11. Suggests that the BSAP should be evaluated in 2012 with the aim of introducing adjustments if necessary.
Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference Secretariat
c/o Nordic Council, Store Strandstraede 18. DK-1255 Copenhagen K
Phone +4533960400 Fax +453396W00