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HELCOM “Interactive web-based GIS maps” service is now updated and available at http://maps.helcom.fi/


During Friday 4 September the address of the HELCOM map services has been updated. Within 48 hours after that the new services should be normally available all over the world.

One of the new benefits of the updated services is that you can access all our map-services now via http://maps.helcom.fi . For example, the current MARIS map service  will be renamed to http://maps.helcom.fi/website/MARIS Another significant improvement is that the service is no longer served via http-port 81, which has been a problem for some of  our partners.  The updated service is using the default http-port 80.


For more information, please contact:


Håkan Blomberg

IT Administrator


Tel: +358 (0)207 412 631

Fax:+358 (0)207 412 639

E-mail: hakan.blomberg@helcom.fi